Almighty God, Christ of the last days, has expressed a variety of truths. He leads the whole of mankind with the word, which accomplishes the actual significance of the Word appearing in the flesh. From Almighty God’s word, people come to know God’s work, God’s disposition, and what God has and is, see God’s supremacy, wisdom, and almightiness, and also understand God’s kind intention for man’s salvation. … In the end, God’s word will show authority and let all people see that “God is as good as His word, and His word shall be accomplished, and that which is accomplished lasts forever,” and that God’s word accomplishes everything!
Many brothers and sisters in the Lord are waiting for the return of Lord Jesus. The prophecies in Revelation one after another all fulfill. Thus we expecting returned God more urgently. Returned Savior of the last days- Almighty God has loosed the seven seals, opened the book, and bring the salvation, let’s reunite with the Lord in today.
Showing posts with label God's Word. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God's Word. Show all posts
Friday, October 4, 2019
Sunday, September 8, 2019
A Letter to a Sister in the Lord: How to Be Honest Toward God
Sister Wang Yue,
Hi there! I have a question for which I’ve yet to find a good answer—I’d like to seek with regard to this question for a moment. The Lord Jesus taught us, “Truly I say to you, Except you be converted, and become as little children, you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 18:3). The Lord Jesus calls for us to be honest people, to be as simple and honest as children and to tell things like they are. Only as such may we enter into the kingdom of heaven. Having read God’s word, I know that being honest is very important and I would like to practice being an honest person in accordance with God’s request. However, in my interactions with people, when it comes to my own personal profit, I can’t bring myself to communicate my actual thoughts and beliefs. Sometimes I lie and deceive—I know this makes God unhappy and afterward I’m always very regretful, but I just can’t help it. I’m feeling very frustrated and don’t know how I ought to resolve this issue. With regard to this aspect of the truth concerning how to be an honest person, I’m curious to hear how you practice. Would you mind fellowshiping with me on this issue?
Yours sincerely,
Chen Xin
June 25, 2018
Friday, August 30, 2019
The Word of God | "The Age of Kingdom Is the Age of Word" (Excerpt 1)
Almighty God says, "In the Age of Kingdom, God uses the word to usher in a new age, to change the method of His work, and to do the work for the entire age. This is the principle by which God works in the Age of Word. He became flesh to speak from different perspectives, enabling man to truly see God, who is the Word appearing in the flesh, and His wisdom and wondrousness. Such work is done in order better to achieve the goals of conquering man, perfecting man, and eliminating man. This is the true meaning of using the word to work in the Age of Word. Through the word, man comes to know the work of God, the disposition of God, the essence of man, and what man ought to enter into. Through the word, the work God wishes to do in the Age of Word is brought to fruition in its entirety. Through the word, man is revealed, eliminated, and tried. Man has seen the word, heard the word, and become aware of the existence of the word. As a result, he believes in the existence of God, in the omnipotence and wisdom of God, as well as in God's love for man and His desire to save man. Though the word “word” is simple and ordinary, the word from the mouth of the incarnate God shakes up the entire universe; it transforms man's heart, notions, and old disposition, and the way the whole world used to appear. Through the ages, only the God of today works in this manner, and only He speaks thus and comes to save man thus. From this time forward, man lives under the guidance of the word, shepherded and supplied by the word. All humanity has come to live in the world of the word, within the curses and the blessings of God's word, and there are even more human beings who have come to live under the judgment and chastisement of the word. These words and this work are all for the sake of man's salvation, for the sake of fulfilling God's will, and for the sake of changing the original appearance of the world of old creation. God created the world with the word, leads men from all over the universe with the word, and again conquers and saves them with the word. Finally, He shall use the word to bring the entire world of old to an end. Only then is the management plan wholly complete. Throughout the Age of Kingdom, God uses the word to do His work and achieve the results of His work; He does not work wonders or perform miracles; He merely does His work through the word. Because of the word, man is nourished and supplied; because of the word, man gains knowledge and true experience. Man in the Age of Word has truly received exceptional blessings. He suffers no physical pain and simply enjoys the bountiful supply of the word of God; without needing to go seeking or journeying forth, from the midst of his ease he sees the appearance of God, hears Him speak with His own mouth, receives what He supplies, and watches Him personally doing His work. These are things that men in ages past were unable to enjoy, and these are blessings that they could never receive" (The Word Appears in the Flesh).
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Full 2019 Christian Movie "Baptism by Fire" | Based on a True Story (English Dubbed)
Full 2019 Christian Movie "Baptism by Fire" | Based on a True Story (English Dubbed)
The Lord Jesus said, "Not every one that said to Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that does the will of My Father which is in heaven" (Matthew 7:21). Just how should we pursue to become people who do the heavenly Father's will and are obedient to God, so that God will bring us into the kingdom of heaven?
Christian Song Enze was arrested and imprisoned by the Chinese Communist Party for seven years because he believed in God and preached God's gospel. After his release, he insisted on continuing to expend for God by spreading the gospel. He feels that by forsaking his home and career, laboring, and working, he is doing God's will, and that he is certain to gain God's approval and be brought into the kingdom of heaven by God. Later, Song Enze's son becomes seriously ill, putting his life in danger, over which Song Enze bears a grudge against God, attempts to argue with God, and even loses his desire to do his duties. Through what is shown to him by the facts of his situation and the revelations in God's word, Song Enze realizes that his many years of forsaking and expending for God were originally an attempt to barter for God's grace and blessings, and that he is not someone obedient to God. Finally, through seeking, he finally learns how to pursue to escape his corrupt dispositions, become truly obedient to God, and be saved by God.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
2019 Christian Movie | Based on a True Story | "It's Good to Believe in God"
To earn enough money to live a good life, Ding Ruilin and her husband put in bitterly hard work to open and run a business. But, thanks to the CCP government's exploitation and abuse, they remain heavily in debt, and have no choice but to go abroad to work. To make more money, Ding Ruilin takes on two jobs. The heavy burden of her work and the indifference of the people around her make her realize the pain and helplessness of living for money. In the midst of her pain and confusion, she meets high school classmate Lin Zhixin. In their talks, Ding Ruilin sees that Lin Zhixin has come to understand many things because of her faith in God. With God's presence, she feels spiritual peace and happiness and lives in a relaxed, easy state, which makes Ding Ruilin want to believe in God as well. Soon, to make even more money, Ding Ruilin and her husband take over a restaurant, but long-term fatigue causes Ding Ruilin to become seriously ill, which in turn leaves her at risk of paralysis. The torment of her illness makes Ding Ruilin begin to reflect on life. What should people live for? Is it worth sacrificing your life for wealth and fame? Can money help people escape emptiness and misery? Can it save people from death? Through her sisters' fellowship on God's word, Ding Ruilin is able to clearly see the answers to these questions about life, she learns about the most important thing to pursue in life, and she finally finds spiritual release. Through the guidance in God's word, Ding Ruilin finally discovers happiness in life …
Recommended for You:How Do We Worship God in Spirit and in Truth?
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
2019 Christian Family Movie | "A Mother's Love" | A Heart-touching Christian Story
A Mother's Love is a Christian family movie that examines the subject of how to raise children.
"Knowledge can change your fate" and "The son becomes a dragon, the daughter becomes a phoenix" are the hopes that nearly all parents have for their children. To ensure that her daughter Jiarui is able to pass her university entrance exams and test into a good university, Xu Wenhui decides to retire from her job as a sales director to accompany Jiarui as she studies to retake her tests. Xu Wenhui's high-pressure teaching methods and the competitive stress of the college entrance examinations drive her daughter to collapse, and nearly to desperation. Xu Wenhui feels deep remorse over this: She thought that everything she did was for her daughter's benefit, but instead, she only caused her daughter pain and hurt…. This is when her old classmate Fang Xinping preaches God's gospel to her. Through reading God's word, Xu Wenhui finally understands why pursuing ideals like "Knowledge can change your fate" will only hurt herself and her child, and comes to understand how to educate her daughter in a way that expresses real love …
Tuesday, July 2, 2019
Have You Gained the Way to Eternal Life?
As Believers in the Lord, Do We Have the Way to Eternal Life?
The Lord Jesus said, “But whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life” (John 4:14). Many brothers and sisters in the Lord read the Lord’s word and believe that the Lord Jesus has the way to everlasting life, and He gave us the way long ago. In our years of believing in the Lord, we have continued to confess our sins and repent according to His teachings, we have suffered and paid a price to spread the Lord’s gospel, we have shepherded His churches, we have borne crosses to follow Him, we have been patient and tolerant with others, and we have not rejected His name when disasters or persecution befall us. We are able to keep the Lord’s path, so we already have the way to eternal life, and when the Lord comes, He will lift us up into the kingdom of heaven, where we will gain everlasting life. But, is this viewpoint correct? Does it accord with the truth?
Sunday, June 16, 2019
Who Lets Him Walk Easily Out of the Wilderness Into Canaan
One evening, I was very happy I saw Brother Liu log onto Skype. I remembered that Brother Liu had believed in the Lord for many years and that in the past he was always doing service work in the church. But in the past few years the church had grown increasingly desolate and the faith of the brothers and sisters had chilled. He was passive and feeble, just busying himself with his engineering projects, and concerned only with his physical self. He had not come to church for a long time. It was something rare to come across him that day, so we quickly started chatting …
Without realizing it we got to talking about our own recent spiritual condition. I was going to tell him just like I used to about how my spirit was withered and dark, but something Brother Liu shared with me took me by surprise. He had a unique explanation for why the church had grown desolate, and what he said had lots of light. I hadn’t heard anything like it before. I was so impressed to see how much he had gleaned in such a short amount of time!
Thursday, June 13, 2019
3 Must-Knows for How to Deal With Depression
Editor’s Note: In recent years, depression has snuck into our lives, affecting more and more people. Many are tormented by this disease—some lose their hope in life and live in pain, and some even lose their courage to go on living, choosing to commit suicide to end their own lives. Why is it that people experience depression? How should we deal with it, and how can we get out of the trap of depression?
Depression—A Terrifying Disease
In a report released on March 22, 2018, the World Health Organization said that depression is a very common worldwide disease with over three hundred million people suffering from it. Long-term moderate or severe depression can become a serious condition, and at its worst, can lead to suicide. Nearly 800,000 people die every year from suicide, and it has become the second leading cause of death among populations between the ages of 15 and 29.
Relevant information indicates that the clinical presentation of depression is mainly a depressed mood, which can shift from feeling glum to hopeless and in despair, or even becoming completely fed up with life. This can lead to suicide attempts or suicidal behavior. In some cases, there is clear anxiety or psychomotor agitation, and in serious cases there may be hallucinations, delusions, or other symptoms of psychological disturbances. Many who suffer from depression also share their own internal pain and struggle with their suicidal ideation on a daily basis, as there is a constant internal voice telling them: “Just die, and everything will be better”; “Take that medicine, it’ll be so sweet!” That kind of pain can be inescapable.
My Life Principles Left Me So Damaged
The phrase “All lay loads on a willing horse” is one with which I am all too personally familiar. My husband and I were both particularly guileless people in the world. When it came to matters that involved our own personal benefit or loss, we weren’t the type to haggle or fuss with others. Where we could be forbearing we were forbearing, where we could be accommodating we also did our best to be accommodating. As a result, we often found ourselves bullied by others. So I really believed the saying “All lay loads on a willing horse” to be absolutely true—if you have too much kindness in your heart, if you’re too accommodating and modest in your affairs, you’re very likely to be bullied. With this in mind, I resolved to no longer subject myself to all that bullying and live in frustration: I vowed not to be too accommodating in future matters and in dealings with others.
Friday, June 7, 2019
What Is God’s Will Behind the Parable of the Master and Servant?
Ever since we were baptized and we returned to the Lord, we have often heard our pastors and elders say, “The apostle Paul said, ‘I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: From now on there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but to all them also that love his appearing’ (2 Timothy 4:7–8). As long as we forsake everything, work, suffer and expend ourselves for the Lord, and endure to the end, then when He returns, we will be crowned with glory, be raised up, and enter the kingdom of heaven.”
Thursday, June 6, 2019
Relationship With God: As a Christian, Regularly Attending Gatherings Cannot Be Neglected! (Audio Essay)
Hello brothers and sisters of Spiritual Q&A,
I get very tired from working during the day, and I do not sleep very well at night. As a result, I am not willing to make it to gatherings on time. I do not like to be restricted. I feel that if I have spiritual needs, as long as I look for my brothers and sisters to chat during those times, it should be fine. I wonder what the cause of this issue is. How should I resolve this?
An Jing
Hello Sister An Jing,
You said that you are not willing to attend gatherings on time and that when you feel you have spiritual needs, that is the only time you will actively look for your brothers and sisters to chat. We can think like this because we do not understand what truly believing in God and the importance of gatherings are. Thank the Lord. I will talk a little bit about my understanding about this aspect. I hope it will be useful to you.
Monday, June 3, 2019
Finding God Is True Happiness (Part 2)
After praying, I read some of God’s words: “‘Money makes the mare go’ is the philosophy of Satan and it prevails among every human society. You could say that it is a trend because it has been instilled into the heart of every single person and is now affixed in their heart. People went from not accepting this saying to growing used to it so that when they came into contact with real life, they gradually gave tacit approval to it, acknowledged its existence and finally, they gave it their own seal of approval. Is this right? (Yes.) Isn’t this process that of Satan corrupting man?” (“God Himself, the Unique V” in The Word Appears in the Flesh). “With man’s demand for ever increasing amounts of money, people unknowingly came to love money, love gain and love enjoyment more and more. So did people come to view money as more important? When people view money as more important, they unknowingly neglect their reputation, their renown, prestige, and integrity; they neglect all these things, don’t they? When you engage in business, you see someone else taking different approaches and using various means to swindle people and get rich. Although the money earned is ill-gotten gains, they get richer and richer. Their whole family engages in the same business as you, but they enjoy life more than you do, and you feel bad, saying: ‘Why can’t I do that? Why can’t I earn as much as they do? I must think of a way to get more money, to make my business prosper.’ You then ponder this through. … Every single person wants to use cheating means and violent methods to live in amongst their fellow man; they lie, cheat and become violent in order to seize their own livelihood; … they do anything they want using violent and evil ways. Is this humanity not terrifying? (Yes.) After hearing Me talk about these things just now, do you not think it terrifying to live in amongst this kind of crowd, in this world and in this environment that Satan has corrupted? (Yes.) So have you ever felt yourselves to be pitiful? You must feel it a little now. (Yes.)” (“God Himself, the Unique VI” in The Word Appears in the Flesh).
Finding God Is True Happiness (Part 1)
My father is just an ordinary elementary school teacher, and during my childhood I lived with him in the dormitory that the school provides for its staff. We lived a simple and frugal life, as most people did in that era of hardships. The thing I remember most is playing with the other teachers’ kids in the school grounds after school. One of the kids was from a much wealthier family (his mother worked in the Bureau of Finance). Every day we played until it was almost dark and then he would make a bowl of instant noodles, take out a piece of fried donut, and eat it all with gusto. We other kids just stood by and looked on hungrily as the lovely smell wafted over and made us drool. Every time this happened, my frustrated stomach would rumble loudly, which always made me feel embarrassed and at a loss about what to do. At that time I resented the fact that I was from a poor household and that my father had no talents—he couldn’t even afford a packet of instant noodles…. I resented my father, but I also made a promise to myself that I was going to make a lot of money and have a lifestyle that others would envy. From that time on I had no interest in studying, and all I could think about was leaving school, getting a job and relying on my own hard work to improve my life. However, my father insisted that I go to senior high school but I was adamant about not wanting to study. I wanted to leave school and go out to work instead because I was sure that this was the only way that I would find happiness and prosperity quickly enough.
Sunday, June 2, 2019
How a Christian Established a Good Work Relationship With Her Colleague
Editor’s Note: People often say there is no friendship between people where our interests are concerned. It’s true. In modern society, where individual interest comes before everything, family ties, friendship, and love are difficult to sustain in the face of our interests. It’s the same for Sister Jianxin, whose relationship with the friend she can talk about anything with sours and turns to deadlock thanks to her consideration of her own interests. But later, Jianxin and her friend are able to resolve their conflicts and can finally get along as they once did. How did Jianxin do it? Let’s read about her experience.
Once I Believed I Put Others Before Myself and Could Get Along With Anyone
I work as a saleswoman in a telecommunications goods store, and I primarily sell network accessory packages for mobile phones. I have always considered myself to be a generous, broad-minded person who can get along with anyone. I remember once, at a meeting, a sister asked me if I ever argued with my colleagues at work because of my interests, and without thinking I said confidently, “No! When customers enter the shop, whoever they walk toward receives them. We never have disputes about that, and I’m not that kind of person who only cares about my interests and puts myself before everyone else.” I didn’t expect that not long after I said this, a series of things took place with my colleague that completely overturned my evaluation of myself.
Some time ago, our store was busier than usual, and when the boss saw it was too busy for the regular staff to handle, he hired a temporary worker, Hannah. She was cheerful and talkative. The boss asked me to train her in the business, and I happily agreed. Next, I very seriously taught Hannah about the ins and outs of the business, and when she received customers, I taught her how to deal with them. Before long, she was familiar with the basics. Hannah was very grateful to me, and soon we became good friends who could talk about anything.
As Sales Decline, Cracks Appear in Our Friendship
Hannah made rapid progress, and soon was successfully closing almost every sale. Slowly, Hannah’s sales exceeded mine, and I began to get a little uncomfortable.
One day, after Hannah and another colleague went out, a couple came to the store and I received them. I helped the male find the package suitable for his mobile phone, and told his wife about our other offerings. This is when Hannah came back. She took care of the customer’s wife, and another colleague helped Hannah to make the sale. Very quickly, the sale was closed. When I saw that, I was very angry, “That was originally my customer, but you stole her. That’s completely unethical, and it’s completely over the line! No, I can’t just let this go. I have to steal my customer back!” I was too embarrassed to fight over a sale in front of the customer, so I suppressed my anger, but I developed a prejudice against Hannah. My sales volume was much lower than hers that month. Discontented, I thought, “If I hadn’t let what should have been my sale go, my sales total wouldn’t be so low. I’ll never let Hannah steal another one of my customers again!”
After that, I distributed flyers outside the store every day, trying to attract business. As soon as I saw customers enter the store, I immediately greeted them, afraid they would be taken away by Hannah. I wasn’t as enthusiastic about Hannah as before, and when she asked me questions, I very rarely told her the answers, because I was afraid that telling her would help her improve her performance, which would be bad for me, so I only paid attention to my own sales. After a while, my sales volume improved, and I was happy about that, but my relationship with Hannah had become very cold. Soon after that, something happened that soured our relationship even further …
One day, as I was on duty with Hannah, a female customer came into the store. I went to receive her and learned that she wanted to reactivate an expired number. I asked her for the number and her personal information, and just as I was about to continue processing her, Hannah said she had previously taken care of this customer. I was furious, and thought, “If she is your customer, she should have gone directly to you. You stole my customer in the past, so now, even if this counts as stealing your customer, it’s only fair. How can I just let you have her?” I was just thinking about arguing with her when several more customers came in. I had no choice but to go receive the new customers. Just when I had finished, Hannah came over and said she forgot to ask for the female customer’s phone number. I said rudely, “She’s your customer, why are you asking me for it?” She said unhappily, “I was just asking. If you don’t have it, never mind.” I couldn’t bear to hold my temper in anymore. I exploded at her, “She’s your customer, so you should ask her for it!” Not wanting to look weak, she said just as angrily, “She is my customer, and I won’t let you take her!” I was very angry. I wanted to tell about all the things she did to steal my customers in the past, to let my colleagues know about her unethical behavior and warn them to avoid her in the future. But before I could speak, she said impatiently, “I don’t want to talk to you.” Then she walked away. As I watched her go, I was very angry. I felt that she was ungrateful and unreasonable. I had helped her so much in the past, and this was how she treated me. I decided not to care about her anymore.
Discovering the Root of the Problem, Swearing an Oath to Practice the Truth
After work, Hannah and I went home without even saying “goodbye.” On my way home, I thought about what happened during the day. I felt particularly miserable and tormented, and I couldn’t help but think, “How did our relationship get so bad over this little thing? I’ve revealed so much corruption, and the way I’ve acted doesn’t meet God’s requirements of Christian behavior.” At the meeting with my brothers and sisters that night, I explained all these things, and a sister showed me a passage of God’s words “Cruel, brutal mankind! The conniving and intrigue, the jostling with each other, the scramble for reputation and fortune, the mutual slaughter—when will it ever end? … How many do not act for the sake of their own interests? How many do not oppress and discriminate against others for the sake of maintaining their own status?” (“The Wicked Must Be Punished”).
She then fellowshiped, “God’s word reveals the state of mankind after being corrupted by Satan. After Satan corrupted us, the idea of interest is first in our minds. In all we say and do, we strive to further and safeguard our own interests, and even struggle, fight, and steal amongst ourselves for it. Since ancient times, everyone from kings to commoners, relatives, friends, and colleagues, no matter how old or in what industry, can get along peaceably and amicably where interests aren’t involved. But once our personal interests are involved, we turn about and become ruthless, to the point that even fathers and sons can fight and become rivals. From this, we can see that we completely lose our humanity and reason where our interests are concerned. For the sake of our personal interests, we can do things that betray our consciences and morality, we forget any friendship that was originally there, and we lose our normal humanity. These are the results of our corruption by Satan.”
When I heard this, I thought back and realized my own interests were exactly the reason I was scheming and squabbling with Hannah. When Hannah took my customers, my sales went down, and that made me very worried. Several times, I had wanted to argue with her, and even wanted to steal her customers to improve my performance. For the sake of my interests, I had disregarded our previous friendship and begun bickering tit-for-tat with Hannah, both openly fighting and secretly plotting. I wasn’t acting in a Christian manner at all. Realizing this, I couldn’t help but feel miserable. I thought of how I had openly declared that I never squabbled with my colleagues over my own interests, but after seeing the revelations in God’s words and what was exposed in me by the facts, I understood that I put interest before everything else too. I was no better than anyone else. I felt very ashamed.
Then, my sister read another passage of God’s word, “In the past, when the words of God have not become people’s lives, it was Satan’s nature that took charge and dominated within them. What specific things were within that nature? For example, why are you selfish? … ‘Everyone for himself and the devil take the hindmost.’ This one phrase expresses the root of the problem: The logic of Satan has become people’s lives, and no matter what they do, whether it’s for some purpose or other, they are only doing it for themselves. People all think that ‘Every man for himself and the devil take the hindmost.’ This is the life and the philosophy of man, and it also represents man’s nature. ‘Every man for himself and the devil take the hindmost,’ this statement of Satan’s is precisely its poison, and when internalized by man it becomes man’s nature. Satan’s nature is exposed through this statement; it completely represents it. This poison becomes man’s life and becomes the foundation of his existence; corrupted humanity has been consistently dominated by this for thousands of years” (“How to Take the Path of Peter”).
Through reading God’s word and my sister’s fellowship, I realized that the reason I bickered and fought with Hannah over customers for my own interests was because I was living by the satanic poisons of ideas like, “Everyone for himself and the devil take the hindmost,” and “Fight for every inch of land and seize every bit you can get.” Driven on by these Satanic toxins, my interactions with others were all conducted by the principle of “for myself and my interests.” No matter what I did, I always tried to protect my own interests. I didn’t want to suffer even the tiniest loss, which made me selfish, despicable, only interested in furthering my own interests, and ready to fight tit-for-tat over every slight and offense. I remembered how when Hannah first came to the shop, she didn’t know the business, her sales totals were lower than mine, and she didn’t steal my customers, so we got along normally, and I did my best to teach and help her. But after her sales totals exceeded mine, I started to be jealous of her, especially after she received my customers and began to threaten my interests. I felt that was unfair, and began to be prejudiced against her. After that, when she had problems and came to me, I didn’t want to tell her the answers, because I was afraid she would use that knowledge to steal more of my customers. In the end, to improve my own sales results, I completely disregarded my past friendship for her, started to steal her customers, and refused to help her, leading to a complete break in our relationship and forcing both of us to live in torment and anxiety. I thought of how she had just come to the shop to work, and was unfamiliar with almost everything, so by all rights I should have helped her, but because of my own interests and my jealousy that she performed better than I did, I refused to help her when she was having difficulties and even tried to steal her customers. My own interests had completely overtaken my mind. I was truly too selfish and despicable! And as I realized this, I saw that I had been too deeply corrupted by Satan, that I didn’t have a shred of normal humanity, and that I didn’t have much conscience or reason. At the same time, I thanked God from the bottom of my heart for His guidance. Only through what this environment revealed was I able to have some understanding of my selfish, despicable satanic nature, and to know that living by these satanic poisons could only make me ever more corrupt, make me bicker over every little bit of my interests, and make it impossible for me to have normal relationships with people. When I understood these things, I silently swore an oath that I would no longer live by these satanic notions and always consider my personal interests. I would seek the truth, escape these satanic dispositions, and live out normal humanity.
My First Time Practicing the Truth Partially Repaired Our Awkward Relationship
The next day, when I came to the store, I really wanted to say hello to Hannah when I saw her. But when I thought about her stealing my business before, that desire completely disappeared, and I couldn’t say the words when they came to my lips. She pretended not to see me when I looked at her and worked on the task at hand instead. That was how Hannah and I spent the day, each busy with our own work and ignoring each other. The whole shop seemed to be shrouded in a smog of awkwardness. Being in such an environment made me very uncomfortable. I wanted to be kind to Hannah, but I didn’t know how to do it. So, I prayed to God and asked for His guidance to practice the truth, let go of myself, and live out normal humanity.
One day, a mother and her son came to the store. While Hannah took care of the son, I chatted with the mother about what kind of package was suitable for her phone. Hannah noticed, and before long joined the conversation. I thought to myself, “This sale should go to me. In the past, when I took care of your customers, I let you keep those sales, so listing this sale as mine isn’t too much to ask.” Just when I was about to say this to Hannah, I suddenly realized I was fighting for my own interests, so I quickly prayed to God, “God, I don’t want to be so selfish again. I want to betray myself and let go of my interests.” The prayer brought me closer to God, and I felt very moved. I thought that even if this doesn’t turn out to be my sale, I can practice the truth according to God’s requirements, not live by my corrupt disposition of selfishness, and find release, freedom, security, and peace in my heart. Isn’t that more valuable? So, I gave this customer to Hannah.
After a while, I was taking care of another customer, and Hannah proactively helped me convince the customers to make the purchase. When I saw this, I was very touched, and smiled in my heart. When it was time to settle accounts that evening, I noticed that mine were a bit off. Hannah saw that I was having trouble and voluntarily came to help me find the reason. At that moment, I felt that our relationship had improved, and that the atmosphere in the shop had eased a lot. I was especially happy, because this was the result of practicing the truth.
When the Circumstances Returned, I Stood Witness for God and Humiliated Satan
In what seemed like the blink of an eye, it was Hannah’s last day of work. The customer whose phone number Hannah had forgotten before returned to the store and asked if the number was recovered. Hannah wasn’t there at the moment, and I thought to myself, “Should I handle this customer, or wait for Hannah to come back and do it? Should I steal this customer?” As I hesitated, I suddenly remembered a passage of God’s word, “Everything that happens to people is when God needs them to stand firm in their testimony to Him. Nothing major has happened to you at the moment, and you do not bear great testimony, but every detail of your daily life relates to the testimony to God. If you can win the admiration of your brothers and sisters, your family members, and everyone around you; if, one day, the unbelievers come, and admire all that you do, and see that all that God does is wonderful, then you will have borne testimony” (“Only Loving God Is Truly Believing in God”).
The enlightenment I found in God’s word made me realize that in all the things that happen to us every day, no matter how large or small, we should always stand on God’s side, practice the truth, live out normal humanity, and use the way we live out our own realities to glorify and testify God. Also, the fact that God allowed these circumstances to come to me was God’s inspection of me, to see if I lived by satanic toxins like “Everyone for himself and the devil take the hindmost,” and acted to protect my own interests, or if I practiced the truth according to God’s word and lived out normal humanity. I reflected on the idea and thought I had just exposed, using the opportunity of Hannah’s absence to steal her customer, and saw that I was truly selfish and despicable, and still wanted to struggle for my own interests. No! I had to betray my own selfish nature, be someone who acted with the reason and character God requires, and humiliate Satan. When I realized this, I simply asked for the customer’s phone number, and when Hannah returned, I gave the customer’s number to her.
As we left work, Hannah took the initiative to ask me to forgive her for anything she had done wrong in the past. I used the chance to open up and tell her what I felt, after which we embraced and said goodbye. I was very grateful to God, because it was God’s guidance and the enlightenment I found in God’s words that allowed us to resolve the conflict between us.
Powerful Realizations After My Experience
On the way home, I thought back on all my interactions with Hannah over this period, as well as the truth I had come to understand through this process, and I felt very touched. I saw that God’s work is very practical. God uses the environments, people, matters, and things around me to reveal my satanic nature, and uses the judgment and revelations in His words to make me understand my corrupt dispositions, give me a path to practice, and allow me to live out a little normal humanity. This was all God’s practical, real salvation for me! Thanks be to God! In the future, I hope to conscientiously use my life to experience and feel the environments God arranges for me, and from them learn to reflect on and understand my corrupt dispositions, seek the truth to resolve them, and one day, achieve dispositional change, live out normal humanity, and console God’s heart!
Friday, May 31, 2019
Relying on God: It is Possible to Get a Good Job Without Flattering People
In summer this year, the Christian Zhang Li began work at a large children’s amusement park. There were many job posts and different personnel were responsible for each post. Confronted with this kind of working environment, Zhang Li thought to herself: “No matter where I work, interpersonal relationships are the hardest to handle. For the sake of their own interests, people either engage in jealous disputes and scheme against each other, or they flatter each other and try to curry favor with each other—they live by satanic life philosophies in everything they do. I am a believer in God and everything I do and say must accord with God’s words. I must fear God and shun evil, not engage in any satanic life philosophy and not do anything that would bring shame on God’s name.”
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Resolving the “Cold War” Makes My Life Even Happier!
When I got married, my family advised me that “All lay loads on the willing horse,” that after marriage, I must be in charge so that I’m not taken advantage of, so that my life will be fulfilled and happy. So, after marriage, I always wanted to be in charge and that whatever I said would go. In the beginning, my husband would consult me for all matters big and small in our home. But as time went on, he would often not consult with me, but do things according to his will. Because of this, I felt rather unhappy. I felt that my husband didn’t take me seriously. I thought, “If things continue like this, I wouldn’t have a place to stand on in this family.” In order that I could be in charge, I would often sulk and ignore my husband until he softened and said nice things to me, and things only ended when I was satisfied.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Is Forgiveness of Sins Gaining the Way of Eternal Life?
Very early one morning, a ray of sun came through the window blinds and landed on the bamboo plant on my desk. It seemed to glow with vitality in the sun. Finishing up my spiritual devotionals, I turned on my computer and browsed to a gospel website where I happened to see someone had posted a question about if we have gained the way of eternal life on a discussion board. Everyone was really actively and enthusiastically posting their own opinions, of which there were many. Some brothers and sisters said that as long as we’ve accepted the Lord Jesus’ redemption, we have already gained the way of eternal life. Others said that we are always living in sin and cannot keep fast to the Lord’s way, so when living in such a state, is that really gaining the way of eternal life? …

Saturday, May 25, 2019
2019 Christian Worship Dance | "Joined by Love"
2019 Christian Worship Dance | "Joined by Love"
We travel from afar to gather in the house of God,
eating and drinking God’s words and living the life of the church each day.
We practice and experience God’s words, truly enjoying the understanding of the truth.
Emptiness, pain, entanglement—they are all in the past.
God’s words have brought us together;
how sweet it is to enjoy these words in our hearts.
Loving each other, brimming with joy and laughter,
understanding the truth and praising God, our hearts are set free!
We gather before God, each of us with a heart that loves Him.
Reading God’s words, there is light in our hearts, and a path to practice in all things.
Helping and supporting each other, we live in God’s love.
Shedding falseness and deceit, we train to be honest.
God’s words bring us together,
our hearts connect, and we love each other, as close as can be.
Seeing that God is so lovely, our hearts are impassioned;
our hearts love God and praise God, how blessed we are!
Looking back at times together, we feel bittersweet,
they have become unforgettable memories.
God has brought us to today, and we have experienced so much of His love.
After experiencing trials and refinement, there is change in our life disposition.
Undertaking the mission to bear witness to God, we go our different ways.
God’s words lead us forever onwards, we spread His good news on earth.
Brothers and sisters, stand up with one heart and mind;
loving God means being mindful of His will.
No matter how great the suffering, we will never back down;
forever shall we love God and testify to Him, we will be loyal to Him to the very end!
Brothers and sisters, stand up with one heart and mind;
spread the gospel of the kingdom and follow God’s will.
We yearn for the day of God’s glory, when we can gather again,
together with God, never apart!
from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs
Thursday, May 23, 2019
How to Get Over a Breakup
By Shuyi
Early one morning at the start of summer, a faint fragrance permeated the air and sunlight poured into every corner. Qinyi, wearing a flower-patterned chiffon dress, sat feeling happy at the subway station, waiting for the next train to come. Turning her head, Qinyi happened to see on a video screen a girl breaking up with a boy because he had been two-timing her, then the girl turning away and leaving with tears running down her cheeks. Qinyi stared fixedly at the screen. Just then, she suddenly thought of how she had been before, when she had harbored a longing for a beautiful love where she and her boyfriend would walk through life together, but in the end, she had received only scars and wounds …
Ever since she was small, Qinyi loved to listen to the song, The Butterfly Lovers, and she loved even more to watch the TV opera, also called The Butterfly Lovers, within which the “Only when the mountains fall and heaven and earth are one will I be parted from you” love story of the protagonists always left her feeling profoundly moved. She hoped to also have a love which would last until the heavens and the earth grew old, and which would last for all her life.
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