After Liang Zhi believed in God, he consistently sought with enthusiasm, and threw himself into fulfilling his duties. After a number of years, he was elected as a church leader. During the time that he performed his duties as a church leader, he realized that some of the brothers and sisters were more competent than he, which made him unhappy to the extent that he was jealous of them. In order to save face and protect his status, he secretly competed with them to see who was better, and he scrambled for fame and status. Fame and status seemed like invisible shackles binding him tightly, tying him down, leading him to do things in violation of the truth and rebelling against God. Because the carrying out of his duties was only for the sake of fame and status, and not in pursuit of the truth, the result was that he lost the work of the Holy Spirit.
Many brothers and sisters in the Lord are waiting for the return of Lord Jesus. The prophecies in Revelation one after another all fulfill. Thus we expecting returned God more urgently. Returned Savior of the last days- Almighty God has loosed the seven seals, opened the book, and bring the salvation, let’s reunite with the Lord in today.
Showing posts with label the truth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the truth. Show all posts
Friday, November 8, 2019
Monday, November 4, 2019
Best Praise Song and Dance | God Has Come to China | "Christ's Kingdom Is Realized Among Men"
Best Praise Dance | God Has Come to China | "Christ's Kingdom Is Realized Among Men"
Almighty God incarnate
appears in the last days in the East,
just like a righteous sun arising;
mankind has seen the true light appear.
The righteous and majestic, loving and merciful God
humbly hides among men,
issuing truth, speaking and working.
Almighty God is face-to-face with us.
The God you thirsted for, the God I waited for,
today appears to us practically.
We sought the truth, we yearned for righteousness;
truth and righteousness have come among men.
You love God, I love God;
mankind is so full of renewed hope.
Peoples obey, nations worship
the practical God incarnate.
Friday, October 25, 2019
2018 Full Christian Movie "The Lies of Communism: Account of the CCP's Brainwashing" English Dubbed
The Lies of Communism, a Christian film, is an accurate reflection of the brainwashing the CCP government uses against Christians. After arresting Zhang Mingdao and seven other Christians, the CCP police employ brutal, inhuman torture against them. They rely on God and firmly stand witness. In an attempt to force them to sign a confession to betray God, CCP officials, a professor from the Academy of Social Sciences, police academy instructors, a psychologist, and pastors take turns: They trot out atheism, materialism, science, traditional Chinese culture, and all sorts of rumors and lies to brainwash the eight Christians. In this war without weapons, Zhang Mingdao and the others rely on God and use the truth in an intense battle against the CCP government…. In the end, the truth conquers the lies, and justice overcomes evil.
Recommended for You: Best Gospel Movie "The Gospel Messenger" | Preaching the Gospel of the Last Days (English Full Movie)
Recommended for You: Best Gospel Movie "The Gospel Messenger" | Preaching the Gospel of the Last Days (English Full Movie)
Monday, October 21, 2019
A Narrated Reenactment of a Real-Life Story | "God's True Love" (English Dubbed)
A Narrated Reenactment of a Real-Life Story | "God's True Love"
In order to make a place of her own on this earth, the protagonist was obliged to follow the trends of this world, rushing about and working hard for the sake of fame and status. Her life was particularly empty and painful. After she believed in Almighty God, she found in the words of Almighty God the meaning of human life and, filled with joy, she followed God and fulfilled her duties. However, as her heart was under the control of fame and status, in fulfilling her duties she often acted in accordance with her own ideas, and she was arbitrary and dictatorial. For this reason, she was pruned and dealt with by the brothers and sisters. To begin with, she argued and would not concede. Through the judgment and chastisement of God's words, she came to know the truth of her corruption. However, because she did not understand God's intent, she misunderstood God and thought God would not save her. At this time, God's word little by little enlightened her, guided her, and made her understand God's earnest intention in saving man, and she experienced God's true love of mankind …
Recommended for You: Narrative Music Videos
Recommended for You: Narrative Music Videos
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Christian Video "The Revelation of an Antichrist" (Skit)
Lai En is the pastor of a house church who believes that "anyone who isn't the Lord Jesus descending upon a cloud is a false Christ, and any message that preaches the Lord has returned incarnate is also false." When he learns that his nephew Li Chenguang is testifying in his church that the Lord Jesus has returned and expressed the truth to do the work of judgment beginning with God's house, and that many people have investigated and accepted these teachings, he becomes furious and frustrated, and immediately assigns one of his workers to seal off the church. But just at that moment, he hears that Li Chenguang has gone to preach to his daughter Xinming. He strives to obstruct and prevent his daughter from investigating the true way, which sets the stage for an intense debate. What will the final result be? Watch the skit The Revelation of an Antichrist to find out.
Source: The Church of Almighty God
Source: The Church of Almighty God
Sunday, October 6, 2019
God's Utterance "God Himself, the Unique (V) God's Holiness (II)" (Part Two)
Almighty God says, "You will not see God hold similar views on things that people have, and moreover you will not see Him use men’s viewpoints, their knowledge, their science or their philosophy or man’s imagination to handle things. Instead, everything God does and everything He reveals is connected to truth. That is, every word He has said and every action He has taken concerns the truth. This truth is not some baseless fantasy; this truth and these words are expressed by God due to God’s substance and His life. Because these words and the substance of everything God has done are truth, we can say that God’s substance is holy. In other words, everything God says and does brings vitality and light to people; it allows people to see positive things and the reality of those positive things and it points humanity toward the road of light so that they may walk the right path. These things are determined because of God’s substance and they are determined due to the substance of His holiness."
Saturday, September 28, 2019
2019 Christian Music Video | Korean Song "A Heart-to-Heart With God" | The Love of God Never Changes
Oh God! There is so much in my heart I want to say to You.
Through Your words the door to my heart opened, I heard Your voice.
When I contemplate Your words, my heart brightens and is at ease, peaceful and joyful.
Through practicing Your words, I understand much of the truth.
In Your words I see Your righteousness, holiness and Your true love.
More and more I feel Your loveliness, You’re so worthy of man’s love.
In faith I’ve enjoyed peace and joy, ever closer to You.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Best Christian Religious Movie | Chronicles of Religious Persecution in China | "The Cover-up"
Best Free Christian Movie | Chronicles of Religious Persecution in China | "The Cover-up"
Since it came to power in mainland China in 1949, the Chinese Communist Party has been unceasing in its persecution of religious faith. It has frantically arrested and murdered Christians, expelled and abused missionaries operating in China, confiscated and burned countless copies of the Bible, sealed up and demolished church buildings, and tried to eradicate all house churches.This documentary film depicts the sudden and unexpected death of a Chinese Christian named Song Xiaolan—a death for which the CCP police provided inconsistent and conflicting explanations. After investigating, the Song family discovered that the police had been lying all along. A relative of the Song family learned from an acquaintance in the Public Security Bureau that Song Xiaolan had been being secretly monitored by the CCP police as a result of her belief in God and performance of her duties. When the police arrested her, they beat her to death. To avoid blame, the police covered up the truth by fabricating the scene of Song Xiaolan’s death….
Thursday, August 29, 2019
The Word of God | "Corrupt Mankind Is More in Need of the Salvation of God Become Flesh" (Excerpt 4)
The Word of God | "Corrupt Mankind Is More in Need of the Salvation of God Become Flesh" (Excerpt 4)
Almighty God says, "No one is more suitable, and qualified, than God in the flesh for the work of judging the corruption of man's flesh. If judgment were carried out directly by the Spirit of God, then it would not be all-embracing. Furthermore, such work would be difficult for man to accept, for the Spirit is unable to come face-to-face with man, and because of this, the effects would not be immediate, much less would man be able to behold the unoffendable disposition of God more clearly. Satan can only be fully defeated if God in the flesh judges the corruption of mankind. Being the same as man possessed of normal humanity, God in the flesh can directly judge the unrighteousness of man; this is the mark of His innate holiness, and of His extraordinariness. Only God is qualified to, and in the position to judge man, for He is possessed of the truth, and righteousness, and so He is able to judge man. Those who are without the truth and righteousness are not fit to judge others" (The Word Appears in the Flesh).
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
The Word of God | "Knowing God Is the Path to Fearing God and Shunning Evil" (Excerpt 1)
Almighty God says, "'Fearing God and shunning evil' and knowing God are indivisibly connected by a myriad threads, and the connection between them is self-evident. If one wishes to attain to shunning evil, one must first have real fear of God; if one wishes to attain to real fear of God, one must first have real knowledge of God; if one wishes to attain to knowledge of God, one must first experience God's words, enter into the reality of God's words, experience God's chastening and discipline, His chastisement and judgment; if one wishes to experience God's words, one must first come face to face with God's words, come face to face with God, and ask God to furnish opportunities to experience God's words in the form of all sorts of environments involving people, events, and objects; if one wishes to come face to face with God and with God's words, one must first possess a simple and honest heart, readiness to accept the truth, the will to endure suffering, the resolution and the courage to shun evil, and the aspiration to become a genuine created being…. In this way, going forward step by step, you will draw ever closer to God, your heart will grow ever more pure, and your life and the value of being alive will, along with your knowledge of God, become ever more meaningful and wax ever more radiant. Until, one day, you will feel that the Creator is no longer a riddle, that the Creator has never been hidden from you, that the Creator has never concealed His face from you, that the Creator is not at all far from you, that the Creator is no longer the One that you constantly long for in your thoughts but that you cannot reach with your feelings, that He is really and truly standing guard to your left and right, supplying your life, and controlling your destiny. He is not on the remote horizon, nor has He secreted Himself high up in the clouds. He is right by your side, presiding over your all, He is everything that you have, and He is the only thing you have. Such a God allows you to love Him from the heart, cling to Him, hold Him close, admire Him, fear to lose Him, and be unwilling to renounce Him any longer, disobey Him any longer, or any longer to evade Him or put Him at a distance. All you want is to care for Him, obey Him, requite all that He gives you, and submit to His dominion. You no longer refuse to be guided, supplied, watched over, and kept by Him, no longer refuse what He dictates and ordains for you. All you want is to follow Him, walk alongside Him to His left or right, all you want is to accept Him as your one and only life, to accept Him as your one and only Lord, your one and only God" (The Word Appears in the Flesh).
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Inspirational Worship Song (2019) | "Christ of the Last Days Has Brought the Age of Kingdom"
Inspirational Christian Worship Song (2019) | "Christ of the Last Days Has Brought the Age of Kingdom"
When Jesus came to the world of man,
He ended the Age of Law,
and He brought the Age of Grace.
In the last days God became flesh once more,
He ended the Age of Grace
and He brought the Age of Kingdom.
Those who accept
the second incarnation of God
will be led to the Kingdom Age
and accept God’s guidance.
After man was forgiven his sins,
God returned to flesh to lead him.
He will lead man into the new age.
He’s begun the work of judgement
to bring man to a higher realm.
Those who submit enjoy higher truth,
will receive much greater blessings,
truly living in the light.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Kids Dance | Worship Song "Such Joy in Church Life" | Hallelujah! Praise and Thank God
Kids Dance | Christian Worship Song "Such Joy in Church Life" | Hallelujah! Praise and Thank God
Brothers and sisters, we’ve come before God.
Eat and drink His words, it’s such a joy.
We share experience, what we’ve learned,
support each other, go forward hand in hand.
We understand the truth, reflect upon ourselves,
see our corruption, our flaws.
Our prayers are what we feel,
we speak to God from the heart.
The more fellowship on His words,
the more we understand His words and truth.
We’ve tasted the love of God.
The life of the church brings such great joy,
and our lives grow step by step.
Kingdom of Christ is truly our home.
Those who love God will praise Him forever.
All glory be to Almighty God!
Friday, May 31, 2019
Relying on God: It is Possible to Get a Good Job Without Flattering People
In summer this year, the Christian Zhang Li began work at a large children’s amusement park. There were many job posts and different personnel were responsible for each post. Confronted with this kind of working environment, Zhang Li thought to herself: “No matter where I work, interpersonal relationships are the hardest to handle. For the sake of their own interests, people either engage in jealous disputes and scheme against each other, or they flatter each other and try to curry favor with each other—they live by satanic life philosophies in everything they do. I am a believer in God and everything I do and say must accord with God’s words. I must fear God and shun evil, not engage in any satanic life philosophy and not do anything that would bring shame on God’s name.”
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
2019 Gospel Song With Lyrics "What the Young Must Pursue"
2019 Gospel Song With Lyrics "What the Young Must Pursue"
Prejudiced eyes and deceit are not what the youth should have.
Awful and destructive ways are not how the youth should act.
They should have aspirations, ardently strive to advance,
not lose heart over their prospects,
keep faith in life, the future.
Youth should have resolve in discernment, seeking justice and the truth.
Pursue all things beautiful,
gain reality of positive things.
Be responsible towards life.
You must not take this lightly. You must not take this lightly.
Youth should persist in the path of truth,
thus expend their lives for God.
They should not lack the truth,
nor harbor falseness, unrighteousness.
They should take the proper stance.
They shouldn’t just drift along.
They should dare to sacrifice, fight for justice and the truth.
Youth should have resolve in discernment, seeking justice and the truth.
Pursue all things beautiful,
gain reality of positive things.
Be responsible towards life.
You must not take this lightly. You must not take this lightly.
Young people should not give in to oppression of dark force.
They must have the courage to change the meaning of their lives.
Young people shouldn’t resign themselves to adversity,
they should be open and frank, forgive fellow believers.
Youth should have resolve in discernment, seeking justice and the truth.
Pursue all things beautiful,
gain reality of positive things.
Be responsible towards life.
You must not take this lightly. You must not take this lightly.
from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs
Monday, May 20, 2019
Prayer of Faith | How Should I Face It, After Testing Positive for Hepatitis B? (Audio Essay)
I was struck by an illness that came out of nowhere, and in the blink of an eye I had become mired in pain and despair, and I lost all hope for life. Nevertheless, through God’s wonderful salvation, I came to understand that God’s will was behind my illness, and I saw God’s wondrous deeds. Remembering the events of that time, they are as vivid to me now as they were then.
A few months ago, my boss told us that Xiao Wang, one of my colleagues, had contracted a serious liver condition and had been hospitalized for treatment. The boss went on to say that the illness Xiao Wang had contracted could be transmitted to other people through physical contact, food, drink and bodily fluids. As we were often in contact with Xiao Wang, it was highly probable that we would have been infected, so we were told to go to the hospital immediately for testing. Hearing this news, the office was suddenly all abuzz; everyone was worried that they were infected, and so we all hurried to hospital. After a series of tests, I waited uneasily for the results. After a while, the doctor came and handed me the test results, and said: “You are a carrier of the Hepatitis B virus, and it has not been contracted recently, but has probably been there for a while.” I simply couldn’t believe what I was hearing, and I asked the doctor to repeat herself. The doctor said regretfully, “You heard right. This is real. You must seek urgent treatment. If you delay, then your condition will worsen, and if it becomes liver cancer then you’ll be in real trouble. What’s more, as this virus cannot be wholly eradicated from the body, you will carry this virus for the rest of your life. You should get your mind right and be prepared!” This terrible, sudden news left me all at sea, and my whole body seemed to shrivel up like an eggplant affected by the frost, and my legs felt as heavy as lead. Scared out of my mind, I took the test results and left the hospital, not knowing how to get home.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
2019 Gospel Song With Lyrics | "Only Those Who Yearn to Seek the Truth Will See God"
2019 Gospel Song With Lyrics | "Only Those Who Yearn to Seek the Truth Will See God"
God has done new work today; you may not accept.
It might feel odd, but God asks you not to show your natural selves.
Nothing comes of seeking truth through bickering and fighting.
Only seeking calmly can an outcome be achieved.
For only those who hunger and thirst for righteousness before Him can obtain the truth.
And only those who’re truly devout can be enlightened,
can be guided by Him, can be guided by Him.
When God says that He has new work today,
He means God’s return to the flesh.
Perhaps you do not mind these words, perhaps you despise them,
perhaps they are of interest to you.
Whatever the case,
God hopes all those who yearn for the appearance of Him to carefully consider.
It’s best not to jump to any conclusions.
This is the way the wise should act.
For only those who hunger and thirst for righteousness before Him can obtain the truth.
And only those who’re truly devout can be enlightened, can be guided by Him,
can be guided by Him, can be guided by Him.
from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs
Recommended:Signs of Jesus’ Coming Have Appeared: How Will the Lord Come?
Recommended:Signs of Jesus’ Coming Have Appeared: How Will the Lord Come?
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Gospel Movie 2018 | How to Hear the Voice of God and Welcome the Lord | "What a Beautiful Voice"
More Gospel Movies:
Gospel Movie "The Gospel Messenger"
Gospel Movie "Perilous Is the Road to the Heavenly Kingdom"
Gospel Movie | What Is True Faith in God? | "Faith in God"
Gospel Movie 2018 | How to Hear the Voice of God and Welcome the Lord | "What a Beautiful Voice"
Dong Jingxin is a preacher in a house church in China. She's believed in the Lord for thirty years, and loves the truth; she frequently reads the Lord's words and is driven by them. She expends herself for the Lord with enthusiasm. Because of her preaching work, she was arrested by the police of the Chinese Communist government and sent to prison where she endured cruelty and torture. It was the words of the Lord that guided her through enduring seven years of inhuman prison life. After getting out, her co-worker Chenguang comes to see her and reads to her from the words of Almighty God, bearing witness that God has appeared and is working in the last days. She also gives her a copy of The Word Appears in the Flesh. After reading quite a bit of the words of Almighty God, Dong Jingxin feels that they are authoritative and that they have come from God. She develops a heart of longing to seek. Dong Jingxin and her husband hungrily devour the words of Almighty God and discover that they are all the truth, and that they are the voice of God. They determine that Almighty God really is the return of the Lord Jesus they have been awaiting for years! Just as the two of them are awash in the joy of welcoming the return of the Lord, the chief of police pays them a visit to warn them against attending any gatherings or doing any preaching. He warns them that they particularly must report anyone who preaches Eastern Lightning, giving rise to anxiety in Dong Jingxin. After that, once their pastor finds out that Dong Jingxin is leading brothers and sisters to look into the work of God in the last days, he also interferes with and blocks them. Faced with confusion and disruption from the forces of Satan, Dong Jingxin is able to clearly see the true face of the pastors and elders of the religious world through prayer, seeking, and fellowship. She does not back down, but continues to lead brothers and sisters to investigate the true way, and she invites people from The Church of Almighty God to give fellowship and bear witness to the work of Almighty God in the last days. In the end, everyone acknowledges that the words uttered by Almighty God really are the voice of God, and that He is the appearance of God. Everyone is deeply moved: What a beautiful voice the words of Almighty God are!
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
2019 Gospel Song With Lyrics "God Creates a More Beautiful Tomorrow for Mankind"
2019 Gospel Song With Lyrics "God Creates a More Beautiful Tomorrow for Mankind"
God has done new work today; you may not accept.
It might feel odd, but God asks you not to show your natural selves.
Nothing comes of seeking truth through bickering and fighting.
Only seeking calmly can an outcome be achieved.
For only those who hunger and thirst for righteousness before Him can obtain the truth.
And only those who’re truly devout can be enlightened,
can be guided by Him, can be guided by Him.
When God says that He has new work today,
He means God’s return to the flesh.
Perhaps you do not mind these words, perhaps you despise them,
perhaps they are of interest to you.
Whatever the case,
God hopes all those who yearn for the appearance of Him to carefully consider.
It’s best not to jump to any conclusions.
This is the way the wise should act.
For only those who hunger and thirst for righteousness before Him can obtain the truth.
And only those who’re truly devout can be enlightened, can be guided by Him,
can be guided by Him, can be guided by Him.
from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs
Sunday, May 12, 2019
Almighty God's Word "The Appearance of God Has Brought a New Age" (Excerpt)
Eastern Lightning, The Church of Almighty God was created because of the appearance and work of Almighty God, the second coming of the Lord Jesus, Christ of the last days. It is made up of all those who accept Almighty God's work in the last days and are conquered and saved by His words. It was entirely founded by Almighty God personally and is led by Him as the Shepherd. It was definitely not created by a person. Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. God's sheep hear God's voice. As long as you read the words of Almighty God, you will see God has appeared.
Friday, May 10, 2019
The Fruits of Obeying God
A few days ago, my leader Sister Cheng told me that the church had a new work that required some manpower, and asked me whether I’d be willing to do it. Hearing my leader say this, I was beside myself with joy, and I thought: “For three months now, I’ve been reflecting on how I was replaced because my striving for fame and gain in my duties interrupted and disturbed the church’s work. Now, at last, I can perform my duty again! If my brothers and sisters knew this, they’d definitely pay special regard to me, and would think that I’ve made progress by experiencing this failure.” I agreed to do it there and then. After my leader had gone, every day I looked forward to receiving notice of my new duty, but the days went by and no notice arrived. What did arrive was a stack of paper documents, and my leader asked me to type them up. Holding this stack of paper documents, my heart was full of questions: “What’s the meaning of this? Wasn’t it agreed that I’d be doing a new duty? How then can I be asked to type up all these paper documents? What am I, a typist? What on earth’s going on? If I’m not going to be doing the new duty, then surely my leader has to tell me why!” My mind was in a whirl, and I was unwilling to accept the reality of the situation. Faced with this pile of documents, I thought: “Typing isn’t a real duty. Anyone can do this work. Aren’t I a little overqualified to stay at home just typing up all these documents? If I’m not able to do any important duty, my brothers and sisters will surely say that, after being replaced, I still don’t have any true knowledge of myself and have not truly reflected on myself. What’s more, if I’m staying at home typing all day, then no matter how much I do or how well I do it, no one will know about it and I won’t have a chance to shine. I’ll forever be just a nobody, without any possibility of being promoted or put to some important use.” I was filled with misgivings, but I couldn’t refuse; all I could do was accept the duty.

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Christian Chen Yixin has believed in the Lord for many years, and has been fortunate enough to welcome the Lord Jesus ' retu...
By Zheng Fu, China Speaking of “250”(as a Mandarin slang term, 250 is an insult meaning “stupid person” or “simpleton”), every Christi...
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