On the eve of the 70th anniversary of the CCP regime, marches and gatherings were held in cities across the globe to support Hong Kong and protest against CCP tyranny, including a gathering in front of China's Washington DC embassy on September 29, 2019. Organized by Citizen Power Initiatives for China; over 20 other groups also joined to jointly protest against 70 years of the CCP's despotic rule and support Hong Kong's fight to preserve freedom, including the Uyghur American Association, the Chen Guangcheng Foundation, the Association Against Religious Persecution , and The Church of Almighty God (CAG).
Many brothers and sisters in the Lord are waiting for the return of Lord Jesus. The prophecies in Revelation one after another all fulfill. Thus we expecting returned God more urgently. Returned Savior of the last days- Almighty God has loosed the seven seals, opened the book, and bring the salvation, let’s reunite with the Lord in today.
Showing posts with label The Church of Almighty God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Church of Almighty God. Show all posts
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Thursday, October 31, 2019
International Day of Peace: Persecuted New Chinese Religion Does Its Part for Peace
A side event with the theme "Broadening the Impact of Peace" was organized on September 19, 2019 at the United Nations Office at Geneva to celebrate the 38th International Day of Peace. The event's main focus was religion, including emerging religions' hard work to Contribute to global harmony and justice. The event was hosted by Fundación Vida-Grupo Ecológico Verde and Foundation for the Improvement of Life, Culture and Society, and co-organized by the Center for Studies on New Religions (CESNUR), publisher of Bitter Winter , as well as over 10 other organizations and groups. The Church of Almighty God (CAG) was invited to participate.
Recommended for You: Must Watch Christian Movie | Chronicles of Religious Persecution in China “A Youth of Bloody Tears”
Recommended for You: Must Watch Christian Movie | Chronicles of Religious Persecution in China “A Youth of Bloody Tears”
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
2019 Christian Music Video | Korean Worship Song "How Important God’s Love for Man Is"
2019 Christian Music Video | Korean Worship Song "How Important God’s Love for Man Is"
The picture of “God’s Command to Adam” in the scriptures
is a moving and heartwarming picture.
Though there is only God and man in it,
the intimacy between them is so worthy of envy.
God’s profuse love is gratuitously bestowed upon man;
man is naive and innocent, unencumbered and carefree,
blissfully living under God’s eye;
God shows concern for man, while man lives under God’s protection and blessing;
every single thing man does and says
is closely linked to and inseparable from God.
Monday, October 28, 2019
The One Who Holds Sovereignty Over Everything Acclaimed at US and EU Film Festivals
In August 2019, The Church of Almighty God’s large-scale choral documentary, The One Who Holds Sovereignty Over Everything was nominated or awarded at the United States’ Great Lakes Christian Film Festival, Spain’s Madrid International Film Festival, and Belgium’s West Europe International Film Festival. Some hosts, directors, and audience members were full of praise for the film after its screenings.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Christian Video "The True Cannot Be False" | How to Discern the True Christ and False Christs (Skit)
The Lord Jesus said, "I come quickly" (Revelation 22:12). The last days are the most crucial time for receiving the Lord's coming, and when religious denomination believer Zheng Hao'en hears his wife testify that the Lord has returned, he wants to seek and investigate. However, the pastor at his church repeatedly tries to obstruct him, recites the Bible verse "For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; so that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect" (Matthew 24:24), and says any who preach the Lord's coming are false, leaving Zheng Hao'en trapped in confusion. Through his wife's fellowship, he comes to be able to understand aspects of the truth regarding discerning the true Christ and false Christs, and finally rids himself of confusion…. Please enjoy the skit The True Cannot Be False.
Source from: The Church of Almighty God
Thursday, October 24, 2019
2019 Encouraging Christian Song "All the Way in Your Company" | Thank You Lord for Leading Me
2019 Encouraging Christian Worship Song "All the Way in Your Company" | Thank You Lord for Leading Me
I was like a boat, adrift on the sea. You chose me, and to a haven You led me. Now in Your family, warmed by Your love, I am all at peace. You bless me, give Your words of judgment. Still how I fail to cherish Your grace. Often rebelling, somehow hurting Your heart. Yet You don't treat me by my sins but work for my salvation. When I'm distant, You call me back from danger. When I rebel, You hide Your face, darkness wrapping me. When I come back to You, You show mercy, smile to embrace. When Satan scourges me, You heal my wounds, warm my heart. When the devil hurts me, You're with me through the trial. Dawn will soon appear, and skies will shine blue as before, when You're there with me. Dawn will soon appear, and skies will shine blue as before, when You're there with me.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
International Day of Peace Persecuted New Chinese Religion Does Its Part for Peace
A side event with the theme "Broadening the Impact of Peace" was organized on September 19, 2019 at the United Nations Office at Geneva to celebrate the 38th International Day of Peace. The event's main focus was religion, including emerging religions' hard work to Contribute to global harmony and justice. The event was hosted by Fundación Vida-Grupo Ecológico Verde and Foundation for the Improvement of Life, Culture and Society, and co-organized by the Center for Studies on New Religions (CESNUR), publisher of Bitter Winter , as well as over 10 other organizations and groups. The Church of Almighty God (CAG) was invited to participate.
Recommended for You:How to Overcome Temptation in Spiritual Warfare
Recommended for You:How to Overcome Temptation in Spiritual Warfare
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Support Hong Kong! European Groups Protest Against CCP Tyranny
From September 12-15, 2019, people from all over Europe including human rights activists, Uyghurs, Tibetans, pro-democracy activists, and Christians from The Church of Almighty God (CAG) held gatherings in Cologne, Amsterdam, and Paris to express support for Hong Kong and denounce CCP atrocities that strip people of their freedom and trample on human rights.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
2019 Christian Choir Song | "Kingdom Anthem: The Kingdom Descends Upon the World" | Praise and Worship Song
2019 Large-scale Top Gospel Choir Song | "Kingdom Anthem: The Kingdom Descends Upon the World" | Praise and Worship Song
The stirring kingdom anthem has rung out, announcing God's arrival among man to the whole universe! The kingdom of God has come! All people cheer, all things rejoice! Everything throughout the heavens brims with merriment. What captivating scenes of jubilation are these?
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Christian Video "The Revelation of an Antichrist" (Skit)
Lai En is the pastor of a house church who believes that "anyone who isn't the Lord Jesus descending upon a cloud is a false Christ, and any message that preaches the Lord has returned incarnate is also false." When he learns that his nephew Li Chenguang is testifying in his church that the Lord Jesus has returned and expressed the truth to do the work of judgment beginning with God's house, and that many people have investigated and accepted these teachings, he becomes furious and frustrated, and immediately assigns one of his workers to seal off the church. But just at that moment, he hears that Li Chenguang has gone to preach to his daughter Xinming. He strives to obstruct and prevent his daughter from investigating the true way, which sets the stage for an intense debate. What will the final result be? Watch the skit The Revelation of an Antichrist to find out.
Source: The Church of Almighty God
Source: The Church of Almighty God
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Endless Praise | Official Trailer “Dance and Singing Compilation”
Do you want to learn about the overcoming testimonies of God’s chosen people’s salvation? The solemn chorus in “The Collection of Songs and Dances” gives a witness that God incarnate ushers in the Age of Kingdom and expresses the truths to raise the curtains on the judgment before the great white throne in the last days, convey the Creator’s heart’s voice and His sincere feelings toward mankind, and testify that Almighty God is the unique God Himself….
Monday, October 14, 2019
Praise Be to the Return of the Savior | Musical Drama "Gospel Choir 19th Performance" Choir Trailer
The Church of Almighty God |Praise Be to the Return of the Savior | Musical Drama "Gospel Choir 19th Performance" | Choir Trailer
Under a starry, quiet and peaceful night sky, a group of Christians earnestly awaiting the return of the Savior sing and dance to cheerful music. When they hear the joyful news "God has returned" and "God has uttered new words", they are surprised and excited. They think: "God has returned? He has already appeared?" With curiosity and uncertainty, one after another, they step into the journey of seeking God's new words. In their arduous seeking, some people are questioning while others simply accept it. Some people look on without comment, while others make suggestions and search for answers in the Bible—they look but in the end it is fruitless…. Just when they become discouraged, a witness brings them a copy of the Age of Kingdom Bible, and they are deeply attracted to the words in the book. What kind of book is this really? Have they actually found the new words that God has uttered in that book? Have they welcomed the appearance of God?
Saturday, October 12, 2019
CAG Members: Stop Coercing Our Families into Staging False Demonstrations in Korea
Over thirty members of The Church of Almighty God (CAG) in Seoul held a press conference on July 22, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. in front of the South Korean presidential palace Blue House where they held signs and banners in a peaceful protest against the CCP repeatedly tricking or compelling Christians’ Chinese relatives to stage false demonstrations in South Korea under the guise of “seeking for relatives.”
Thursday, September 19, 2019
King of Kings | The New Heaven and Earth | Musical Drama "Gospel Choir 13th Performance"
Almighty God has revealed the mystery of the six-thousand-year management plan to man. Focus on God's work in the last days and the fate of mankind; focus on Chinese Gospel Choir 13th Performance of the Church of Almighty God.
The 13th performance by the Church of Almighty God is a musical, a chorus of praise which fuses together Beijing opera, rock and roll, traditional work songs, Latin dance, animation, drama and other forms of expression, to give a vivid interpretation of the journey made by mankind—that has been deceived and corrupted by Satan—as they cast Satan aside and return before God to come under His salvation.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
2019 English Christian Hymn With Lyrics | "God Long Ago Determined Man's Fate"
2019 | The Church of Almighty God | English Christian Hymn With Lyrics | "God Long Ago Determined Man's Fate"
Verse 1
As far as fate is concerned, everyone is independent.
As far as fate is concerned, everyone has his or her own fate.
So no one’s parents can stave off one’s fate in life
or exert the slightest influence on the role one plays.
Nothing except the predestination of the Creator
has a bearing on a person’s fate.
No one can control what kind of future one will have,
predetermined long before, not even parents have a say.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Film Exposes CCP Persecution of Overseas Religious Refugees
One June 20, a new film, The Long Arm of the Dragon: China’s Persecution of Believers at Home and Abroad was released in South Korea’s Seoul, at an international religious and human rights conference by its organizer, Bitter Winter. It exposes confidential CCP documents aiming to launch long-term, systematic, large-scale operations to persecute religious refugees who have fled persecution in China, lists despicable CCP tactics to get Christians of The Church of Almighty God (CAG) extradited back to China, and calls on international society to show support for religious refugees.
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Western Scholars vs CCP Representatives at the UN in Geneva About The Church of Almighty God
On March 1, 2018, during the 37th session of the Human Rights Council at the United Nations in Geneva, the Coordination of the Associations and Individuals for Freedom of Conscience (CAP LC) organized a Side Event on the denial of religious freedom in China and the case of The Church of Almighty God (CAG). A panel of international scholars and human rights and freedom of religion experts discussed the dramatic situation of the members of The Church of Almighty God both in China, where they are severely persecuted, and in South Korea and Europe, where their requests for asylum are often denied. During the event, there was a debate between the western scholars and CCP representatives of the Chinese delegation…
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Gospel Movie Clip (3) - Christians' Incredible Rebuttals to the CCP's Rumors and Slander
In order to deceive Christians into betraying God and giving up their faith, the CCP has openly blasphemed both Christ of the last days and the Lord Jesus, saying that They are both average people and are not God incarnate. The CCP has maligned Christians as merely believing in a person, and not God. It has also spread the rumor that The Church of Almighty God was created by a person just because the man who is used by God is the one who runs all the administrative affairs of the church. What really is incarnation? How did The Church of Almighty God come to be, and who founded it? How are Christians using the truth and the facts to refute the public rumors and slanders the CCP spreads about Christ and The Church of Almighty God?
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
"Red Re-Education at Home" (2) - What Kind of Plot Was Behind the Chinese Communist Party's Trial for the May 28 Zhaoyuan Case?
After the May 28 Zhaoyuan incident in Shandong that shocked both China and the rest of the world, when the CCP brought the case to trial, the suspects involved were clear in their confessions that they were not members of The Church of Almighty God. However, the CCP still insisted on referring to them as people belonging to The Church of Almighty God. What was their motive? What kind of plot was hidden behind this case?
Friday, September 6, 2019
Free Christian Movie | "Knocking at the Door" | How to Welcome the Return of the Lord
Free Christian Film | "Knocking at the Door" | How to Welcome the Return of the Lord
Two thousand years ago, the Lord Jesus prophesied, "And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom comes; go you out to meet him" (Matthew 25:6). "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me" (Revelation 3:20). For the last two thousand years, believers in the Lord have been watchful and awaiting the Lord's knock on the door, so how will He knock on mankind's door when He returns? In the last days, some people have testified that the Lord Jesus has returned—Almighty God incarnate—and that He is doing the work of judgment in the last days. This news has rocked the entire religious world.
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Christian Chen Yixin has believed in the Lord for many years, and has been fortunate enough to welcome the Lord Jesus ' retu...
By Zheng Fu, China Speaking of “250”(as a Mandarin slang term, 250 is an insult meaning “stupid person” or “simpleton”), every Christi...
Relevant Words of God: True faith in God means experiencing the words and work of God based on a belief that God holds sovereignty ove...