Saturday, October 21, 2017

God's Utterance "Knowing God Is the Path to Fearing God and Shunning Evil"

Recommended: The origin of the Church of Almighty God

Eastern Lightning, The Church of Almighty God was created because of the appearance and work of Almighty God, the second coming of the Lord Jesus, Christ of the last days. It is made up of all those who accept Almighty God's work in the last days and are conquered and saved by His words. It was entirely founded by Almighty God personally and is led by Him as the Shepherd. It was definitely not created by a person. Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. God's sheep hear God's voice. As long as you read the words of Almighty God, you will see God has appeared.

Special statement: This video production was produced as a not-for-profit piece by the Church of Almighty God. This video may not be distributed for profit to any third party, and we hope that everyone will share it and distribute it openly. When you distribute it, please note the source. Without the consent of the Church of Almighty God, no organization, social group, or individual may tamper with or misrepresent the contents of this video.

Friday, October 20, 2017

Almighty God Uses His Word to Save Man - "The Main Purpose of God's Work in the Flesh" (Music Video)

The Main Purpose of God's Work in the Flesh 1. God comes into flesh for the main purpose to make man see God’s practical deeds. He realizes the formless Spirit in the flesh so that man can touch and see Him. In this way, people made complete by Him can be those who live out Him. They are ones who are gained by Him, and ones who are after His heart. 2. If God only spoke utterances from the heavens and didn’t practically come to earth, man would never know God. They would just convey God’s deeds with hollow theories, but would never have God’s words as reality. God comes to earth to set an example and serve as a model for those He will gain. In this way, man can come to know God, touch God, and see God in a practical way. And only in this way can he truly be gained by God. God comes to earth to set an example and serve as a model for those He will gain. In this way, man can come to know God, touch God, and see God in a practical way. And only in this way can he truly be gained by God. And only in this way can he truly be gained by God.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

The Hymn of God's Word "How to Search for God's Footprints" | Gospel Music

How to Search for God's Footprints I Since we are searching for the footprints of God, we must search, search for God's will, search for God's words and the utterances of God, search for God's words and the utterances of God. For where there are the new words of God, there is the voice of God, the voice of God; where there are the footsteps of God, there are God's deeds, there are God's deeds. Where there is the expression of God, there is the appearance, appearance of God, and where there is the appearance of God, there is the truth, the way, and the life.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Hearing God's Voice | Gospel Movie "A Late Answer"

Tang Jie served the Lord zealously for nearly forty years and expected the return of the Lord Jesus eagerly all the time. Having given up her family and her career, she established many house meeting places. As the work of the Holy Spirit shifted, the church became desolate gradually. She tried every possible way to revive it, but in vain. During this process, God’s gospel of the last days came upon her church. To “defend the Lord’s way,” she wrote a pamphlet to fabricate rumors against, slander, and attack Almighty God’s work of the last days, and sealed her church to hinder the believers from listening to the messages. However, increasingly more believers returned to Almighty God. At the end of her tether, Tang Jie fell into misery, confusion, and helplessness….

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Praise Song ''Praise the Accomplishment of God's Work"

Praise the Accomplishment of God’s Work 1. God’s great work changes so fast, hard to fathom, convincing to man. Look around you, it’s not like before, everything is beautiful and new. Each and every thing is revived, all renewed, all made pure. We praise God, full of joy, songs of praise soar skyward to Him. Praise Him! Sing glory to His name! All the people praise God heartily. Praise Him! Sing glory to His name! All the people praise God heartily. 2. Praise to God’s wonderful deeds, praise His wisdom, never failing, praise His righteous disposition, praise Him for He is a faithful God. God’s actual work has transformed my disobedient disposition. I am honored with God’s appointed task, to bear witness to His holy deeds. Praise Him! Sing glory to His name! Singing praise to Him from our joyful hearts. Praise Him! Sing glory to His name! Singing praise to Him from our joyful hearts.

Monday, October 16, 2017

God With Me | Faith Christian Movie "Sweetness in Adversity"

Han Lu is a leader of the Church of Almighty God in the Chinese mainland. She has believed in God for over a decade and has experienced the work of Almighty God in the last days. She understands some truths and knows that it is only through Christ of the last days, Almighty God, that man will be able to be freed from sin and live a significant life. She has cast away everything to follow Almighty God, and she has gone around and testified to God's appearance and work in the last days. However, in China where the atheist political party the CCP is in power, there is no freedom of religious belief whatsoever. The CCP government has issued secret documents completely banning all house churches, and they have frantically captured and persecuted Christians. Han Lu and others were monitored and tracked by the CCP police officers, which led to their capture. The CCP police officers have brutally tortured Han Lu to try to rob the church of its wealth and capture more church leaders, and they have also used rumors and fallacies to try to brainwash her, used her family to try and coerce her, and other despicable methods to try to threaten her in an attempt to compel her to deny God and betray God. … In her pain and weakness, Han Lu has relied on God and prayed to God, and under the guidance of the word of God, she has been able to see through all of Satan's tricks. She has made it through many interrogations under torture and has powerfully refuted the various rumors and fallacies of the CCP. Within the bitter environment of the CCP's persecution, a beautiful and resounding testimony has been made ...
