Showing posts with label God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God. Show all posts

Friday, October 18, 2019

2019 English Christian Song | "God Has Brought Man Into a New Age"

2019 English Gospel Song | "God Has Brought Man Into a New Age"
God spreads His work among the gentile nations.
His glory flashes through the universe.
His will, embodied in scattered men,
all steered by His hand, doing tasks assigned.
Now He has entered into a new era,
bringing all men into another world.
This is a new age after all,
and God has brought new work
to take more new people into the new age
and cast aside those He’ll eliminate.
This is a new age after all.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Gospel Choir Song "Kingdom Anthem: The Kingdom Descends Upon the World" | Extended Preview

Gospel Song "Kingdom Anthem: The Kingdom Descends Upon the World" | Full Preview
The stirring kingdom anthem has rung out, announcing God's arrival among man to the whole universe! The kingdom of God has come! All people cheer, all things rejoice! Everything throughout the heavens brims with merriment. What captivating scenes of jubilation are these?

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Praise God Almighty | New Heaven and Earth Has Appeared | "The Universe and Expanse Is Praising God"

New heaven, new earth, and new age; the entire universe is rejoicing.
New people, new things, and new kingdom; all God’s people along with all things are praising Him.
New songs, new dances, and new life; brothers and sisters are singing and extolling the accomplishment of God’s work.
Look! The new kingdom hymn “The Universe and Expanse Is Praising God,” accompanied by the passionate and vigorous drumbeats, leads you to praise God freely!
The Universe and Expanse Is Praising God
Ay … songs are many and dances are graceful;
the universe and the ends of the earth become a seething sea.
Ay … the heaven is new and the earth is new.

Monday, September 30, 2019

Bless the Lord | Gospel Music Video "Offer Love to God" | The Most Beautiful Blessings

Offer Love to God
God became flesh and came among us.
He’s suffered all humiliations for saving us.
But I didn’t know Him, misunderstood and complained against Him.
My repeated rebelliousness and resistance grieved His heart so much.
Dear Almighty God, You pay no regard to my transgressions.
You’ve endured much of my rebelliousness and today show me grace again.
Seeing Your exaltation of me, I feel terribly ashamed.

Saturday, August 31, 2019

The Word of God | "The Mystery of the Incarnation (4)" (Excerpt 2)

The Word of God | "The Mystery of the Incarnation (4)" (Excerpt 2)
Almighty God says, "God's saving of man is not done directly using the method of the Spirit and the identity of the Spirit, for His Spirit can neither be touched nor seen by man, neither can man draw near. If He tried to save man directly using the perspective of the Spirit, man would be unable to receive His salvation. If God did not put on the outward form of a created man, there would be no way for man to receive this salvation. For man has no way of approaching Him, much as no one was able to go near the cloud of Jehovah. Only by becoming a created human being, that is, only by putting His word into the body of flesh that He is about to become, can He personally work the word into all who follow Him. Only then can man personally see and hear His word, and moreover enter into possession of His word, and by this means come to be fully saved" (The Word Appears in the Flesh).

Recommended for You:How Do We Worship God in Spirit and in Truth?

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Ways to Know Our Nature

Chen Mowen    Fuxin City, Liaoning Province
Now, we have all known that knowing ourselves is very important and is a prerequisite to the transformation of our disposition, and we have started to put effort into it. However, most of the time our knowledge of ourselves is only shallow and superficial, and no desired results have been achieved at all. So, up until now, we have not gained much transformation in our disposition. In fact, the crux of the problem is that we do not have the true knowledge of our corrupt nature and are unclear about how to know the substance of our nature. In the following paragraphs, let us look at the effective ways to know our nature according to God’s words and the man’s fellowship attached to Christ’s Talks with Church Leaders and Workers.

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Listen! Who Is This Who Speaks?

Prayer of faith
As a church preacher, the greatest affliction is no more than spiritual dryness and having nothing to preach. I felt helpless seeing fewer and fewer brothers and sisters coming to meetings and I came before the Lord many times to pray earnestly and ask the Lord to strengthen brothers and sisters’ faith. But the desolation of the church had not improved at all and even I lived in weakness and negativity …

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Are Almighty God and the Lord Jesus One God?

When mankind was corrupted by Satan, God began His management plan for the salvation of mankind.

Monday, December 31, 2018

What exactly is someone who follows God’s will? And what is true testimony of faith in God?

Bible Verses for Reference:
“Then Job arose, and rent his mantle, and shaved his head, and fell down on the ground, and worshipped, And said, Naked came I out of my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return thither: Jehovah gave, and Jehovah has taken away; blessed be the name of Jehovah” (Job 1:20-21).

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Questions and Answers on the Conditions for Entering the Kingdom of Heaven

We forsake everything else, spread the Lord’s gospel, and shepherd the church. This kind of labor is the way to implement the heavenly Father’s will. Is there anything wrong with our practice this way?

Friday, November 30, 2018

Question 7: Most believers now still think that by believing in God in religion they are believing in the Lord Jesus and not pastors and elders, so how can they not be saved?

Answer: What kind of place is religion? It’s the world of the Pharisees, the old nest of antichrists! To think that you can be saved by believing in God there is just wishful thinking! Why can’t one be saved if they believe in God in religion?

Saturday, October 13, 2018

For Ten Years, Who Wrenched My Mom From Home

By Zhou Jun, Germany
In a few days it would be Christmas Day, so the streets were full of festival atmosphere. As I was memorizing words with drooping head inside my classroom as usual, my classmate Anna who came from Philippines sat next to me and asked curiously: “Jun, will you return to China this Christmas to reunite with your family?” At her words, I was speechless, just looking at her and not knowing how to reply her.

Saturday, January 27, 2018

How to Hear the Voice of God | Have You Met Lord Jesus? | "What a Beautiful Voice" Christian Movie

Dong Jingxin is a preacher in a house church in China. She's believed in the Lord for thirty years, and loves the truth; she frequently reads the Lord's words and is driven by them. She expends herself for the Lord with enthusiasm. Because of her preaching work, she was arrested by the police of the Chinese Communist government and sent to prison where she endured cruelty and torture.

Friday, January 26, 2018

Accept the Judgment in the Last Days and Be Raptured Before God | "My Dream of the Heavenly Kingdom"

Song Ruiming is a pastor of a church in South Korea. As a devout follower of the Lord for many years, he has been keenly pursuing his faith and working for the Lord while waiting to be raised to the heavenly kingdom when the Lord returns. In recent years, he has been feeling very confused and powerless when seeing that the church doesn't have the Holy Spirit's work and become increasingly desolate. That was when he heard about a sect by the name of the Eastern Lightning emerging in China that witnesses the return of the Lord Jesus—Almighty God, who is doing the judgment work in the last days by expressing the truth. Thus Song Ruiming and preacher Cui Cheng'en traveled to China to study the Eastern Lightning, where they finally read the words of Almighty God, and found that all the words of Almighty God are the truth, the voice of God! Almighty God is most likely the returned Lord Jesus! However, as they were studying Almighty God's work in the last days, they were sold out by the religious elders who tipped off the police about them. The two were arrested and deported by the Chinese Communist police. Back in South Korea, Song Ruiming felt particularly painful and lost. He kept thinking of ways to contact the Church of Almighty God. Suddenly one day, he discovered the Korean website of the Church of Almighty God on the Internet, knowing that the Eastern Lightning had spread to South Korea and established the Church of Almighty God! Jubilant and thrilled, Song Ruiming led the brothers and sisters of his church to study the true way at the Church of Almighty God. They firmly believed that Almighty God is the returned Lord Jesus. They gladly accepted the work of Almighty God in the last days and found the path to the kingdom of heaven. He finally has the chance to realize his dream of the heavenly kingdom. Recommended:

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

God's Utterance "How to Know God's Disposition and the Result of His Work" (Part Three)

God's words in this video are from the book "Continuation of The Word Appears in the Flesh". The content of this video: How God Establishes Man’s Outcome and the Standard by Which He Establishes Man’s Outcome

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Tai Chi Dance | New Heaven and New Earth "The Significance of the Appearance of God" | Second Coming

The new kingdom hymn “The Significance of the Appearance of God” is performed through Tai Chi Dance, which is special and fluent. It gently tells you the true significance of God’s work and word in His two incarnations. With green grass and blue sky as background, the dance perfectly corresponds to a soft, melodious ensemble of Zheng and Xiao, the discourse between classical musical instruments. The smooth melody, like heavenly music, takes you away from the noisy world to the Creator to enjoy His words of life in the new age!

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Lead Me Lord | Jesus Christ, You Are My Life | "All the Way in Your Company" | Christian Music Video

I was like a boat, adrift on the sea. You chose me, and to a haven You led me. Now in Your family, warmed by Your love, I am all at peace. You bless me, give Your words of judgment. Still how I fail to cherish Your grace. Often rebelling, somehow hurting Your heart. Yet You don't treat me by my sins but work for my salvation. When I'm distant, You call me back from danger. When I rebel, You hide Your face, darkness wrapping me. When I come back to You, You show mercy, smile to embrace. When Satan scourges me, You heal my wounds, warm my heart. When the devil hurts me, You're with me through the trial. Dawn will soon appear, and skies will shine blue as before, when You're there with me. Dawn will soon appear, and skies will shine blue as before, when You're there with me.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Second Coming of the Lord | Christian Song | "The Substance of Christ Is God"


I God who becomes flesh is called Christ, so the Christ that can give people truth is called God. It is not too much to say like that. For He possesses the substance of God. He possesses God's disposition and wisdom in His work, which are unreachable by man. Those who call themselves Christ yet cannot do the work of God are frauds. Christ is not merely the manifestation of God on earth, but the particular flesh assumed by God, as He carries out, completes His work among man. Christ is not merely the manifestation of God on earth, but instead, the particular flesh assumed by God, as He carries out, completes His work among man.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Worship God in Spirit and in Truth | Christian Worship Song | "The Significance of Prayer"

The Significance of Prayer I Prayer is one of the ways how man cooperates with God, to call upon His Spirit and to be touched by God. The more you pray, the more you'll be touched, enlightened and strong-minded. People as such can be made perfect soon. The more you pray, the more you'll be touched, enlightened and strong-minded. People as such can be made perfect soon. II So those who never pray are dead without spirit. They can't be touched by God, can't follow God's work. People who never pray lose normal spiritual life, have broken ties with God; He will not approve them. People who never pray lose normal spiritual life, have broken ties with God; He will not approve them. III The more you pray, the more you'll be touched, enlightened and strong-minded. People as such can be made perfect soon. The more you pray, the more you'll be touched, enlightened and strong-minded. People as such can be made perfect soon. People as such can be made perfect soon. People as such can be made perfect soon.
