Showing posts with label God's work. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God's work. Show all posts

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Christian Song | "Christ Is the Incarnate God Himself" | Eastern Lightning

Christian Song | "Christ Is the Incarnate God Himself" | Eastern Lightning

The incarnation of God means God appears and works in the flesh. He must first be flesh, flesh with normal humanity. The implication of incarnation is that God lives and works in the flesh. It means the essence of God Himself has become a man and flesh. Christ is the incarnate God Himself, the flesh donned by the Spirit of God, different from any man of flesh. He embodies the Spirit of God.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Why Does Eastern Lightning Surge Forward With Unstoppable Progress

The Church of Almighty God, faith in God, Eastern Lightning,
The Lord Jesus said, “For as the lightning comes out of the east, and shines even to the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be” (Matthew 24:27). Since Eastern LightningAlmighty God, Christ of the last days—appeared in China to perform His work, His kingdom gospel has spread across the whole of mainland China in just more than ten years. Now, it has spread to many western countries and regions, and it has shaken the various denominations to their core and sent ripples throughout the entire world. However, the most perplexing question for the leaders of the religious world is: Why is it that, although the pastors and elders in the religious world have done their utmost to resist, defame and condemn Eastern Lightning, stifle their churches and even gone so far as to collude with the CCP government to arrest and persecute the Christians in The Church of Almighty God, those believers from various denominations who have good humanity and who truly believe in the Lord accept and follow Almighty God one after another? Why is it that, though faced with the frantic resistance and persecution by the two arms of Satan’s forces—the CCP government and the religious world—not only has Eastern Lightning not been broken or worn down, but on the contrary it has continued to flourish and go from strength to strength, like shoots growing after rain, and has surged inexorably and irresistibly onward?

Sunday, October 27, 2019

I Overcome Satan’s Temptations by Relying on God

By Xinzhi, Australia
When returning to South Africa to handle some affairs in December 2017, I met a sister in the Lord, who told me that the Lord Jesus has returned as the incarnated Almighty God. She also fellowshiped with me in detail about such truths and mysteries as God’s six-thousand-year management plan, the purpose of God’s three stages of work and the significance of God’s name. After listening to her fellowship, I felt both amazed and excited. I had never before heard these truths, but I knew that only God Himself could reveal the mysteries of His work. I therefore became certain from the bottom of my heart that Almighty God is the Lord Jesus returned, and I gladly accepted Almighty God’s work of the last days. Every day, I enjoyed the watering and supply of God’s words and I felt incredibly at ease and supported. Little did I know, however, that Satan’s temptations were hiding just around the corner …
The Church of Almighty God, Faith in God, Eastern Lightning,

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Who Knows the Motherly Heart of God?

The Church of Almighty God, worship God, Eastern Lightning,
By Qingxin
In the past, I didn’t understand God’s work of saving mankind, thinking that if someone reveals corruption or commits transgressions in their duty that bring harm to the church’s work, that person will face the retribution they deserve, or that they will be stripped of their duty or be subjected to punishment. Because of this erroneous viewpoint, I was always afraid of slipping up in my work and being dismissed or sent back home, so I thought of a little “trick”: Whenever I did something wrong, I would try my best to not let the leaders know first, and scramble to make up for it myself and do my utmost to make it right. Wouldn’t that then help me hold on to my duty? So every time I gave reports on my work, I would downplay big issues and simply erase the small ones. During the times I was passive I would do my best to cover it up in front of the leaders and present myself as very active and positive, terrified that they would know I was in an abnormal state and think that I could not do the work, and then remove me from my position. That is how I became very carefully guarded, tiptoeing around the leaders and God in everything I did.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Endless Praise | Official Trailer “Dance and Singing Compilation”

Do you wish to see God’s appearance and know God’s work?
Do you want to learn about the overcoming testimonies of God’s chosen people’s salvation? The solemn chorus in “The Collection of Songs and Dances” gives a witness that God incarnate ushers in the Age of Kingdom and expresses the truths to raise the curtains on the judgment before the great white throne in the last days, convey the Creator’s heart’s voice and His sincere feelings toward mankind, and testify that Almighty God is the unique God Himself….

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

The Word of God | "Knowing the Three Stages of God's Work Is the Path to Knowing God" (Part Two)

The Word of God | "Knowing the Three Stages of God's Work Is the Path to Knowing God" (Part Two)

Almighty God says, "The three stages of work are at the heart of God’s entire management, and in them are expressed the disposition of God and what He is. Those who do not know of the three stages of God’s work are incapable of realizing how God expresses His disposition, nor do they know the wisdom of God’s work, and they remain ignorant of the many ways in which He saves mankind, and His will for the whole of mankind. The three stages of work are the full expression of the work of saving mankind. Those who do not know the three stages of work will be ignorant of the various methods and principles of the Holy Spirit’s work; those who only rigidly stick to doctrine that remains from one stage of work are people who limit God to doctrine, and whose belief in God is vague and uncertain. Such people will never receive God’s salvation."

Friday, October 4, 2019

Mighty To Save | “During the Last Days, God Principally Uses the Word to Accomplish All”

Almighty God, Christ of the last days, has expressed a variety of truths. He leads the whole of mankind with the word, which accomplishes the actual significance of the Word appearing in the flesh. From Almighty God’s word, people come to know God’s work, God’s disposition, and what God has and is, see God’s supremacy, wisdom, and almightiness, and also understand God’s kind intention for man’s salvation. … In the end, God’s word will show authority and let all people see that “God is as good as His word, and His word shall be accomplished, and that which is accomplished lasts forever,” and that God’s word accomplishes everything!

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Praise God Almighty | New Heaven and Earth Has Appeared | "The Universe and Expanse Is Praising God"

New heaven, new earth, and new age; the entire universe is rejoicing.
New people, new things, and new kingdom; all God’s people along with all things are praising Him.
New songs, new dances, and new life; brothers and sisters are singing and extolling the accomplishment of God’s work.
Look! The new kingdom hymn “The Universe and Expanse Is Praising God,” accompanied by the passionate and vigorous drumbeats, leads you to praise God freely!
The Universe and Expanse Is Praising God
Ay … songs are many and dances are graceful;
the universe and the ends of the earth become a seething sea.
Ay … the heaven is new and the earth is new.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Best Christian Movie | Chronicles of Religious Persecution in China "A Youth of Bloody Tears"

Best Free Christian Movie | Chronicles of Religious Persecution in China "A Youth of Bloody Tears"
Since it came to power in mainland China in 1949, the Chinese Communist Party has been relentless in its persecution of religious faith. It has frantically arrested and murdered Christians, expelled and abused missionaries operating in China, confiscated and destroyed countless copies of the Bible, sealed up and demolished church buildings, and vainly attempted to eradicate all house churches. This documentary tells the true story of the persecution suffered at the hands of the CCP by the family of Chinese Christian Lin Haochen. Lin Haochen followed in his father's footsteps and believed in the Lord, and as a result, as a child witnessed his village cadres often come to his home to threaten and frighten his parents into abandoning their faith and efforts to spread the gospel. After Lin Haochen's family accepted God's work of the last days, they were persecuted and arrested even more fervently by the CCP government. Lin Haochen's mother passed away from illness as she fled arrest, and Lin Haochen, his father, and his older brother were forced to flee home, and found it nearly impossible to return. What was once a happy, beautiful family was dismembered and scattered by the CCP's persecution …

Saturday, September 14, 2019

2018 Christian Film | "Who's Nailing God to the Cross Again?" | Christ of the Last Days, the Savior Has Come

2018 Christian Film | "Who's Nailing God to the Cross Again?" | Christ of the Last Days, the Savior Has Come
Gu Shoucheng is a pastor in a house church in China. He has believed in the Lord for many years, and has been working consistently on his sermons, and he has been all over preaching the gospel. He has been arrested and imprisoned because of preaching the gospel, and did 12 years' time.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Amazing Grace: By Leaning on God My Seriously Injured Daughter Avoided an Amputation

The Church of Almighty God, faith in God, Eastern Lightning,
By Li Qin
“Mom, my older sister was in a car accident and she’s at the Military District General Hospital in emergency care. The doctor said … he said that her injuries are really severe and they may not be able to save her. He said her family should get to the hospital as soon as possible and make preparations….” My youngest daughter was breaking down in tears over the phone. My legs suddenly went completely weak and I nearly fainted; tears streamed down my face and I felt like I had been stabbed through the heart. Just how badly was my daughter injured? How could I go on living if I lost her at such a young age? In the midst of my pain it occurred to me that since I’m a believer, I had to pray and lean on God—I knew He would certainly help and guide me.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Best Gospel Movie "The Gospel Messenger" | Preaching the Gospel of the Last Days (English Full Movie)

Best Gospel Movie "The Gospel Messenger" | Preaching the Gospel of the Last Days (English Full Movie)
Christian Chen Yixin has believed in the Lord for many years, and has been fortunate enough to welcome the Lord Jesus' return in the last days—Almighty God! She came to understand God's urgent will to save mankind from Almighty God's words as well as the mission and responsibility a created being should undertake, so she began sharing the gospel and bearing witness to God's work in the last days.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

There Is Nothing God Cannot Do (Part 1)

The Church of Almighty God, pray to God, Eastern Lightning,
Zhen’ai answered her daughter’s call, her face beaming with joy as she awaited the good news.
“Hi mom, I’ve spoken with my mother-in-law’s relative to see whether or not they could allocate you and dad a ground floor apartment, as access would be a lot easier for you, but there are so many people in the village who want to live in ground floor apartments, and the village cadre says that it’s just not possible.” Zhen’ai’s daughter patiently explained.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

The Last Days Are Here: Are You Prepared to Meet God?

The Church of Almighty God, Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,
One day I saw a lively discussion online; people were saying that four blood moons appearing at night in the Western hemisphere is a warning of the end times, and that major earthquakes are becoming more frequent across the entire globe. I thought to myself, “The four blood moons have already happened, celestial phenomena have appeared, disasters are occurring frequently all over the world, terrorist incidents are increasing, wars are constantly breaking out…. All the signs show that the prophecies of the Lord’s return have basically been fulfilled, so why haven’t I seen Him coming down on a cloud to meet us? Is it that the Lord hasn’t returned yet or that He has returned, but I haven’t seen Him? How can I welcome His return?” This confusion wound itself around my heart leaving me baffled. Trying to get some clarity on this issue, I started praying and praying to the Lord, asking for Him to enlighten and guide me so that I’ll be able to welcome His return and not be cast out by Him.

Monday, June 24, 2019

Know the Real Meaning of Jesus’ Resurrection From Easter

What Is Easter? The Origins of Easter
Easter, or Resurrection Sunday as it is also called, is a holiday which celebrates the Lord Jesus’ resurrection that occurred three days after He was crucified upon the cross. Its exact time falls on the first Sunday following the first full moon after the vernal equinox every year. In order to commemorate the resurrection of Jesus and to remember the salvation and hope Jesus brought to mankind, each year from March to April, Christians all over the world hold celebrations on the day of Easter. So while us Christians are commemorating the resurrection of Jesus, do we know why He returned from the dead and appeared to man despite having already finished His work of redemption? And what is the meaning behind His resurrection and His appearance to man?
The Church of Almighty God, Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,
The Meaning of the Lord Jesus’ Resurrection and of His Appearance to Man

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Reflection for Today: Does a Church Appearing Fervent Mean That It Has the Work of the Holy Spirit?

The Church of Almighty God, Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,
Hello brothers and sisters of Spiritual Q&A,
Several months ago, I witnessed the pastors in our church vying with each other for the sake of fame and gain and jockeying for position, so much so that they even verbally attacked and disparaged each other during sermons. Their sermons were not enjoyable to listen to, and our spirits went unnourished. Furthermore, there was widespread cooling of the faith of brothers and sisters; they pursued wealth, they coveted physical pleasures and they followed worldly trends, giving all their attention to eating, drinking and having fun. Most of the time, some brothers and sisters simply did not attend gatherings, but instead only came when a disaster occurred in their lives or when there was some important holiday … Faced with this situation in our church, I left to look for a church that had the work of the Holy Spirit. I searched in many places, however, and discovered that most churches were just the same, and I began to lose hope. I recently found a church, however, which often put on shows and held events, and it even had pastors come from overseas to give sermons. The atmosphere in this church was very warm and enthusiastic, and many people attended each gathering. Looking at this church that was so ardent and at the brothers and sisters who attended gatherings so enthusiastically, I thought this must be a church that had the work of the Holy Spirit. It wasn’t long, however, before I discovered that, although the church appeared ardent, the sermons preached by the pastors were unable to provide benefits for the lives of brothers and sisters and were unable to satisfy our spirits. The singing and dancing that went on only had the effect of changing the atmosphere in the church—while it was going on, we all felt very energetic, but as soon as we sat down to listen to a pastor give a sermon, we would begin to doze off. Moreover, brothers and sisters were always trying to outdo each other with donations and prayers. Whoever donated a lot was considered to be someone who loved the Lord, and whoever prayed for a long time and said nice words in their prayers was considered to be a spiritual person…. In this kind of church, the brothers and sisters not only had no honesty or humility but, on the contrary, their vanity just got stronger and stronger and they became more and more hypocritical. They focused on expressing themselves and showing off in front of others and were exceedingly self-righteous and arrogant. Whenever they encountered an issue, they just dealt with it however they wanted, and they didn’t listen to anyone else—they were just not keeping to the Lord’s teachings at all. Faced with this kind of situation in the church, I couldn’t help but wonder: Could such a church that appears to be so fervent from the outside have the work of the Holy Spirit? This question has always perplexed me, so I’d like to ask if you could answer it for me.

Friday, June 21, 2019

We Can Only Enter the Kingdom of Heaven by Doing God’s Will (Part One)

The Church of Almighty God, Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,
Editor’s Note: Many people believe that merely by forsaking, expending, laboring, and working for the Lord, we are doing the Father’s will, but the Lord Jesus said, “Not every one that said to Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that does the will of My Father which is in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name? and in Your name have cast out devils? and in Your name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess to them, I never knew you: depart from Me, you that work iniquity” (Matthew 7:21–23). Why did the Lord Jesus say those who work and preach in His name are workers of iniquity? Isn’t forsaking, expending, laboring, and working for the Lord doing the Father’s will? Just what does it mean to do the Father’s will? Sister Xinshou’s experience gives us an answer. Read on to learn more …
In 2012, my husband and I came to the United States to find work. In a happy accident, I went into a church to hear the sermon, and when I heard the pastor preach that the Lord Jesus was crucified to redeem our sins, I was shocked. Especially when I heard the hymns in praise of the Lord, the Lord Jesus’s selfless love moved me to tears. The Lord’s love was like a lamp burning in a dark night that lit up my entire life. I began to participate in all kinds of church activities. Later, I was chosen for hosting duties at the church, and I enthusiastically preached the gospel for the Lord. I believed that as long as I passionately expended for the Lord, I was the Lord’s loyal servant, that He would take delight in me, and that He would grant me blessings.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Daily Bible Reading: Is All the Word of God Really in the Bible?

The Church of Almighty God, Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,
“Siyu, in chapters 3 and 22 of Revelation, the Lord Jesus prophesies many times, “I come quickly.” We have been longing for the Lord Jesus to return for so many years, and now He has returned to speak His words and perform a new stage of work …”
Siyu stood at the window, frowning, with the words of her neighbor Sister Zhou echoing over and over in her ears. But she thought of what the pastors and elders often preach: “God’s words and works are all recorded in the Bible and there are none outside the Bible. If we want to await the Lord’s coming, we have to stick to the Bible.” Siyu thought to herself, “The Lord will definitely return in the last days. But if all of God’s words and works are in the Bible, how can the Lord possibly speak any more words or perform any new works when He returns in the last days?” Thinking this, Siyu felt very confused. She turned and walked back to the table, and she then prayed to God, seeking the answers. Siyu then opened the Bible and, just at that moment, she was drawn to chapter 2, verse 7 of Revelation. She read in a soft voice: “He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” “What the Spirit says to the churches?” she thought. “He that has an ear, let him hear? Revelation is a book of prophecy concerning the Lord’s return, so could it be that when the Lord returns in the last days, He really will speak more words? But the pastors and elders say that the Lord’s words and works are all in the Bible. What exactly is the truth of the matter?” Siyu pondered this for a long time, but still she couldn’t quite understand it.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

What Salvation Is and How It’s Gained From God

Being saved by God isn’t the same as being rescued. It’s not aid given to the poor by the rich, it’s not a doctor saving the life of a patient, and it’s not the loving help of a kind person or a charitable organization. God’s salvation is prepared for the sake of saving mankind and it is overflowing with God’s great love and mercy for humanity. Gaining it means that we are able to accept God’s salvation, obey His current words and work, put God’s words into practice, comply with God’s way, as well as do things and conduct ourselves in accordance with His requirements. This is the only way we can gain God’s salvation.
The Church of Almighty God, Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,
Throughout each of our lives God will give us many opportunities to gain His salvation, but in order to get it we must first acknowledge and accept it. Otherwise, we will miss the chance just like the foolish virgins did, and we will regret it for eternity. There are some who may say: “If the chance is gone, it’s gone. It doesn’t matter.” But is that true? We must first understand this fact: Missing out on God’s salvation isn’t like missing out on a tasty meal or like missing a bus, nor is it like missing a chance at getting higher education or a new job. Rather, it is like a person trapped in a burning building missing a firefighter’s rescue; it is like someone who is drowning failing to catch a piece of driftwood. It’s clear that whether we are able to accept and gain salvation from God is directly related to the incredibly important issues of whether we can gain God’s approval, and be saved and enter into the kingdom of heaven. Missing out on God’s salvation is a regrettable, pitiable thing; knowing and gaining God’s salvation is incredibly important for all of us! Since it is so important, let’s now come to understand God’s salvation from His work and seek out how we can gain it!

Monday, June 17, 2019

Unveiled: The True Meaning of “It Is Finished” Spoken by the Lord Jesus on the Cross

The Church of Almighty God, Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,
Many brothers and sisters believe that what Jesus meant by saying “It is finished” when He was on the cross was that God’s work to save mankind was completed. But was this really the case? What exactly did He mean by saying “It is finished”? The following article will uncover the true meaning of the words “It is finished” that the Lord Jesus spoke upon the cross. Please read on …
At seven o’clock in the morning, Wang Xue was hurrying to her daughter Hui Min’s house. Half an hour before, Pastor Zhang had come to Wang Xue’s house to tell her that her daughter and son-in-law had accepted Eastern Lightning. This came as a great surprise to Wang Xue, and she thought to herself: “The members of Eastern Lightning testify that the Lord Jesus has returned and that He is expressing His words and performing a stage of work to judge and purify man. And yet the Lord Jesus clearly said ‘It is finished’ when He was upon the cross, and this shows that God’s work to save mankind has already finished. How can the Lord possibly return to do a new stage of work? My daughter and her husband are quite familiar with the Bible, and they pursue the truth quite diligently; they are thoughtful and insightful people, so they won’t have made this decision blindly. How could they have accepted Eastern Lightning? What’s going on here?” Wang Xue was extremely baffled and she wanted to understand the reasons behind this as soon as she could, and so she hurriedly set off for Hui Min’s house.
