Showing posts with label Trials and Tribulations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trials and Tribulations. Show all posts

Sunday, December 8, 2019

I Witness God’s Love in the Midst of My Spiritual Battle

The Church of Almighty God, believe in God, Eastern Lightning,
By Zhiyuan
Satan is the evil one, the enemy of God, that has ever wished to corrupt and devour mankind whom God created. When God performs His work to save mankind, Satan dogs His steps and causes constant interruptions and disturbances to God’s work, and that is why each and every brother and sister who has accepted God’s new work encounters the disturbances and temptations of Satan to varying degrees. As Christians, how are we to approach the temptations of Satan? Should we flee and recoil, or should we rely on God to overcome Satan? Let’s now read the experiences of Sister Zhiyuan, and within them, we will find the path we should practice.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Why Does God Let Us Experience Trials and Refinement?

The Church of Almighty God, faith in God, Eastern Lightning,
By Li Tong
Many Christians feel confused: God is love and He is almighty, so why does He allow us to suffer? Could it be that He has abandoned us? This question always used to puzzle me, but lately, through prayer and seeking, I’ve gained a bit of enlightenment and light. This has resolved my misunderstandings of God, and I’ve come to understand that suffering is not God casting us aside, but instead is very carefully arranged by God in order to purify and save us. These trials and refinement are God’s greatest grace for us!
