Showing posts with label Christian Worship Song. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christian Worship Song. Show all posts

Thursday, October 24, 2019

2019 Encouraging Christian Song "All the Way in Your Company" | Thank You Lord for Leading Me

2019 Encouraging Christian Worship Song "All the Way in Your Company" | Thank You Lord for Leading Me
I was like a boat, adrift on the sea. You chose me, and to a haven You led me. Now in Your family, warmed by Your love, I am all at peace. You bless me, give Your words of judgment. Still how I fail to cherish Your grace. Often rebelling, somehow hurting Your heart. Yet You don't treat me by my sins but work for my salvation. When I'm distant, You call me back from danger. When I rebel, You hide Your face, darkness wrapping me. When I come back to You, You show mercy, smile to embrace. When Satan scourges me, You heal my wounds, warm my heart. When the devil hurts me, You're with me through the trial. Dawn will soon appear, and skies will shine blue as before, when You're there with me. Dawn will soon appear, and skies will shine blue as before, when You're there with me.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Live in God's Love | Praise Dance "Song of Sweet Love" | Hallelujah, Praise God

Live in God's Love | Praise Dance "Song of Sweet Love" | Hallelujah, Praise God
Deep in my heart, it is Your love. So sweet, I get close to You.
Caring about You sweetens my heart; serving You with all my mind.
Guiding my heart, it is Your love; I follow Your footsteps of love.
I shift myself according to Your eyes; love’s showing my heart’s joy.
Love’s showing my heart’s joy.
Now I live in another world, no one but You are with me.
You love me, I love You; no grief or sorrow bothers us.
No grief or sorrow bothers us. Painful memories pass away.
Painful memories pass away.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Inspirational Worship Song (2019) | "Christ of the Last Days Has Brought the Age of Kingdom"

Inspirational Christian Worship Song (2019) | "Christ of the Last Days Has Brought the Age of Kingdom"
When Jesus came to the world of man,
He ended the Age of Law,
and He brought the Age of Grace.
In the last days God became flesh once more,
He ended the Age of Grace
and He brought the Age of Kingdom.
Those who accept
the second incarnation of God
will be led to the Kingdom Age
and accept God’s guidance.
After man was forgiven his sins,
God returned to flesh to lead him.
He will lead man into the new age.
He’s begun the work of judgement
to bring man to a higher realm.
Those who submit enjoy higher truth,
will receive much greater blessings,
truly living in the light.
They will gain the truth, way and life.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Kids Dance | Worship Song "Such Joy in Church Life" | Hallelujah! Praise and Thank God

Kids Dance | Christian Worship Song "Such Joy in Church Life" | Hallelujah! Praise and Thank God
Brothers and sisters, we’ve come before God.
Eat and drink His words, it’s such a joy.
God cares not how deep we see the truth, He’s pleased by our true words.
We share experience, what we’ve learned,
support each other, go forward hand in hand.
We understand the truth, reflect upon ourselves,
see our corruption, our flaws.
Our prayers are what we feel,
we speak to God from the heart.
The more fellowship on His words,
the more we understand His words and truth.
We’ve tasted the love of God.
The life of the church brings such great joy,
and our lives grow step by step.
Kingdom of Christ is truly our home.
Those who love God will praise Him forever.
All glory be to Almighty God!

Monday, August 12, 2019

God Is Come, God Is King | Praise and Worship "Gospel Choir 1st Performance"

Christian Worship Song | God Is Come, God Is King | Praise and Worship "Gospel Choir 1st Performance"
Songs of Choir:
Kingdom Anthem
1. (I) The Kingdom Descends on the World
2. (II) God Has Come and God Reigns
3. (III) People! Rejoice!
1. (I) The Kingdom Descends on the World
The people cheer God, the people praise God; all mouths name the one true God.
The kingdom descends on the world.
The people cheer God, the people praise God;
all mouths name the one true God, all people raise their eyes to watch God’s deeds.
The kingdom descends on the world,
God’s person is rich and bountiful (rich and bountiful).
Who would not celebrate for this? (Who would not celebrate for this?)
Who would not dance with joy for this? (Who would not dance with joy for this?)
Oh, Zion! (Oh, Zion!) Oh, Zion! (Oh, Zion!)
Raise your triumphant banner to celebrate God!
Sing your triumphant song of victory and spread God’s holy name!
All things on earth! Now purify yourselves in sacrifice for God!
Stars in the sky! Now return to your places and show God’s greatness in the firmament!
God attends to the voices of the people on earth,
pouring out infinite love and reverence for Him in song!
On this day, as all things rejuvenate, God comes to walk the earth.
At this moment, the flowers bloom, the birds sing, all things are full of jubilation!
The birds sing, all things are full of jubilation! In the sound of the kingdom’s salute, Satan’s kingdom collapses,
destroyed in the reverberating chorus of the kingdom anthem. And it will never rise again!
Who on the earth dares to rise and resist?
As God descends to earth He brings burning, brings wrath,
brings all disasters, brings all disasters.
The earthly kingdoms now are God’s kingdom!
Up in the sky, the clouds tumble and billow;
under the sky (under the sky), under the sky (under the sky),
lakes and rivers surge and churn out a moving melody.
Resting animals emerge from their dens, and all peoples who slumber are awakened by God.
The day all peoples have awaited finally has come!
They offer up the most beautiful songs to God! To God!
To God!

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

2019 Christian Worship Hymn With Lyrics | "God in the Flesh Is a Living Fountain of Life"

2019 Christian Worship Song With Lyrics | "God in the Flesh Is a Living Fountain of Life"
The work that is of greatest value to corrupt man
is that which provides precise words, clear goals to pursue,
and which can be seen and touched, which can be seen and touched.
Just realistic work and guidance that is timely
are the things best suited to man’s taste.
Yes, only real work saves man from depravity and his corrupt disposition.
Only the incarnate God can do this,
can save man from his formerly corrupt and depraved disposition.
He shall show man the importance of His work in the flesh to man,
so man may understand the importance, the import of this flesh to the very meaning of man’s existence,
shall know His real value to the growth of man’s life.
And further man shall know that this flesh will become a living fountain of life,
from which man cannot bear to part,
from which man cannot bear to part.
Most people have become enemies, God’s enemies, because of this flesh.
Yet when He ends, concludes all His work,
they’ll stop being enemies, they’ll be against Him no more.
On the contrary, they will become His witnesses,
all having been conquered by Him,
become compatible, they’re compatible with Him
and inseparable from Him.
Only the incarnate God can do this,
can save man from his formerly corrupt and depraved disposition.
He shall show man the importance of His work in the flesh to man,
so man may understand the importance, the import of this flesh to the very meaning of man’s existence,
shall know His real value to the growth of man’s life.
And further man shall know that this flesh will become a living fountain of life,
from which man cannot bear to part,
from which man cannot bear to part.
from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

Recommended:When Will Jesus Return? 5 Prophecies Tell You

Sunday, June 2, 2019

2019 Christian Worship Hymn With Lyrics | "God Eagerly Wants Those Who Can Carry Out His Will"

2019 Christian Worship Song With Lyrics | "God Eagerly Wants Those Who Can Carry Out His Will"
As God’s work moved onward
and progressed ceaselessly through time,
after the rainbow covenant was established with man,
a sign that He would never again flood the world,
God wished even more for those who
could be of one mind with Him.
God longs to gain those who understand His will,
know His disposition and worship Him.
Such a group of people, they are His confidants.
Such a group of people can bear testimony
to Him, to Him, to Him.
God was more eager for
those who could do His will on earth,
and those who were able to not be bound by Satan,
who could break away from the forces of darkness
and bear testimony to Him,
those who were able.
God longs to gain those who understand His will,
know His disposition and worship Him.
Such a group of people, they are His confidants.
Such a group of people can bear testimony
to Him, to Him, to Him.
God’s wished for such people, He’s waited so long.
Regardless of His flood and His covenant with man,
since creation, God’s hopes have remained same,
and so has His will, His mind, and His plan.
God longs to gain those who understand His will,
know His disposition and worship Him.
Such a group of people, they are His confidants.
Such a group of people can bear testimony
to Him, to Him, to Him, to Him.
from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

2019 Christian Worship Song With Lyrics | "Job's Attitude Toward God's Blessings"

2019 Christian Worship Song With Lyrics | "Job's Attitude Toward God's Blessings"
Job believed in his heart that all he possessed
was bestowed by God and not by his own hand.
He did not see blessings as things to take advantage of,
but held onto the way that he should keep
as his guide to living.
Job never reveled or wildly delighted
because of the blessings God bestowed,
nor ignored God’s way or forgot the grace of God
because of blessings he often enjoyed.
Job cherished God’s blessings, giving thanks for them.
But he did not indulge in them, nor search for more.
He never did anything for the sake of blessings,
not worried about losing or lack of them from God, oh.
Job never reveled or wildly delighted
because of the blessings God bestowed,
nor ignored God’s way or forgot the grace of God
because of blessings he often enjoyed.
Woo, whoa, whoa.
Job never reveled or wildly delighted
because of the blessings God bestowed,
nor ignored God’s way or forgot the grace of God
because of blessings he often enjoyed. Oh, oh.
from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

Recommended:How Do We Worship God in Spirit and in Truth?

Sunday, May 19, 2019

2019 Christian Worship Song | "The Life of Man Is Entirely Under God’s Sovereignty" (Lyrics)

2019 Christian Worship Song | "The Life of Man Is Entirely Under God’s Sovereignty" (Lyrics)
If a person only believes in fate
but they are unable to know,
if a person only believes in fate
but they are unable to recognize,
if a person only believes in fate
but they are unable to submit,
unable to accept the Creator’s
sovereignty over man’s fate,
their life would be a tragedy,
their life would be lived in vain,
their life would be a void,
they can’t submit to His dominion,
they can’t become a created being
in the truest sense of the phrase,
and enjoy the Creator’s approval,
enjoy it through the days.
A person who knows God’s sovereignty,
they should be in an active state.
A person who sees God’s sovereignty,
they should not be in a passive state.
While accepting all things are fated,
they’ve a right definition of fate:
The life of man is entirely
under God’s sovereignty.
When one recollects the phases of one’s journey,
when one looks back upon the road one has walked,
one sees that at every step God was guiding one’s path,
whether one’s road was smooth or whether one’s road was hard.
God was planning it out with meticulous arrangements.
One’s been led to today unknowingly.
What a great fortune that is to receive His salvation,
to accept the Creator’s sovereignty.
A person who knows God’s sovereignty,
they should be in an active state.
A person who sees God’s sovereignty,
they should not be in a passive state.
While accepting all things are fated,
they’ve a right definition of fate:
The life of man is entirely
under God’s sovereignty.
If a person perceives God’s sovereignty,
they will more earnestly desire to submit
to everything God has planned,
to obey all God’s arrangements.
If a person perceives God’s sovereignty,
they will have determination and confidence
to stop rebelling against God,
to accept His orchestrations.
A person who knows God’s sovereignty,
they should be in an active state.
A person who sees God’s sovereignty,
they should not be in a passive state.
While accepting all things are fated,
they’ve a right definition of fate:
The life of man is entirely
under God’s sovereignty.
from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

Saturday, May 18, 2019

2019 Christian Worship Song With Lyrics | "God Loves Man With Wounds" | The Love of God Is Great

2019 Christian Worship Song With Lyrics | "God Loves Man With Wounds" | The Love of God Is Great
God in flesh is judged, condemned, sneered at.
By the devils He is pursued.
He is spurned by the religious world.
No one can make up for His hurt.
Mankind’s ferocious resistance, his slanders, hunting and false blames
cause God’s flesh to face great dangers.
Who can understand and ease His pain?
God saves corrupt man through patience, He loves people with a bruised heart.
This is the most painful, most painful work of all.
Since the start of God’s work in flesh, what has been revealed is all love.
He gives His everything to man, the substance of His work is love.
Since the start of God’s work in flesh, what has been revealed is all love.
He gives His everything to man, the substance of His work is love.
For thirty-three and a half years,
Jesus lived on earth and wasn’t free from pain
till He was crucified, risen, and appeared to man for forty days.
Hard years of living with man ceased,
but God’s heart still suffered the same, worried where man will end up.
None could know and bear this pain.
Since the start of God’s work in flesh, what has been revealed is all love.
He gives His everything to man, the substance of His work is love.
Since the start of God’s work in flesh, what has been revealed is all love.
He gives His everything to man, the substance of His work is love.
from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs
