Saturday, May 25, 2019

2019 Christian Worship Dance | "Joined by Love"

2019 Christian Worship Dance | "Joined by Love"
We travel from afar to gather in the house of God,
eating and drinking God’s words and living the life of the church each day.
We practice and experience God’s words, truly enjoying the understanding of the truth.
Emptiness, pain, entanglement—they are all in the past.
God’s words have brought us together;
how sweet it is to enjoy these words in our hearts.
Loving each other, brimming with joy and laughter,
understanding the truth and praising God, our hearts are set free!
We gather before God, each of us with a heart that loves Him.
Reading God’s words, there is light in our hearts, and a path to practice in all things.
Helping and supporting each other, we live in God’s love.
Shedding falseness and deceit, we train to be honest.
God’s words bring us together,
our hearts connect, and we love each other, as close as can be.
Seeing that God is so lovely, our hearts are impassioned;
our hearts love God and praise God, how blessed we are!
Looking back at times together, we feel bittersweet,
they have become unforgettable memories.
God has brought us to today, and we have experienced so much of His love.
After experiencing trials and refinement, there is change in our life disposition.
Undertaking the mission to bear witness to God, we go our different ways.
God’s words lead us forever onwards, we spread His good news on earth.
Brothers and sisters, stand up with one heart and mind;
loving God means being mindful of His will.
No matter how great the suffering, we will never back down;
forever shall we love God and testify to Him, we will be loyal to Him to the very end!
Brothers and sisters, stand up with one heart and mind;
spread the gospel of the kingdom and follow God’s will.
We yearn for the day of God’s glory, when we can gather again,
together with God, never apart!
from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

How Can We Dine at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb?

It is recorded in Revelation 19:9, “And he said to me, Write, Blessed are they which are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb. And he said to me, These are the true sayings of God.
As Christians, we all know that when the Lord Jesus returns in the last days, all who are able to receive the Lord and dine at the marriage supper of the Lamb are wise virgins; the blessed; those with hope of being brought up into the kingdom of heaven. The foolish virgins, because they fail to dine at the marriage supper of the Lamb, become those who are rejected by the Lord, and eventually and inevitably fall into disaster. We all hope, when the Lord Jesus returns, to be one of the wise virgins, to greet the bridegroom, and to be invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb. These are the last days, wars are constantly erupting, disasters such as famines, plagues, earthquakes, and tsunamis are becoming ever more serious, and celestial signs such as the Blood Moon Tetrad and the Super Blood Wolf Moon are also frequently appearing. Many of the prophecies of the Lord’s return in the Bible have essentially been fulfilled. At this critical moment of receiving the Lord’s return, how can we attend the marriage supper of the Lamb? Today, let’s discuss the three principles we should master concerning the marriage supper of the Lamb.
The Church of Almighty God, Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,

Friday, May 24, 2019

2019 Christian Crosstalk " Believers in the Son Have Everlasting Life"

Recommended:Judgment Has Begun at the House of God

How to Have True Faith in God

What God requires of each of us as Christians is to possess genuine faith. There are many examples recorded in the Bible of people who were able to see God’s wondrous deeds and be blessed by Him because of their faith. Moses had faith in God and through His guidance, was able to overcome the myriad obstructions and limitations of the Pharaoh, successfully leading the Israelites in their exodus from Egypt. Abraham had faith in God and was willing to sacrifice his only son Isaac to God, and ultimately God blessed him, allowing his descendants to multiply and become great nations. Job had faith in God and was able to stand witness for God through two trials; God blessed Him even more, and appeared to him and spoke to him from a storm. The Canaanite woman in Matthew had faith in the Lord Jesus and believed that He could drive out the evil spirit from her daughter; she made her plea to the Lord Jesus and her daughter’s sickness was cured. As Christians, it is imperative that we understand the truth pertaining to what true faith is so that no matter what hardships we encounter in our lives—failures in business, setbacks in life, unfortunate family events—we are able to rely on our faith and unwaveringly follow God, being resounding witnesses for Him and ultimately gaining His approval.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

How to Get Over a Breakup

By Shuyi
Early one morning at the start of summer, a faint fragrance permeated the air and sunlight poured into every corner. Qinyi, wearing a flower-patterned chiffon dress, sat feeling happy at the subway station, waiting for the next train to come. Turning her head, Qinyi happened to see on a video screen a girl breaking up with a boy because he had been two-timing her, then the girl turning away and leaving with tears running down her cheeks. Qinyi stared fixedly at the screen. Just then, she suddenly thought of how she had been before, when she had harbored a longing for a beautiful love where she and her boyfriend would walk through life together, but in the end, she had received only scars and wounds …

Ever since she was small, Qinyi loved to listen to the song, The Butterfly Lovers, and she loved even more to watch the TV opera, also called The Butterfly Lovers, within which the “Only when the mountains fall and heaven and earth are one will I be parted from you” love story of the protagonists always left her feeling profoundly moved. She hoped to also have a love which would last until the heavens and the earth grew old, and which would last for all her life.

The Aftermath of My Husband’s Affair (Audio Essay)

The Church of Almighty God, Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,
In the middle of the night around 12:00 a.m., Lu Lu was staring at the computer screen, not daring to believe that what it displayed was a list of her husband’s expenses from the last few months: a few hundred yuan on women’s clothing at a department store, over a thousand yuan on a bottle of imported alcohol from a high-end liquor store … Seeing this list of numbers, Lu Lu collapsed into the chair and felt a taste of despair for the first time in her life. She never could have imagined that her husband who had been through thick and thin with her would suddenly betray her. Her sister-in-law’s kind warning came to mind: “Lu Lu, aren’t you afraid that my brother will do something disrespectful to you while he’s away?” Her response was, “I couldn’t say what others might do, but your brother isn’t that kind of person.” Her air of confidence at that time surfaced in her memory—faced with the bitter truth in that moment, it really felt like a mockery. The truth, hard as nails, completely obliterated the last line of defense in Lu Lu’s heart, and tears rolled down her cheek one after another, like a string of pearls. She hoped so fervently that this was a delusion and so longed to return to the wonderful times of the past, to the nostalgia of their innocent love. …

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Persecution of The Church of Almighty God Was Unveiled at UN Why CCP Persecutes Religious Beliefs?

On June 19th, during the Thirty-eighth Session of the Human Rights Council of the United Nations, Mr. Thierry Valle, President of the Coordination of the Associations and Individuals for Freedom of Conscience (CAP LC), on behalf of 7 NGOs, gave an oral statement at the Human Rights Council. This statement calls for attention on the continuous persecution of The Church of Almighty God by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and urges Chinese government to respect religious liberty and stop the persecution of The Church of Almighty God.

Photo Exhibition: Almighty God's Appearance and Work and the History of The Church of Almighty God

The Lord Jesus prophesied, “And, behold, I come quickly” (Rev 22:7). “For as the lightning comes out of the east, and shines even to the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be” (Mat 24:27). “For as the lightning, that lightens out of the one part under heaven, shines to the other part under heaven; so shall also the Son of man be in his day. But first must he suffer many things, and be rejected of this generation” (Luk 17:24-25). “He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit said to the churches” (Rev 2:7). Today, these prophecies of the Lord Jesus have all been fulfilled. Many who long for the appearance of God, and yearn for the arrival of the Lord Jesus upon a cloud, have heard the voice of God, and been raised before His throne. In 1991, in the world’s East, China, a Son of man began to speak, shattering the dark night’s silence before dawn, and rocking different Christian denominations in China. People were overjoyed and rushed about telling each other, testifying that the Lord Jesus had returned and God had begun to speak.
In just over a decade, the utterances of this Son of man spread across the Mainland China,
which was the appearance and work of Almighty God in China. The appearance and work of Almighty God not only caused a sensation in Mainland China, but rocked the rest of the world.
The millions of words expressed by Almighty God have been made publicly available in different countries via the internet. Many who long for the appearance and work of God have begun to seek and investigate the words. This has also drawn the attention of experts and academics.
In late October 2018, a photo exhibition entitled “The Appearance and Work of Almighty God”
was held at The Church of Almighty God (CAG) in Seoul, South Korea. It attracted over a dozen internationally-renowned experts and scholars to visit and investigate. Christians from the Church described to visitors their feelings and insights after experiencing the words and work of Almighty God.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

2019 Christian Worship Song With Lyrics | "Job's Attitude Toward God's Blessings"

2019 Christian Worship Song With Lyrics | "Job's Attitude Toward God's Blessings"
Job believed in his heart that all he possessed
was bestowed by God and not by his own hand.
He did not see blessings as things to take advantage of,
but held onto the way that he should keep
as his guide to living.
Job never reveled or wildly delighted
because of the blessings God bestowed,
nor ignored God’s way or forgot the grace of God
because of blessings he often enjoyed.
Job cherished God’s blessings, giving thanks for them.
But he did not indulge in them, nor search for more.
He never did anything for the sake of blessings,
not worried about losing or lack of them from God, oh.
Job never reveled or wildly delighted
because of the blessings God bestowed,
nor ignored God’s way or forgot the grace of God
because of blessings he often enjoyed.
Woo, whoa, whoa.
Job never reveled or wildly delighted
because of the blessings God bestowed,
nor ignored God’s way or forgot the grace of God
because of blessings he often enjoyed. Oh, oh.
from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

Recommended:How Do We Worship God in Spirit and in Truth?

2019 Gospel Song With Lyrics "What the Young Must Pursue"

2019 Gospel Song With Lyrics "What the Young Must Pursue"
Prejudiced eyes and deceit are not what the youth should have.
Awful and destructive ways are not how the youth should act.
They should have aspirations, ardently strive to advance,
not lose heart over their prospects,
keep faith in life, the future.
Youth should have resolve in discernment, seeking justice and the truth.
Pursue all things beautiful,
gain reality of positive things.
Be responsible towards life.
You must not take this lightly. You must not take this lightly.
Youth should persist in the path of truth,
thus expend their lives for God.
They should not lack the truth,
nor harbor falseness, unrighteousness.
They should take the proper stance.
They shouldn’t just drift along.
They should dare to sacrifice, fight for justice and the truth.
Youth should have resolve in discernment, seeking justice and the truth.
Pursue all things beautiful,
gain reality of positive things.
Be responsible towards life.
You must not take this lightly. You must not take this lightly.
Young people should not give in to oppression of dark force.
They must have the courage to change the meaning of their lives.
Young people shouldn’t resign themselves to adversity,
they should be open and frank, forgive fellow believers.
Youth should have resolve in discernment, seeking justice and the truth.
Pursue all things beautiful,
gain reality of positive things.
Be responsible towards life.
You must not take this lightly. You must not take this lightly.
from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

Monday, May 20, 2019

Prayer of Faith | How Should I Face It, After Testing Positive for Hepatitis B? (Audio Essay)

The Church of Almighty God, Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,
I was struck by an illness that came out of nowhere, and in the blink of an eye I had become mired in pain and despair, and I lost all hope for life. Nevertheless, through God’s wonderful salvation, I came to understand that God’s will was behind my illness, and I saw God’s wondrous deeds. Remembering the events of that time, they are as vivid to me now as they were then.
A few months ago, my boss told us that Xiao Wang, one of my colleagues, had contracted a serious liver condition and had been hospitalized for treatment. The boss went on to say that the illness Xiao Wang had contracted could be transmitted to other people through physical contact, food, drink and bodily fluids. As we were often in contact with Xiao Wang, it was highly probable that we would have been infected, so we were told to go to the hospital immediately for testing. Hearing this news, the office was suddenly all abuzz; everyone was worried that they were infected, and so we all hurried to hospital. After a series of tests, I waited uneasily for the results. After a while, the doctor came and handed me the test results, and said: “You are a carrier of the Hepatitis B virus, and it has not been contracted recently, but has probably been there for a while.” I simply couldn’t believe what I was hearing, and I asked the doctor to repeat herself. The doctor said regretfully, “You heard right. This is real. You must seek urgent treatment. If you delay, then your condition will worsen, and if it becomes liver cancer then you’ll be in real trouble. What’s more, as this virus cannot be wholly eradicated from the body, you will carry this virus for the rest of your life. You should get your mind right and be prepared!” This terrible, sudden news left me all at sea, and my whole body seemed to shrivel up like an eggplant affected by the frost, and my legs felt as heavy as lead. Scared out of my mind, I took the test results and left the hospital, not knowing how to get home.

Power of Prayer — My Daughter at Death’s Door: I Witness a Miracle by Praying to God (Audio Essay)

The Church of Almighty God, Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,
God’s Words Comfort Me After My Daughter Is Involved in a Sudden Car Accident
It was gone 11 a.m. on the morning of October 8, 2011 and I was just preparing lunch at home, when suddenly the phone rang. As soon as I answered it, the person calling said anxiously, “Your Lanlan has been in a car accident and they’re trying to save her at the county hospital. You’d best get here as soon as you can!” Hearing this, I felt a loud buzzing in my head, and before I’d said anything, the other person hung up. After I’d put the phone down, I just stood there for a while, thinking: “My daughter went out on her bicycle this morning to run some errands. How could she have been in a car accident? It’s just a prank call, isn’t it? But their tone didn’t sound like they were trying to trick me….” I didn’t have time to think any more, so I stopped what I was doing and left the house. I hurriedly waved down a cab and rushed to the county hospital. I was so worried as I sat in the cab that I clenched my fists tightly together, and I just kept looking out the window. I felt totally confused and upset and I couldn’t stop thinking: “How badly hurt is my daughter? Where has she been hurt? Is her life in danger? She’s only 17. She must be really scared being in the hospital on her own….” The more I thought about it, the more panicky I got, and I couldn’t calm down. I wanted to be there instantly by my daughter’s side to see what exactly the situation was. In my helplessness, I thought of God, and then quickly I called on God in my heart: “O God! I hear that my daughter has been in a car accident. My heart is in turmoil and I’m really worried, and I don’t know how my daughter is right now or how bad her injuries are. O God! I ask that You protect my heart so that I may keep calm before You. However serious my daughter’s injuries are, give me the courage to face it all.” After praying, I thought of these words of God: “Because I am your Father, I am your strong tower, I am your shelter, I am your backup, and moreover I am your Almighty One, and I am your everything!” (“Chapter 109” of Utterances of Christ in the Beginning). Yes, God is almighty, and He holds sovereignty over everything and administers all things. God is our strong backup and He is our greatest support. I should entrust my daughter to God and rely on God as I experience this situation. As I thought this, my panicked heart gradually began to calm down.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

2019 Gospel Song With Lyrics | "Only Those Who Yearn to Seek the Truth Will See God"

2019 Gospel Song With Lyrics | "Only Those Who Yearn to Seek the Truth Will See God"
God has done new work today; you may not accept.
It might feel odd, but God asks you not to show your natural selves.
Nothing comes of seeking truth through bickering and fighting.
Only seeking calmly can an outcome be achieved.
For only those who hunger and thirst for righteousness before Him can obtain the truth.
And only those who’re truly devout can be enlightened,
can be guided by Him, can be guided by Him.
When God says that He has new work today,
He means God’s return to the flesh.
Perhaps you do not mind these words, perhaps you despise them,
perhaps they are of interest to you.
Whatever the case,
God hopes all those who yearn for the appearance of Him to carefully consider.
It’s best not to jump to any conclusions.
This is the way the wise should act.
For only those who hunger and thirst for righteousness before Him can obtain the truth.
And only those who’re truly devout can be enlightened, can be guided by Him,
can be guided by Him, can be guided by Him.
from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs
Recommended:Signs of Jesus’ Coming Have Appeared: How Will the Lord Come?

2019 Christian Worship Song | "The Life of Man Is Entirely Under God’s Sovereignty" (Lyrics)

2019 Christian Worship Song | "The Life of Man Is Entirely Under God’s Sovereignty" (Lyrics)
If a person only believes in fate
but they are unable to know,
if a person only believes in fate
but they are unable to recognize,
if a person only believes in fate
but they are unable to submit,
unable to accept the Creator’s
sovereignty over man’s fate,
their life would be a tragedy,
their life would be lived in vain,
their life would be a void,
they can’t submit to His dominion,
they can’t become a created being
in the truest sense of the phrase,
and enjoy the Creator’s approval,
enjoy it through the days.
A person who knows God’s sovereignty,
they should be in an active state.
A person who sees God’s sovereignty,
they should not be in a passive state.
While accepting all things are fated,
they’ve a right definition of fate:
The life of man is entirely
under God’s sovereignty.
When one recollects the phases of one’s journey,
when one looks back upon the road one has walked,
one sees that at every step God was guiding one’s path,
whether one’s road was smooth or whether one’s road was hard.
God was planning it out with meticulous arrangements.
One’s been led to today unknowingly.
What a great fortune that is to receive His salvation,
to accept the Creator’s sovereignty.
A person who knows God’s sovereignty,
they should be in an active state.
A person who sees God’s sovereignty,
they should not be in a passive state.
While accepting all things are fated,
they’ve a right definition of fate:
The life of man is entirely
under God’s sovereignty.
If a person perceives God’s sovereignty,
they will more earnestly desire to submit
to everything God has planned,
to obey all God’s arrangements.
If a person perceives God’s sovereignty,
they will have determination and confidence
to stop rebelling against God,
to accept His orchestrations.
A person who knows God’s sovereignty,
they should be in an active state.
A person who sees God’s sovereignty,
they should not be in a passive state.
While accepting all things are fated,
they’ve a right definition of fate:
The life of man is entirely
under God’s sovereignty.
from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs
