Showing posts with label hypocrisy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hypocrisy. Show all posts

Sunday, April 7, 2019

What is hypocrisy?

The Church of Almighty God, Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,
Relevant Words of God:
What is the definition of the term “Pharisee”? What’s its attributive? (Hypocrisy.) Yes, the definition of a Pharisee is someone who’s hypocritical, who is fake and puts on an act in everything they do. And what do they pretend to be? To be good, and kind, and positive. Is that what they’re actually like? (No.) They’re hypocritical, and so everything that is manifested and revealed in them is false, and not who they really are. And where is who they really are? Hidden within their hearts, and out of sight, right? Everything is pretend, it is all fake. And so if people do not pursue the truth, do not understand the truth, then what do their religious knowledge and the theories they’ve gained become? Do they become oft-murmured words and sayings? They use these words and sayings, these supposed doctrines, which appear correct, to pretend, and wrap themselves up, and fulfill themselves, and wherever they go, the things they utter and say and their external behavior are right, and good, and in accordance with people’s conceptions and tastes. Seeing them, others say, “Wow, they’re so devout.” It’s fake! Seeing them, others say, “They’re so humble.” Fake! “Wow, they love God.” They’re pretending! “They are forbearing, and loving toward others.” Fake! “They’re tolerant.” They’re faking it! What else? “They’re holy.” Fake! If someone is said to be holy, that must not be true; it’s totally fake, they’re pretending, they’re packaging themselves. What else? (Loyal and obedient.) “They’re loyal.” They’re putting on an act for others, but out of sight, these people are not in the least bit loyal, everything they do is perfunctory. What else? Devotion. “They’re truly devoted.” And what do they do when people’s backs are turned? (They conduct their own management.) What else? Profiting from the church. Superficially, they seem committed, they have given up their family and career—but in fact they’re trying to profit from the church, they’re secretly stealing offerings! Superficially, they have given up their family and career, and forsaken everything. But where did all the money in the offering box go? When the believers leave, they take the offering box with them. They hurry back to their room and stick their hand in it, they grab the money and stuff all of it into their pockets. And when they count it, there’s several thousand dollars’ worth. And who do they give it to? (Themselves.) Everything about them is fake! This is what is meant by a hypocritical Pharisee.
