Saturday, May 18, 2019

2019 Gospel Music With Lyrics | "The Incarnate God Leads Mankind Into a New Era"

2019 Gospel Song With Lyrics | "The Incarnate God Leads Mankind Into a New Era"
The incarnate God, He brings to an end the age
when only Jehovah’s back was seen.
He also concludes the age of belief when in vagueness God was perceived.
The work of the last incarnate God
brings man to a more practical age.
The work He does brings all mankind to a more pleasant and realistic time.
He ends the age of vagueness,
He concludes the age when man wished to seek God’s face but was unable to back then.
He ends man’s service to Satan,
to a new age man is led.
All this is achieved by the work of God in the flesh, instead of God’s Spirit alone.
He not only ends the age of law and doctrine,
He shows man a God who is real, a God who is normal, righteous and holy,
who unlocks the management plan, who demonstrates the mysteries, the destination of mankind,
who made man and ends the management work,
who has been hidden for thousands of years.
He ends the age of vagueness,
He concludes the age when man wished to seek God’s face but was unable to back then.
He ends man’s service to Satan,
to a new age man is led.
All this is achieved by the work of God in the flesh.
Oh, He ends the age of vagueness,
He concludes the age when man wished to seek God’s face but was unable to back then.
He ends man’s service to Satan,
to a new age man is led.
All this is achieved by the work of God in the flesh.
All this is achieved by the work of God in the flesh, instead of God’s Spirit alone.
from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

2019 Christian Worship Song With Lyrics | "God Loves Man With Wounds" | The Love of God Is Great

2019 Christian Worship Song With Lyrics | "God Loves Man With Wounds" | The Love of God Is Great
God in flesh is judged, condemned, sneered at.
By the devils He is pursued.
He is spurned by the religious world.
No one can make up for His hurt.
Mankind’s ferocious resistance, his slanders, hunting and false blames
cause God’s flesh to face great dangers.
Who can understand and ease His pain?
God saves corrupt man through patience, He loves people with a bruised heart.
This is the most painful, most painful work of all.
Since the start of God’s work in flesh, what has been revealed is all love.
He gives His everything to man, the substance of His work is love.
Since the start of God’s work in flesh, what has been revealed is all love.
He gives His everything to man, the substance of His work is love.
For thirty-three and a half years,
Jesus lived on earth and wasn’t free from pain
till He was crucified, risen, and appeared to man for forty days.
Hard years of living with man ceased,
but God’s heart still suffered the same, worried where man will end up.
None could know and bear this pain.
Since the start of God’s work in flesh, what has been revealed is all love.
He gives His everything to man, the substance of His work is love.
Since the start of God’s work in flesh, what has been revealed is all love.
He gives His everything to man, the substance of His work is love.
from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

Friday, May 17, 2019

What Allows Me to Regain a Happy Life?

The Church of Almighty God, Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,
This is an age when people care very much about physical attractiveness and a good looking body. With a beautiful face and a slim figure, I turned heads no matter what kind of clothes I wore. People around me often praised me and envied that I had both a great figure and a great face, and my husband was also very kind to me. Because of this, I was especially confident. No matter where I went, I walked with my head held high and my back straight. I displayed myself to receive praise from others. In my heart I believed: As long as a woman has a graceful figure and a pretty face, she could rewrite her own life.
However, unexpectedly, after having a child, I began to put on weight. Gradually, my husband began to dislike me, and he said I had a chubby stomach and fat legs. Some people also joked sarcastically at me, saying that I even put on weight when I drank water, and that I was so fat that I was out of shape. Listening to these words, I felt especially awful. My face burned as if I was slapped. When I had used to go out, people praised my beauty, but now they all ridiculed me. It was as if I fell from heaven to hell. The drastic contrast seriously damaged my pride, and I felt so painful inside. One time, I went shopping with my husband, and I was buying trousers for him in a department store. Two shop assistants quietly whispered behind me, “This guy is so young and handsome. How is he with this big fat woman?” When I heard their critiques, I was so angry that I threw the pants onto the counter, and then turned and left. I couldn’t stop my tears from flowing. I thought: These days, people only value a good face and a nice figure. If a woman doesn’t have a beautiful face and a slim figure, then there’s no way for her to stand in society. So, I made up my mind: When I stop breastfeeding my child, I’ll try to lose weight. I’ll make those people who laughed at me envious and jealous! Later, a friend of mine said to me, “Look at how chubby you’ve become. So many men have a young mistress these days. If you keep getting fatter and don’t try to lose weight, what will you do if one day your husband becomes unfaithful and finds a mistress?” When I heard things like this, I became more miserable inside, and I felt a strong sense of danger. I thought: When my figure hadn’t changed, my husband obeyed everything I said. After I put on weight, my husband started to dislike me. If things go according to what my friend said, this would be awful. I can’t allow something like this to happen. I felt very anxious. In those days, even in my dreams I dreamed that my husband ran off with some other woman. This made me feel even more that losing weight is of utmost importance. After my child was weaned, I looked for effective short-term ways of losing weight through acquaintances and the Internet. I even consulted experts in weight loss, who said to me, “If you want a slim figure, you have to pay the price. A married woman like you especially needs to look after her weight. You’re still young. It’s too late if you want to lose weight when you’re older. Your figure is your confidence. Only when your figure is better can you grasp your husband’s heart.” The expert was right! Only when a woman has a perfect figure can she have total confidence and restore her image in others’ minds. So, I started to implement my own weight loss plans without hesitation, looking for “secret recipes” for losing weight.

Farewell to Those Days of Wrestling With Fate (Audio Essay)

A rustic village fallen behind, my parents exhausted from their work, a life in financial straits … these gloomy memories were branded on to my young mind, they were my first impression of “fate.” After I started attending school, the first time I heard my teacher say that “You control your fate in your own hands,” I kept these words firmly in my mind. I believed that although I could not change the fact that I was born into poverty, I could still change my own fate through hard work. As a result, I exerted my full strength to wrestle with my “fate,” and gain a slice of heaven to call my own.
A Setback in My Studies
Just like generation after generation of countless students, my determination to study and get into college was the first step in changing my fate. To this end, I studied hard. When in class I listened attentively, when outside of class while other students were all out playing, I was still studying, often immersed in my books deep into the night. Due to my rigorous studying, my grades were always among the best. Every time that my teachers or classmates would cast gazes of admiration upon me it would reinforce my conviction that “I need to rely on my own two hands to carve out a place in the world for myself.” But the ways of the world are unpredictable. As I was striving for these beautiful ideals, my father suddenly fell ill. After his being examined we found that he had cirrhosis, and that it had already progressed into the middle stages. My father grew swollen all over his body due to the illness, and not only was he not able to work, he also had to spend a lot of money on doctor visits. For a period of time all house work, as well as farm work on over 3 acres of land, fell on to my mother, and at the same time my mother also came down with a serious gynecological disease. One day my father told me, with a face laden with grief: “Daughter, right now our entire family is relying on just your mother for support. Her burden is very heavy. It costs a lot of money to send four kids to school to study for a year. We really don’t have any way to provide all of you with schooling. You are the oldest, so you should consider your brothers and sisters. Why don’t you stop going to school so that we can set aside this opportunity for your brothers and sisters?” After listening to my father’s words, I felt an overwhelming pain in my heart: I had always hoped to study hard and become an outstanding person, but if I acquiesced to my father’s wish that I give up on my studies, then wouldn’t all of my prospects and hopes just all of a sudden completely vanish?! My eyes were full of teardrops, and I felt a fit of sadness in my heart. I knew that my father had thought it over for a long time before saying these words, and looking at my sick mother, I could not bear to lay such a heavy burden down upon her. Confronted with my family’s impoverished financial situation, I had no choice but to compromise with the current situation and fight back the tears as I acquiesced to my father’s wishes.
A Narrow Escape From Calamity
Without having finished junior high school, I was young but I was full of ambition. Although I wasn’t able to finish my studies, I quickly set my sights on getting a temporary job to make money. I believed that through hard work I could still absolutely change my fate. Before too long, through a relative’s introduction, I went to the city to work at a textile factory. In order to make more money I worked as hard as I could. Where other people watched after two machines I watched after four, and when others took breaks I would go on working. The boss saw that I was reliable and capable, and within five months of working he increased my wages to as much as what workers who had been there for a long time working. My workmates all cast looks of envy upon me.
The Church of Almighty God, Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Gospel Movie 2018 | How to Hear the Voice of God and Welcome the Lord | "What a Beautiful Voice"

More Gospel Movies:
Gospel Movie "The Gospel Messenger" 
Gospel Movie "Perilous Is the Road to the Heavenly Kingdom"
Gospel Movie | What Is True Faith in God? | "Faith in God"

Gospel Movie 2018 | How to Hear the Voice of God and Welcome the Lord | "What a Beautiful Voice"
Dong Jingxin is a preacher in a house church in China. She's believed in the Lord for thirty years, and loves the truth; she frequently reads the Lord's words and is driven by them. She expends herself for the Lord with enthusiasm. Because of her preaching work, she was arrested by the police of the Chinese Communist government and sent to prison where she endured cruelty and torture. It was the words of the Lord that guided her through enduring seven years of inhuman prison life. After getting out, her co-worker Chenguang comes to see her and reads to her from the words of Almighty God, bearing witness that God has appeared and is working in the last days. She also gives her a copy of The Word Appears in the Flesh. After reading quite a bit of the words of Almighty God, Dong Jingxin feels that they are authoritative and that they have come from God. She develops a heart of longing to seek. Dong Jingxin and her husband hungrily devour the words of Almighty God and discover that they are all the truth, and that they are the voice of God. They determine that Almighty God really is the return of the Lord Jesus they have been awaiting for years! Just as the two of them are awash in the joy of welcoming the return of the Lord, the chief of police pays them a visit to warn them against attending any gatherings or doing any preaching. He warns them that they particularly must report anyone who preaches Eastern Lightning, giving rise to anxiety in Dong Jingxin. After that, once their pastor finds out that Dong Jingxin is leading brothers and sisters to look into the work of God in the last days, he also interferes with and blocks them. Faced with confusion and disruption from the forces of Satan, Dong Jingxin is able to clearly see the true face of the pastors and elders of the religious world through prayer, seeking, and fellowship. She does not back down, but continues to lead brothers and sisters to investigate the true way, and she invites people from The Church of Almighty God to give fellowship and bear witness to the work of Almighty God in the last days. In the end, everyone acknowledges that the words uttered by Almighty God really are the voice of God, and that He is the appearance of God. Everyone is deeply moved: What a beautiful voice the words of Almighty God are!

English Gospel Movie | Do You Know the Mystery of the Name of God | "God's Name Has Changed?!"

English Christian Film  | Do You Know the Mystery of the Name of God | "God's Name Has Changed?!"
Her name is Wang Hua, and she is a house church preacher in Southern China. After she began to believe in the Lord, she found in the Bible that God was called Jehovah in the Old Testament, and was called Jesus in the New Testament. Why does God have different names? Wang Hua was extremely puzzled about this. She tried to find the answer in the Bible, but failed to grasp the mystery…. But she firmly believed that there is none other name under heaven given among men, so Jesus alone is the Savior, and that so long as we held on to the name of Jesus, we would surely be raptured into the kingdom of heaven. Yet one day, Wang Hua heard some shocking news: God's name has changed! After that, her heart could no longer remain calm …

Gospel Movie | What Is True Faith in God? | "Faith in God"

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

2019 Gospel Song With Lyrics | "Only When God Becomes Flesh Can Man Be His Confidant"

Only When God Becomes Flesh Can Man Be His Confidant
Only when God humbles Himself to an extent,
meaning He becomes flesh to dwell among men,
that’s when they can become His confidant,
that’s when they can be His intimate friend.
How can man qualify as God’s confidant
when God is of the Spirit, exalted and hard to fathom?
Only by becoming the same created flesh as man
can man understand His will and be gained by Him.
God speaks and works in the flesh,
sharing in man’s joys, sorrows and tribulations,
living in their world, protecting and guiding them,
thus cleansing them to gain His blessing and salvation.
How can man qualify as God’s confidant
when God is of the Spirit, exalted and hard to fathom?
Only by becoming the same created flesh as man
can man understand His will and be gained by Him.
Through this, man can truly understand God’s will
and become His confidant; only this is practical.
If God were invisible and intangible to man,
how could man be His confidant? Isn’t this doctrine idle?
How can man qualify as God’s confidant
when God is of the Spirit, exalted and hard to fathom?
Only by becoming the same created flesh as man
can man understand His will and be gained by Him.
Only when God becomes flesh can man be His confidant.
from The Word Appears in the Flesh

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2019 Gospel Song With Lyrics "God Creates a More Beautiful Tomorrow for Mankind"

2019 Gospel Song With Lyrics "God Creates a More Beautiful Tomorrow for Mankind"
God has done new work today; you may not accept.
It might feel odd, but God asks you not to show your natural selves.
Nothing comes of seeking truth through bickering and fighting.
Only seeking calmly can an outcome be achieved.
For only those who hunger and thirst for righteousness before Him can obtain the truth.
And only those who’re truly devout can be enlightened,
can be guided by Him, can be guided by Him.
When God says that He has new work today,
He means God’s return to the flesh.
Perhaps you do not mind these words, perhaps you despise them,
perhaps they are of interest to you.
Whatever the case,
God hopes all those who yearn for the appearance of Him to carefully consider.
It’s best not to jump to any conclusions.
This is the way the wise should act.
For only those who hunger and thirst for righteousness before Him can obtain the truth.
And only those who’re truly devout can be enlightened, can be guided by Him,
can be guided by Him, can be guided by Him.
from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

2019 Christian Music Video | "I Have Seen God's Love" | Praise and Worship Song

2019 Christian Music Video | "I Have Seen God's Love" | Praise and Worship Music
Almighty God, it is You who loves me.
Out of the filthy world You have chosen me!
So I have come before You, yes, I have come before You,
living a life of the church, enjoying Your words every day.
Having such blessing is You uplifting me today!
Almighty God, I have seen Your love,
and all I wanna do is repay Your love.
All I wanna do is fulfill my duty to You.
I have seen Your love and will repay Your love!
It’s all I wanna do.
Almighty God, You walk among the churches.
You’ve expressed truths about our corrupt dispositions.
You prune and deal with us,
yes, You prune and deal with us: all of our rebellion and our resistance.
You judge all our imaginings and our notions to cleanse us.
Almighty God, I have seen Your love,
and all I wanna do is repay Your love.
All I wanna do is fulfill my duty to You.
I have seen Your love and will repay Your love!
It’s all I wanna do.
Almighty God, You have saved us.
You speak words daily to provide for and water us.
Through my hardships and suffering,
all my hardships and suffering, Your words have always been by my side.
Living within Your words, I’ve grown in my life.
Almighty God, I have seen Your love,
and all I wanna do is repay Your love.
All I wanna do is fulfill my duty to You.
I have seen Your love and will repay Your love!
It’s all I wanna do.
from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

Testimony of Faith: How to Overcome the Temptations of Satan (Part 1)

By Geng Xin
Editor’s Note: The Bible records, “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walks about, seeking whom he may devour” (1 Peter 5:8). Satan is incredibly insidious, evil and treacherous. It does not want us to attain God’s salvation and so it frequently enacts its deceitful schemes against us in an attempt to make us shun God and betray God, so it can then devour our souls. When we are attacked by Satan’s temptations, how should we deal with them? I trust that Brother Geng Xin’s experiences will allow you to reap some benefit.
The Church of Almighty God, Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,
When I was 16, I accepted the gospel of the Lord Jesus. With the Lord’s blessing, when I grew up, I opened a medical clinic. I did well for myself, and I knew that this was by the Lord’s grace. Later, I had the fortune to accept Almighty God’s work of the last days and I welcomed the Lord’s return. I was thrilled and could hardly wait to tell this fantastic news to those brothers and sisters in my old church who were true believers and who looked forward to the Lord’s coming. Thanks be to God! When they heard Almighty God’s words, they recognized them as the voice of God, and one by one they turned to Almighty God and came to attend the wedding feast of the Lamb. Every day, we enjoyed being watered and nourished by God’s words, our spirits were content, and we came to understand many truths we had not understood before.

Monday, May 13, 2019

What’s the Meaning of Life? Find the Answer Through a Comic Book Artist’s Experience

The Church of Almighty God, Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,
By Shen’ai, Taiwan
One day while watching the news, I saw that a famous Taiwanese comic book artist had died suddenly at just 51 years old. Hearing the news left me with a mix of emotions. He had been a really prominent person in the world of comics and had created a number of excellent works; many people envied and looked up to him. He had both fortune and fame—I had never thought he’d end up dying just like that! I couldn’t help but sigh: When someone dies, no matter how famous they are, how much status they have, what good is it? Then my own 30 years on the path of creating comics occurred to me …
Youthful Dreams
I’ve liked drawing comics since I was a little boy—it was something I really delved into and put in a lot of effort. When I was 25 years old, I had the good fortune to see a comic book artist in person, and saw that there were a lot of fans surrounding him, adulating him. I was really envious and longed for the day I could be just like him, the star of the show. I knew that I needed to keep working hard to get my skills up to the level of a professional, but I thought that if I was willing to pay a price, my day would certainly come. Driven by this thought, I buried myself in it for over ten years. I didn’t hesitate to spend several months’ wages, tens of thousands of yuan, on a set of high-quality graphic novel materials for reference to improve my skills. Money was pretty tight, but I couldn’t have cared less. I would often draw until two or three in the morning so I could hone my skills, and when I got so sleepy that I really couldn’t bear it, I’d just take a short nap, and as soon as I opened my eyes the very first thing on my mind was how I would finish whatever I was working on. I would spend ten or more hours drawing every day, always in the same position, so my neck, shoulders, back, and right hand were frequently sore. My fingers even changed shape and my eyesight started to deteriorate. But for the sake of success, I just gritted my teeth and bore it. I was elated when my comics garnered praise from others and even indulged in daydreams that I was already a successful comic book artist with a nice car and a big house. But in real life, I was just an unremarkable employee in a company and I had no chance of becoming famous. No matter how well I could draw, I’d never be able to earn much. I felt really sad and dejected.

Know God’s Sovereignty and Find Happiness in Life

The Church of Almighty God, Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,
By Kaoshen, Germany
When I was little, my father would often say to me, “My son, our family is not well-off, so if you want anything you have to earn money. When you have money, you have everything!” From then on, my dream was to have a career making big bucks so that my family could live a good life.
Once I’d grown up and left school, I worked as an apprentice in a restaurant and a warehouseman at a chemical plant. Although working tired me out, seeing the money I was earning gradually grow, I thought it was all worth it no matter how hard the work was.
Later on, a relative helped me get a job at a clothing company, and the boss said to me: “As long as you work hard, you will soon be able to buy a car and a house.” Hearing him say this, my morale for work soared and I poured all my thought into my job. But after some time had gone by, I still hadn’t managed to get even one contract. A manager warned me, saying, “It’s not enough in this society to be willing to work hard. You have to cultivate personal relationships!” Hearing such meaningful words from the manager, I fell into deep thought: I’m an introvert and I’m the worst at forming personal relationships. But if I don’t change the way I interact with people and conform to the trend, I won’t make any money. That way, my family and I won’t ever be able to live happily … I battled with this idea for a while, but then so as to make a lot of money, I began to learn from my co-workers about giving presents and cultivating relationships with managers from various companies. I would often take clients out eating and drinking as well, and go to karaoke bars with them. One time, I’d gone out of town to take a client out for dinner and, because I’d drunk so much alcohol, I ended up vomiting a lot when I got back to my hotel. My stomach really hurt, but my heart hurt even more. I thought about how I’d had to change myself in order to make money and that I kept attending all kinds of social activities, licking other people’s boots and having to play a role, and even having to drink alcohol every day which was causing my body harm. After every social function, I felt physically and mentally exhausted. Ah! I remember a work colleague once saying mockingly, “While we’re young, we sell our lives for money, but when we get old, we use the money to buy life!” Thinking of these words, I felt a little sad. But I felt I had to accept it in order to make money so that my family could live a good life!

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Almighty God's Word "The Creator’s Sincere Feelings Toward Mankind" (Selected Passage)


Almighty God says, "People often say that it is not an easy thing to know God. I, however, say that knowing God is not a difficult matter at all, for God frequently allows man to witness His deeds. God has never ceased His dialogue with mankind; He has never concealed Himself from man, nor has He hidden Himself. His thoughts, His ideas, His words and His deeds are all revealed to mankind. Therefore, so long as man wishes to know God, he can come to understand and know Him through all sorts of means and methods. The reason why man blindly thinks that God has intentionally avoided him, that God has intentionally hidden Himself from humanity, that God has no intention of allowing man to understand and know Him, is that he does not know who God is, nor does he wish to understand God; even more so, he is not concerned with the Creator’s thoughts, words or deeds…. Truthfully speaking, if one only uses their idle time to focus upon and understand the Creator’s words or deeds, and pay a little attention to the Creator’s thoughts and the voice of His heart, it will not be difficult for them to realize that the Creator’s thoughts, words and deeds are visible and transparent. Likewise, it will take little effort to realize that the Creator is among man at all times, that He is always in conversation with man and the entirety of creation, and that He is performing new deeds every day. His substance and disposition are expressed in His dialogue with man; His thoughts and ideas are revealed completely in His deeds; He accompanies and observes mankind at all times. He speaks quietly to mankind and all of creation with His silent words: I am above the universe, and I am amongst My creation. I am keeping watch; I am waiting; I am at your side…. His hands are warm and strong; His footsteps are light; His voice is soft and graceful; His form passes and turns, embracing all of mankind; His countenance is beautiful and gentle. He has never left, nor has He vanished. From dawn to dusk, He is mankind’s constant companion. His devoted care and special affection for humanity, as well as His true concern and love for man, were displayed bit by bit when He saved the city of Nineveh. In particular, the exchange between Jehovah God and Jonah laid barer the Creator’s pity for the mankind He Himself created. Through these words, you can obtain a deep understanding of God’s sincere feelings for humanity…."
from "The Word Appears in the Flesh"
Recommended:Today’s Devotion: Do You Worship God in Spirit and in Truth?

Almighty God's Word "The Appearance of God Has Brought a New Age" (Excerpt)


Eastern LightningThe Church of Almighty God was created because of the appearance and work of Almighty God, the second coming of the Lord Jesus, Christ of the last days. It is made up of all those who accept Almighty God's work in the last days and are conquered and saved by His words. It was entirely founded by Almighty God personally and is led by Him as the Shepherd. It was definitely not created by a person. Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. God's sheep hear God's voice. As long as you read the words of Almighty God, you will see God has appeared.
