Showing posts with label God's salvation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God's salvation. Show all posts

Sunday, January 5, 2020

New English Gospel Song With Lyrics | "All God's People Praise Him to the Fullest"

New English Gospel Song With Lyrics | "All God's People Praise Him to the Fullest"
Verse 1
We have been raptured before God.
We join the rich feast, so happy.
We enjoy God's words and understand the truth,
our spirits are liberated and feel so free.
Our hearts are so filled with thanks and praise.
We can't help but sing.
The joy in our hearts is impossible to express.
Praise and leap for joy. God deserves honor and glory.
God's will is carried out on earth.
All God's people praise Him to the fullest.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

New English Gospel Song With Lyrics | "I've Enjoyed So Much of God's Love"

New English Gospel Song With Lyrics | "I've Enjoyed So Much of God's Love"
I’m corrupt, unworthy to live before God.
His words show I'm without the reality of the truth.
I see I fall short and cannot meet God's requirements.
There's no pursuit of the truth, and my heart is grieving.
I am anxious, I secretly cry many tears.
Why can't I satisfy You, God?
Your love breaks my heart and makes my tears fall like rain.
Because You're beside me, I’m no more disheartened.
You know my heart, I can't leave You now.
My heart can love You so I'm happy,
and the need to praise You overcomes me.
Your love is so real, so great and so beautiful,
the joy, the joy beyond compare.
My heart belongs to You completely.
I’ll exalt You, bear witness to You forever.
I am ready to love You all my life.

Monday, December 30, 2019

A Happy Marriage Starts With Accepting God’s Salvation

God's salvation, God's will, faith in God
By Zhui Qiu, Malaysia
I’m a beautician and my husband is a farmer; we met in Malaysia at an orange throwing event, a traditional activity for women trying to find love. Our wedding, witnessed by a pastor, was held in a church a year later. I was very deeply moved by the pastor’s prayer for our marriage and though I wasn’t religious, I silently implored God: “May this man unswervingly cherish and care for me, and be my companion throughout the rest of my life.”

Thursday, December 19, 2019

God Led Me Out of the Pain of a Failed Marriage After My Wife’s Affair

The Church of Almighty God, worship God, Eastern Lightning,
Zhuiqiu, Taiwan
Outside the window, the sun was slowly rising and the brilliant sunshine flooded the earth. Everything was so bright. Birds hopped from branch to branch, happily chirping away—their songs were particularly pleasing to the ear. I heard a hymn “God’s Love Brings Us Close Together.” I was really moved. It’s true—only with God there is love, only with love there is family. When I was in the most pain and despair it was God who led me out of my suffering over the failure of my marriage and brought me hope; He also brought me a new pursuit. I really give thanks to God’s salvation! At that moment I stood up and walked over to the window and so many past events floated up before my eyes

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

After Her Husband’s Betrayal God Saved Her From the Haze of Pain

The Church of Almighty God, faith in God, Eastern Lightning,
By Ouyang Mo, China
Time really flies. Hong’er grew from a naive little girl into a graceful young woman, and her budding interest in love awakened. She wasn’t interested in wealth or status, but just wanted a relationship in which, no matter what storms they weather, there is intimacy and love, they help each other in times of need, and grow old together. She was quietly awaiting the arrival of a certain moment …

Saturday, December 7, 2019

"God Has the Best Intentions" | English Christian Devotional Song With Lyrics

"God Has the Best Intentions" | English Christian Devotional Song With Lyrics
I have chosen to love God, I’d obey whatever He takes.
I give no word of complaint, despite the touch of pain.
The wanton freedom of man deserves God’s discipline.
The rebellion is my own, God’s will I shouldn’t mistake.
Though the hardships are a lot, it’s a blessing to have God’s love.
Hardship taught me to obey; God has the best, the best intentions.
Worry about whether or not my love will satisfy God.
I dare not slow down a bit; do my best to be loyal to God.
Live with God day after day, I see how lovely He is.
In my contact with Him, there’re more than a few rebellions.
Though the hardships are a lot, it’s a blessing to have God’s love.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Only God Can Fill the Void Within Our Heart

The Church of Almighty God, rely on God, Eastern Lightning,
Dear Zheng Hao,
How have you been? My heart is in a great deal of pain, and I’d like to talk to you about it. I’ve always been eager for success, and when I was little I made the resolution that, when I grew up, I would stand out from the crowd and live life at the top. I worked hard and strived for years and I became rich. The people around me see me as somebody to be reckoned with and—all my dreams have come true. I should be really happy, but instead I feel so empty and my heart just feels hollow. I’ve traveled everywhere and have held dinner parties and sung songs with my coworkers, and at the time I always felt really happy. But afterward, that feeling of emptiness would still be there and I can never shake it. What do you think is wrong with me? What am I supposed to do to rid myself of this spiritual emptiness? How are we to live a meaningful life?
Yours sincerely,
September 4, 2018

Thursday, November 21, 2019

God Guides Me to Overcome the Demons’ Cruelty

The Church of Almighty God,Religious Persecution, Eastern Lightning,
By Wang Hua, Henan Province
My daughter and I are both Christians belonging to The Church of Almighty God. While we were following God, my daughter and I were both arrested and sentenced to reeducation through labor by the CCP government. I was sentenced to three years, and my daughter was sentenced to one year. Although I was subjected to inhuman persecution and harm by the CCP government, each time I found myself despairing and in danger, God was there, secretly watching over me, protecting me, and opening a way out for me. It was the words of Almighty God which gave me the courage and motivation to go on living, which guided me to overcome the torment of being cruelly tortured, and which helped me to persevere through three years in that hellish prison. In the midst of adversity, I witnessed Almighty God’s love and salvation, and I experienced the authority and power of God’s words. I feel favored to have gained so much, and I am resolved to follow God unswervingly and to walk the right path in life.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

2019 Christian Movie Trailer | "Baptism by Fire" | Based on a True Story (English Dubbed)

Christian Movie "The Price We Must Pay" Clip 2 - How to Become Truly Obedient to God and Be Saved by Him
The Lord Jesus said, "Not every one that said to Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that does the will of My Father which is in heaven" (Matthew 7:21). Just how should we pursue to become people who do the heavenly Father's will and are obedient to God, so that God will bring us into the kingdom of heaven?

Friday, October 11, 2019

2019 Christian Dance | "Praise God With an Undivided Heart" | Worship Song

2019 Praise Dance | "Praise God With an Undivided Heart" | Worship Song

Pre-verse 1
We gather to eat, drink, enjoy God’s words,
and we receive the Holy Spirit’s work.
Verse 1
We think of God, pray-read, have fellowship,
and we meditate, ponder, and seek God.
Living in God’s words, we see He is lovely.
The truth frees us; we taste God’s real love.
Church life is great; praise takes many forms.
We can’t help but sing and dance in God’s praise.
There are no rules or restraints in our praise.
Sincere praise makes us joyful always.
Life in God’s presence brings true happiness,
we will love and obey God forever.
Seeing the greatness of God’s salvation,
we praise God with an undivided heart.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

The Word of God | "Knowing the Three Stages of God's Work Is the Path to Knowing God" (Part Two)

The Word of God | "Knowing the Three Stages of God's Work Is the Path to Knowing God" (Part Two)

Almighty God says, "The three stages of work are at the heart of God’s entire management, and in them are expressed the disposition of God and what He is. Those who do not know of the three stages of God’s work are incapable of realizing how God expresses His disposition, nor do they know the wisdom of God’s work, and they remain ignorant of the many ways in which He saves mankind, and His will for the whole of mankind. The three stages of work are the full expression of the work of saving mankind. Those who do not know the three stages of work will be ignorant of the various methods and principles of the Holy Spirit’s work; those who only rigidly stick to doctrine that remains from one stage of work are people who limit God to doctrine, and whose belief in God is vague and uncertain. Such people will never receive God’s salvation."

Sunday, September 8, 2019

A Letter to a Sister in the Lord: How to Be Honest Toward God

Sister Wang Yue,
Hi there! I have a question for which I’ve yet to find a good answer—I’d like to seek with regard to this question for a moment. The Lord Jesus taught us, “Truly I say to you, Except you be converted, and become as little children, you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 18:3). The Lord Jesus calls for us to be honest people, to be as simple and honest as children and to tell things like they are. Only as such may we enter into the kingdom of heaven. Having read God’s word, I know that being honest is very important and I would like to practice being an honest person in accordance with God’s request. However, in my interactions with people, when it comes to my own personal profit, I can’t bring myself to communicate my actual thoughts and beliefs. Sometimes I lie and deceive—I know this makes God unhappy and afterward I’m always very regretful, but I just can’t help it. I’m feeling very frustrated and don’t know how I ought to resolve this issue. With regard to this aspect of the truth concerning how to be an honest person, I’m curious to hear how you practice. Would you mind fellowshiping with me on this issue?
Yours sincerely,
Chen Xin
June 25, 2018

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Amazing Grace: By Leaning on God My Seriously Injured Daughter Avoided an Amputation

The Church of Almighty God, faith in God, Eastern Lightning,
By Li Qin
“Mom, my older sister was in a car accident and she’s at the Military District General Hospital in emergency care. The doctor said … he said that her injuries are really severe and they may not be able to save her. He said her family should get to the hospital as soon as possible and make preparations….” My youngest daughter was breaking down in tears over the phone. My legs suddenly went completely weak and I nearly fainted; tears streamed down my face and I felt like I had been stabbed through the heart. Just how badly was my daughter injured? How could I go on living if I lost her at such a young age? In the midst of my pain it occurred to me that since I’m a believer, I had to pray and lean on God—I knew He would certainly help and guide me.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Led by God’s Love in the Tribulation, I Became Stronger in My Heart

The Church of Almighty God, faith in God, Eastern Lightning,
Chen Lu    Tonglu City, Zhejiang Province
I was born in the countryside in the 1980s. My family has engaged in farming for a living for generations. To enter the college and break free from the poor and backward rural life, I kept studying hard. When I was in high school, I came into contact with The History of Western Arts and saw many superb paintings such as Genesis, The Garden of Eden, The Last Supper, and so on. Through them, I learned that in heaven there is a God who created all things. Thus, I was filled with yearning for him. After graduating from college, I successfully found a good job and married a satisfactory husband, and finally realized the wish of my forefathers and mine—breaking free from the hard farming life that continued for generations. In 2008, the birth of my child added many joys to my life. Facing everything I owned before my eyes, I thought that I would be very happy and satisfied. However, when I was enjoying the good life that everyone admired and longed for, I could never get free from the unexplainable sense of emptiness in the depth of my heart. I was very perplexed and helpless with it.

Thursday, August 1, 2019

After Undergoing the Devil’s Affliction, I Knew More Clearly God’s Grace Is Precious

The Church of Almighty God, believe in God, Eastern Lightning,
Xu Qiang    Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region
My name is Xu Qiang. I was once a project contractor. I led many people to undertake contracted projects every year and had a good income. In the eyes of my contemporaries, I had a happy family and smooth career and had a great future, so I should be the happiest man. However, while enjoying the material life, I felt an unexplainable emptiness in my heart. Especially in order to undertake contracted projects, I had to ingratiate myself with the leaders of the relevant departments all day, observing their speech and behavior and fawning and flattering them. All those had to be handled extremely well, or I couldn’t earn money. Moreover, people of the same trade intrigued against one another and guarded and schemed against one another, which made me exhaust all mental efforts…. Thus, I felt very bitter and tired and felt as if I became a puppet and a moneymaking machine, losing my dignity and integrity completely. In 1999, I accepted Almighty God’s end-time work. The feeling of release in the church life and the simplicity and honesty of the brothers and sisters made me deeply moved. I liked very much to live the church life and even more liked to stay with the brothers and sisters, and I treasured such time very much. As I read God’s word and attended meetings constantly, I understood many truths and was greatly released in my heart. I felt very thankful that I had found the true human life and the true happiness. And my heart was full of gratitude to God. If God didn’t save me from the sea of misery of the world, I would never have hope in my life. Later, I began to preach the gospel, running joyfully and tirelessly among the people who investigated the true way, so that they could receive Almighty God’s salvation earlier.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

A Youth Spent Without Regret

Xiaowen, Chongqing
Love is a pure emotion, pure without a blemish. Use your heart, use your heart to love and feel and care. Love doesn’t set conditions or barriers or distance. Use your heart, use your heart to love and feel and care. If you love you don’t deceive, grumble, turn your back, look to get something in return” (“Pure Love Without Blemish” in Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs). This hymn of God’s word once helped me get through the pain of a long and drawn-out life in prison that lasted 7 years and 4 months. Even though the CCP government deprived me of the most beautiful years of my youth, I have obtained the most precious and real truth from Almighty God and therefore have no complaints or regrets.
The Church of Almighty God, believe in God, Eastern Lightning,

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Christian Life | How to Appropriately Deal With Other People?

The Church of Almighty God, God's work, Eastern Lightning,
One day, Brother Chen in the church came to me. He said he wanted to practice spreading the gospel in his spare time and offer some of his strength to the gospel work. Due to my past interactions with Brother Chen, I knew that he had a very arrogant disposition. I had some prejudices and biases against him. Furthermore, I thought that those that spread the gospel must have a certain level of knowledge of the Bible. They must be able to communicate the truth clearly and be able to answer the questions of the gospel targets. I felt that he did not possess these qualities, and so I did not agree to it. When he saw this, he said, “Based on my abilities, do you think that I can be trained to spread the gospel? Wouldn’t I be wasting my talent if I do not spread the gospel?” When I heard this, I felt very fed up and I thought, “Do you think that spreading the gospel is something that is very easy? If you do not have genuine talent, do you think that you can fulfill this duty well? You think too highly of yourself. You simply do not have an accurate evaluation of yourself!” Afterward, I talked about Brother Chen’s situation with a few other brothers and sisters so that they had discernment of him. Some of the brothers and sisters, after hearing what I had to say, also said how Brother Chen had manifested some arrogance in his behaviors. This confirmed for me that the opinions I had of Brother Chen were indeed accurate. I was never aware that because I did not seek the truth and clearly see Brother Chen’s condition, I was blindly making comment on him. I was basically judging him and colluding with others.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Christian Reflection: Can We Really Receive the Returned Lord by Waiting for Him to Reveal Himself?

By Tian Yuan
Editor’s Note: In chapter 22 of Revelation, the Lord Jesus prophesies a few times, “I come quickly.” It’s certain that every brother and sister who sincerely believes in the Lord hopes to be able to receive the returned Lord Jesus and dine with Him at the wedding banquet. So, what should we do to be ready to receive the returned Lord? Read the following to discover the answer.
The Church of Almighty God, Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,
Will the Lord’s Return Be Revealed to the Pastors and Elders?

Monday, July 8, 2019

2019 Inspirational Devotion: What Is Entering Into Rest?

The Church of Almighty God, Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,
By Zhongcheng

The Origin of Rest

It is recorded in the Bible, “And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had made; and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it He had rested from all His work which God created and made” (Genesis 2:2–3). In the beginning, God used six days to create the heavens, the earth, and all things within, and on the seventh day, when the work of creation was complete, He rested. God created the ancestors of mankind, Adam and Eve, placed them in the Garden of Eden, and told them to keep His rules. Adam and Eve listened to God, obeyed Him, and lived under God’s care and protection. They suffered no illness or pain, and had no troubles or anxieties. They lived carefree lives in the garden, and enjoyed their rest with God.

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Spiritual Battle: By Discernment of Sayings on the Internet, I Was Able to Receive the Returned Lord (Part 2)

By William, United States
The Church of Almighty God, Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,
Why Does the CCP Spread Rumors Condemning The Church of Almighty God?
Later, I saw Xiaoyi in the film say, “Why is it that the CCP maintains our church is an outfit of man? Why hasn’t it said a word about the incarnate God? Why hasn’t it said a thing about the book The Word Appears in the Flesh? Why is that? What the CCP fears most is the truth expressed by Almighty God, because the CCP knows all Almighty God followers accepted Almighty God after they carefully read the book, The Word Appears in the Flesh. So the CCP distracts people’s attention by saying that The Church of Almighty God was really created by man. It intentionally hides the appearance of Almighty God, Christ of the last days, so that people will pay attention to this person. The government does this to stop people from believing in and following God. This is in fact its real purpose. The CCP distorts the facts and claims the church where God appears to work is an outfit of man. This is the CCP’s excuse for persecuting and suppressing God’s church. The CCP is so cunning and so vicious!”
