Sunday, May 6, 2018

Church Life Movie "Salvation" | What is being saved? What is salvation?

The Church of Almighty God|Church Life Movie "Salvation" | What is being saved? What is salvation?|Eastern Lightning

What is salvation? Those who believe in the Lord Jesus think that if they sincerely pray to the Lord, confess their sins, and repent, their sins will be forgiven,

Saturday, May 5, 2018

The Word the Holy Spirit Speaks to the Churches | "The Age of Kingdom Is the Age of Word"

Eastern Lightning|The Word the Holy Spirit Speaks to the Churches | "The Age of Kingdom Is the Age of Word"|The Church of Almighty God

Almighty God says, "God created the world with the word, leads men throughout the universe with the word, conquers and saves them with the word. Finally, He shall use the word to bring the entire world of old to an end. 

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

The Lord Jesus Christ Is Come | The Voice of God | Christian Movie Trailer "Knocking at the Door"

Two thousand years ago, Lord Jesus prophesied, "And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom comes; go you out to meet him" (Matthew 25:6). 

Monday, April 30, 2018

Best Christian Movie | Can Money Buy Happiness? | "Fortune and Misfortune" (English Dubbed)

The Church of Almighty God|Best Christian Movie | Can Money Buy Happiness? | "Fortune and Misfortune" (English Dubbed)|Eastern Lightning

Because she came from an impoverished family, from an early age Du Juan was determined to make a lot of money to live a better life.

 In order to realize this aim, she left school early on to do manual work, whatever she could do to earn money. She did not complain when the work was hard and tiring. However, she did not achieve the desired result. Regardless of how hard she worked, she could not attain the life that she wanted for herself. In 2008, harboring the dream of making a lot of money, she and her husband went to Japan to work. After a few years, the pressure of onerous work and the excessive working hours caused her to collapse from fatigue. The results of hospital investigations made her mood plummet to an all-time low, but in order to realize her ideals, Du Juan was not prepared to give in. She continued to work, carrying her illness, her mind set on struggling on. Eventually, the torture of her condition forced her to halt the progress of her pursuit of money. In the midst of her pain, she began to reflect: Why after all does man live this life? Is it worth it to risk one's life for the sake of money? Is it the case that a life of money is a happy life? These doubts constantly roamed about in her mind. Not long after, Almighty God's salvation of the last days came to her. From the words of Almighty God, she came to know the source of man's life of pain, and she also understood what man should live for, and how to live before he can have a meaningful human life…. Whenever she thought of this experience, Du Juan would sigh with emotion: This bout of illness had really made her obtain blessing from woe!

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Best Christian Movie | Keep the Faith in the CCP's Persecution | "The Party Is Not Done Talking!"

The Church of Almighty God|Best Christian Movie | Keep the Faith in the CCP's Persecution | "The Party Is Not Done Talking!"|Almighty GodEastern Lightning

Li Ming'ai is a Christian in mainland China. She is a woman of upright character who respects her parents-in-law, assists her husband and educates her child, and has a happy and harmonious family.
