Wednesday, October 17, 2018

After Her Parents Were Arrested Because of Faith in God …

By Xu Nuo
“Woo…,” a childish crying broke the still night. Wu You’s brother, thirteen years younger than her, cried again. She couldn’t clearly count how many times she had prepared milk formulas for her litter brother. Since her parents were arrested by the CCP, she had played the role of a father or a mother in her family. Every time after she made the milk, she would smartly put the pacifier into her brother’s mouth and rhythmically tap him on the back. When she watched her brother drink it, her thoughts couldn’t help drifting back to that day …

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Is There Real Religious Freedom in China?

My name is Liu Shun. I am 66. In November 1986, I believed in the Lord Jesus, and at that time, I just wanted to properly believe in God, and to be a truly good person, thus receiving God’s approval. Every time I assembled with my brothers and sisters to read the scriptures, I felt much enjoyment in my heart.

Monday, October 15, 2018

God’s Words Led Us to Win the Spiritual Warfare With the CCP Police

By Zhang Yong

The fifth day of the twelfth lunar month in 2012 was a day that Zhang Zhiyong would never forget. That afternoon, after he finished his duty, he happened to pass the entrance of his village and went home by the way.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Take Up Cross to Go on Spreading Gospel for Lord

In 1997, my wife fell seriously ill. We spent all our savings to cure her illness, but with no result. It had ever driven our life into a corner for a period of time. At that point, a friend of mine preached the gospel of the Lord Jesus to me; my wife, my two daughters, and I all accepted the gospel.

Saturday, October 13, 2018

For Ten Years, Who Wrenched My Mom From Home

By Zhou Jun, Germany
In a few days it would be Christmas Day, so the streets were full of festival atmosphere. As I was memorizing words with drooping head inside my classroom as usual, my classmate Anna who came from Philippines sat next to me and asked curiously: “Jun, will you return to China this Christmas to reunite with your family?” At her words, I was speechless, just looking at her and not knowing how to reply her.
