Thursday, February 21, 2019

What is the difference between doing one’s duty and rendering service?

Relevant Words of God:
I shall never save any of those who do service for Me. They have no share in My kingdom. This is because these people only busy themselves with external matters rather than do My will. Although I am making use of them now, in reality they are the people I hate most, the people I most detest. Today, I love whoever can do My will, whoever can show consideration toward My burdens, and whoever can give their all for Me with a true heart and sincerity, and I will constantly enlighten them, not letting them get away from Me.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

What Is the Bible? How Should We View the Bible?

By Lianxin, United States
The Bible is a record of God’s work.
The Bible alone is the canon of Christianity. Nothing but the Bible is Christianity’s canon. It is composed of the Old Testament and the New Testament. It mainly records the two previous stages of God’s work: One is the work Jehovah God did in the Age of Law and the other is the work the Lord Jesus did in the Age of Grace.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

What to Do When You’re Losing Faith in God in Setbacks

By Dai Ning
In real life, every time we face unfortunate events such as setbacks and illnesses, we may think that God has forsaken us and no longer protects us, and thereby sink into negativity and lose our faith in God. Yet as long as we pray to God in these situations and understand His will, our mistaken viewpoints will be turned around.

Monday, February 18, 2019

Christian Short Film | Warnings of the Last Days From God "The Days of Noah Have Come"

This is a true story. Because of refusing to accept Almighty God’s end-time gospel again and again, Qingping Township of Sichuan Province suffered the overwhelming disaster twice, and disappeared from the earth forever. This is God’s warning to the end-time people, and makes people see the bitter fruits and disasters caused by their rejecting the end-time Christ. …
Look back to the people in Noah’s age. They were corrupt and licentious and remained impenitent, which aroused God’s anger. Only the eight members of Noah’s family obeyed God’s words and survived, while the rest of the men disobeyed God’s words and lost God’s keeping. Now, God has expressed his last voice of salvation to this extremely corrupt mankind! Facts prove again that for those who accepted Almighty God’s end-time gospel, they saw God’s wonderful deeds in disasters and received God’s care and keeping; for those who refused God’s end-time work, they were devoured and destroyed in disasters! Qingping Township’s disappearing twice is a testimony of the fulfillment of God’s word: Those who accept and obey God’s word and those who refuse and resist God’s word are two kinds of people with different destinations!
Recommended:When the Lord Jesus comes again, will He descend with the clouds, or will He come as secretly as a thief? 

Sunday, February 17, 2019

What Is God’s Salvation According to the Bible? Have You Gained It?

Many brothers and sisters in the Lord are familiar with the word “salvation,” and we all look forward to gaining God’s salvation when He appears in the last days, because the Bible says, “Who are kept by the power of God through faith to salvation ready to be revealed in the last time” (1 Peter 1:5). However, many brothers and sisters may be unclear on what the meaning of gaining God’s salvation is. So, let us first look back at God’s work in the past to understand this aspect of the truth better.
