Thursday, July 4, 2019

How to Have a Personal Christian Devotion?

By Li Cheng
The Church of Almighty God, faith in God, Eastern Lightning,

I Believed That Spiritual Devotion Consisted of Persistently Reading the Bible, Saying Prayers and Singing Hymns

I remember the first time I went to church and listened to the pastor give a sermon and, afterward, I came to have some knowledge of the Lord Jesus’ salvation and I expressed my desire to believe in the Lord on the spot. As I was leaving, the pastor reminded me that, “To live as a Christian, one must practice spiritual devotion.” I asked the pastor, “What is spiritual devotion? How do we practice it?” The pastor then told me, “Spiritual devotion is reading the Bible, saying prayers and singing hymns of praise every day. When we pray, we must pray for our families, pray for the weak brothers and sisters in our church, and pray for the servants of God. We must persist with reading the Bible and singing hymns every day as well, and we must keep doing it without interruption. As long as you practice spiritual devotion diligently every day, then your spirituality will continue to develop and you will draw closer and closer to the Lord, and then God will be gladdened.”

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Christian Life: 4 Tips to Teach You How to Interact With Others in Accordance With the Lord’s Intentions

By Wang Zihan
The Church of Almighty God,  God’s Will, Eastern Lightning,
Interpersonal relationship is a topic that causes headaches for many people. This is also a topic that is encountered often throughout one’s life as a Christian. The Lord Jesus requires us to get along harmoniously with each other and to love others as we love ourselves. Many devout Christians are also willing to put the Lord’s teachings into practice. However, in reality, when we interact with others, we frequently encounter conflicts, and misunderstandings, so much so that our relationships become rigid and break down. This leads to pain for everyone. Now, what is the reason that we are unable to exist harmoniously with each other? How should we Christians interact with others in our lives in accordance with the Lord’s intentions? This has also been a problem that I have had difficulty with in the past. Thank the Lord for His guidance! Afterward, I was able to find the answer in a book that resolved my difficulties. Here, I will share a bit about my experience and understanding!

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Have You Gained the Way to Eternal Life?

As Believers in the Lord, Do We Have the Way to Eternal Life?
The Lord Jesus said, “But whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life” (John 4:14). Many brothers and sisters in the Lord read the Lord’s word and believe that the Lord Jesus has the way to everlasting life, and He gave us the way long ago. In our years of believing in the Lord, we have continued to confess our sins and repent according to His teachings, we have suffered and paid a price to spread the Lord’s gospel, we have shepherded His churches, we have borne crosses to follow Him, we have been patient and tolerant with others, and we have not rejected His name when disasters or persecution befall us. We are able to keep the Lord’s path, so we already have the way to eternal life, and when the Lord comes, He will lift us up into the kingdom of heaven, where we will gain everlasting life. But, is this viewpoint correct? Does it accord with the truth?

Monday, July 1, 2019

Christian Testimony: God’s Guidance Allowed Me to Overcome Temptation in the Workplace (Audio Essay, Part 2)

The Church of Almighty God, Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,
I thought that I could return to the ordinary life I lived in the past. I didn’t expect that Mr. Zhang would try to tempt me with benefits after his attempts to tempt me with lust failed….
One day before Spring Festival, Mr. Zhang suddenly sent a text message asking me to his office. I knew Mr. Zhang was the only person who worked on the second floor, and I hesitated, thought to myself, “If I don’t go, this is going against an order from my boss, but I don’t know what will happen if I go….” I was a little timid and afraid, and quickly prayed to God to ask for wisdom and cleverness so that I could overcome Satan’s temptations. Then I went to Mr. Zhang’s office. I deliberately kept distance between us, but Mr. Zhang smiled and said, “Look at how scared you are! I didn’t call you up for anything serious.” He took a shopping card from his pocket and handed it to me, saying, “This is a bonus for you to thank you for your contributions to the company over the past year.” I was surprised when I heard this. What did I contribute to the company by pouring tea? Why was there a reward for that? Was this another one of Mr. Zhang’s tricks? So, I turned down Mr. Zhang’s “good intentions” and said to him, “I was only doing my job, and I get my salary every month, so I can’t take this card.” Mr. Zhang insisted on trying to stuff the card into my pocket, and as he tried to force me to accept, I realized he was doing this intentionally to get close to me, so I quickly said, “Thank you, sir, but if there’s nothing else, I should get back to work.” I didn’t wait for him to reply and quickly ran out. After I left, I let out a long sigh of relief and thanked God for keeping me safe. After that, I sent the shopping card back to Mr. Zhang. He saw that I refused his “good intentions,” and didn’t bother me for more than a month. I thank God from the bottom of my heart for giving me wisdom and once again helping me overcome the temptation of Satan.

Sunday, June 30, 2019

Christian Testimony: God’s Guidance Allowed Me to Overcome Temptation in the Workplace (Audio Essay, Part 1)

The Church of Almighty God, Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,

Almighty God says, “A world of gaiety and splendor, one that is becoming more and more so. When people look upon the world, their hearts are drawn to it, and many are unable to extricate themselves from it; great numbers will be beguiled by those who engage in trickery and sorcery. If you do not strive for progress, and are without ideals, you will be swept away by this sinful wave” (“Practice (2)” in The Word Appears in the Flesh). Almighty God’s words expose the evil of this hedonistic world, filled as it is with all kinds of temptations: money, fame, status, power, eroticism…. These temptations are like poppies, a “beautiful trap,” and these are also the means and methods by which Satan tempts and corrupts people. Most people can’t understand Satan’s tricks, are unable to escape these temptations, fall into these traps, and so live in sin and depravity, suffering and corrupted endlessly at the hands of Satan. I recall my own experience, and I know that if not for God’s protection and the guidance of His word, I would also have fallen inextricably into this “beautiful trap.” …
