Sunday, January 5, 2020

New English Gospel Song With Lyrics | "All God's People Praise Him to the Fullest"

New English Gospel Song With Lyrics | "All God's People Praise Him to the Fullest"
Verse 1
We have been raptured before God.
We join the rich feast, so happy.
We enjoy God's words and understand the truth,
our spirits are liberated and feel so free.
Our hearts are so filled with thanks and praise.
We can't help but sing.
The joy in our hearts is impossible to express.
Praise and leap for joy. God deserves honor and glory.
God's will is carried out on earth.
All God's people praise Him to the fullest.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

New English Gospel Song With Lyrics | "God Tries and Refines Man to Perfect Him"

New English Gospel Song With Lyrics | "God Tries and Refines Man to Perfect Him"
If you believe in God, you must obey Him,
practice the truth and fulfill all your duties, oh, oh.
You must understand the things you should go through.
If you just go through judgment and discipline, oh, oh,
but you can't tell when God is dealing with you
or disciplining you, then this won't do at all.
It's not enough to stand through refinement in one case,
you should keep on moving, keep on moving.
Hey, loving God goes on endlessly, whoa, whoa.
Hey, it's a lesson without boundary.
The more wonderful God's work is in man,
the more valuable and meaningful it is.
The more incomprehensible it is to you,
more incompatible with your notions,
much more can God's work conquer you,
gain you and make you perfect.

Friday, January 3, 2020

The CCP Government’s Harsh Persecution Only Strengthens My Love for God

faith in God, God's will, Religious Persecution,
By Li Zhi, Liaoning Province
In the year 2000, I was fortunate enough to hear the kingdom gospel of Almighty God. By reading God’s words, I came to understand the mystery of God’s names, the mystery of God’s incarnations, and the truths regarding things such as how God’s three stages of work save mankind, and how they thoroughly change, purify and perfect man. I became certain that Almighty God is the Lord Jesus returned, and I gladly accepted God’s kingdom gospel. After that, I actively joined in with the church life, and with spreading the gospel and bearing witness for God. In 2002, I became known around the local area for preaching the gospel and was in constant danger of being arrested by the CCP police. I had no choice but to flee my home so that I could continue to perform my duty.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Movie Clip (1) - How Do We Treat Eastern Lightning in a Way That Accords With the Lord's Will?

In the Bible, Paul said, "I marvel that you are so soon removed from Him that called you into the grace of Christ to another gospel" (Galatians 1:6). The pastors and elders misinterpret these words of Paul, and condemn all people who accept the gospel of the second coming of Lord Jesus, saying that this would be apostasy and that it would be betraying the Lord. Some believers therefore miss the chance to welcome the Lord, because they have been deceived. It is evident that getting a clear understanding of the true meaning of this text is extremely important to our welcoming the return of the Lord. So what is the true meaning of this passage of Scripture? This video will reveal the answer to you.

Recommended: Signs of Jesus’ Coming Have Appeared: How Will the Lord Come?

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

New English Gospel Song With Lyrics | "I've Enjoyed So Much of God's Love"

New English Gospel Song With Lyrics | "I've Enjoyed So Much of God's Love"
I’m corrupt, unworthy to live before God.
His words show I'm without the reality of the truth.
I see I fall short and cannot meet God's requirements.
There's no pursuit of the truth, and my heart is grieving.
I am anxious, I secretly cry many tears.
Why can't I satisfy You, God?
Your love breaks my heart and makes my tears fall like rain.
Because You're beside me, I’m no more disheartened.
You know my heart, I can't leave You now.
My heart can love You so I'm happy,
and the need to praise You overcomes me.
Your love is so real, so great and so beautiful,
the joy, the joy beyond compare.
My heart belongs to You completely.
I’ll exalt You, bear witness to You forever.
I am ready to love You all my life.
