Saturday, June 15, 2019

Why Does Eastern Lightning Surge Forward With Unstoppable Progress?

The Church of Almighty God, Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,
The Lord Jesus said, “For as the lightning comes out of the east, and shines even to the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be” (Matthew 24:27). Since Eastern LightningAlmighty God, Christ of the last days—appeared in China to perform His work, His kingdom gospel has spread across the whole of mainland China in just more than ten years. Now, it has spread to many western countries and regions, and it has shaken the various denominations to their core and sent ripples throughout the entire world. However, the most perplexing question for the leaders of the religious world is: Why is it that, although the pastors and elders in the religious world have done their utmost to resist, defame and condemn Eastern Lightning, stifle their churches and even gone so far as to collude with the CCP government to arrest and persecute the Christians in The Church of Almighty God, those believers from various denominations who have good humanity and who truly believe in the Lord accept and follow Almighty God one after another? Why is it that, though faced with the frantic resistance and persecution by the two arms of Satan’s forces—the CCP government and the religious world—not only has Eastern Lightning not been broken or worn down, but on the contrary it has continued to flourish and go from strength to strength, like shoots growing after rain, and has surged inexorably and irresistibly onward?

What Is the Rapture?

Just like many other Christian brothers and sisters, I eagerly long for the second coming of the Lord Jesus. We abide by the following passage from the Bible: “Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord” (1 Thessalonians 4:17). For this reason, we foolishly look up to the skies longing for the day that Jesus will return and take us up into the clouds so that we can be with the Lord. However, after so many years have passed, the four blood moons have already appeared; earthquakes, famines, plagues and war and all sorts of other disasters are becoming more and more intense. The prophecies of the Lord’s second coming have basically been fulfilled. However, we still have not seen one Christian raptured into heaven. I cannot help but think, “Why does the Lord not come to receive us? The Lord is trustworthy. The Lord promised that He would take us into the heavenly kingdom in the last days. The Lord’s promise certainly will be accomplished and fulfilled. I do not doubt this at all. Yet, how come up until now, we still have not been raptured by the Lord into heaven? Could it be that there are some problems with our longing?”
The Church of Almighty God, Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,

Friday, June 14, 2019

Christian Sermons: Don’t Let Your Smartphone Rule Your Life

The Church of Almighty God, Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,
One day, I read a popular saying online that went something like this, “The farthest place in the world isn’t on the opposite side of the globe, it’s when I’m right in front of you while you play with your phone.” Indeed. No matter if you’re on the subway, on the bus, in a restaurant, on a major street or a little alley, we will always see such people, the “smartphone zombies.” They have a phone, tablet, or some other gadget in their hand as they watch videos, play games, or look at social media, and they are primarily young people.
As technology has advanced, the internet has made some things in our lives much more convenient. You can find all sorts of things on online marketplaces so that we don’t even have to leave the house to buy whatever we want. There’s all sorts of news and information, plus an incredible variety of films and videos—too much for anyone to watch. Not only can it satisfy our curiosity, but it can fill up every spare moment in our day. There are also all sorts of chatting apps and social media platforms so we can connect with people all over the world from the comfort of our own homes. But behind all this convenience, what does the internet bring to us? Let’s take a look at some relevant reports.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

A Christian’s Inspirational Story: How to Completely Free Oneself From Gaming Addiction Is No Longer a Difficult Question

The Church of Almighty God, Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,
The First Time I See an Online Game, I’m Filled With Curiosity
While studying at vocational school, I chose to major in computer science. I hadn’t been at the school long when I heard from a classmate that many people were playing online games, and how fun and interesting they were, and that those who couldn’t play them were behind the times. Hearing my classmate say this, my interest in playing these games was even more piqued, and so, with a mind filled with curiosity, my career with playing games began.
Not long after I had my first contact with online games, I was taken over by them. This was because, in these games, I could do many things that I couldn’t do in real life. I could drive cars, for example, and go wherever I wanted, and this felt great. I could also drive a tank or pilot a ship and fight with enemies, and after winning I was left with such a sense of accomplishment. I enjoyed it a lot, whether I was just playing a game or winning a battle. Each time I stopped playing a game, I would always be thinking how to beat my enemies in the shortest time and get an even better battle score…. In this way, my mind gradually became filled with all manner of games. I thought about them all day and all night, and I would even call out the names of these games in my dreams.

3 Must-Knows for How to Deal With Depression

Editor’s Note: In recent years, depression has snuck into our lives, affecting more and more people. Many are tormented by this disease—some lose their hope in life and live in pain, and some even lose their courage to go on living, choosing to commit suicide to end their own lives. Why is it that people experience depression? How should we deal with it, and how can we get out of the trap of depression?
The Church of Almighty God, Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,
Depression—A Terrifying Disease
In a report released on March 22, 2018, the World Health Organization said that depression is a very common worldwide disease with over three hundred million people suffering from it. Long-term moderate or severe depression can become a serious condition, and at its worst, can lead to suicide. Nearly 800,000 people die every year from suicide, and it has become the second leading cause of death among populations between the ages of 15 and 29.
Relevant information indicates that the clinical presentation of depression is mainly a depressed mood, which can shift from feeling glum to hopeless and in despair, or even becoming completely fed up with life. This can lead to suicide attempts or suicidal behavior. In some cases, there is clear anxiety or psychomotor agitation, and in serious cases there may be hallucinations, delusions, or other symptoms of psychological disturbances. Many who suffer from depression also share their own internal pain and struggle with their suicidal ideation on a daily basis, as there is a constant internal voice telling them: “Just die, and everything will be better”; “Take that medicine, it’ll be so sweet!” That kind of pain can be inescapable.
