Saturday, July 27, 2019

A Youth Spent Without Regret

Xiaowen, Chongqing
Love is a pure emotion, pure without a blemish. Use your heart, use your heart to love and feel and care. Love doesn’t set conditions or barriers or distance. Use your heart, use your heart to love and feel and care. If you love you don’t deceive, grumble, turn your back, look to get something in return” (“Pure Love Without Blemish” in Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs). This hymn of God’s word once helped me get through the pain of a long and drawn-out life in prison that lasted 7 years and 4 months. Even though the CCP government deprived me of the most beautiful years of my youth, I have obtained the most precious and real truth from Almighty God and therefore have no complaints or regrets.
The Church of Almighty God, believe in God, Eastern Lightning,

Friday, July 26, 2019

International Religious Freedom Report Concerned Over the Persecution of CAG

International Religious Freedom Report Concerned Over the Persecution of CAG
On June 21 of 2019, the U.S. Department of State submitted 2018 Report on International Religious Freedom to the Congress, which describes the status of religious freedom in every country. This report highlights the religious abuse in China and the Chinese government’s intense persecution of many faith groups, such as Christians, Uyghur Muslims and Tibetan Buddhists. And there are many references to the persecution of The Church of Almighty God (CAG).

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The Life Force That Can Never Be Extinguished

The Church of Almighty God, praise God, Eastern Lightning,
Dong Mei, Henan Province
I am an ordinary person. I lived in a run-of-the-mill life. Like many who yearn for the light, I tried lots of ways to search for the true meaning of human existence, attempting to give my life more significance. In the end, all my efforts were in vain. But after I was fortunate enough to accept Almighty God’s work of the last days, miraculous changes occurred in my life. It brought more color to my life, and I came to understand that only God is the true Provider of people’s spirits and lives, and only God’s words are the true meaning of human life. I was glad that I had finally found the right way of life. However, whilst performing my duty I was once illegally arrested and brutally tortured by the CCP government. From this, my life’s journey gained an experience that I’ll never forget …

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

God’s Love Was With Me in the Devil’s Dark Prison

The Church of Almighty God, pray to God, Eastern Lightning,
Yang Yi, Jiangsu Province
I am a Christian of the Church of Almighty God. I have been a follower of Almighty God for over ten years. During this time, one thing I’ll never forget is the awful tribulation when I was arrested by the CCP police a decade ago. Back then, despite my being tortured and trampled on by evil demons, and coming close to death several times, Almighty God used His mighty hand to guide and protect me, to bring me back to life, and take me back to safety…. Through this, I truly experienced the transcendence and greatness of the power of God’s life, and gained the precious wealth of life conferred upon me by God.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

“My Child, Please Just Stay Alive and Well”

In 2019, the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) persecution of religion and faith in Mainland China has reached a peak. But it shamelessly claims that religious freedom exists in China. Xiao Rui, a Christian from The Church of Almighty God (CAG), spoke at the conference “The Long Arm of the Dragon: China’s Persecution of Believers at Home and Abroad” held in Seoul, South Korea on June 20, detailing her true experience of being arrested, cruelly tortured, sentenced, and imprisoned by the CCP, and exposing the shameless lies of the CCP.
