Saturday, November 2, 2019

2019 Praise and Worship Song | "We Are Fortunate to Meet With God's Coming"

2019 Praise and Worship Song | "We Are Fortunate to Meet With God’s Coming"

We are fortunate to meet with God’s coming, we hear His voice.
We are fortunate to meet with God’s coming, we attend the feast of the Lamb.
We know the incarnate Almighty God, we see His wondrous deeds.
We understand the mystery of human life, Almighty God’s words are the most precious.
We eat and drink God’s words, and we live before Him, no longer searching here and there.

Friday, November 1, 2019

2019 Praise and Worship Hymn | "Everything God Does for Man Is Sincere"

2019 Praise and Worship Hymn | "Everything God Does for Man Is Sincere"
Everything God does is practical, and nothing He does is empty.
God comes among humans, humbling Himself to be an ordinary person.
He does not leave after simply doing a bit of work and speaking a few words;
rather, He actually comes among humans to experience the suffering of the world.
He pays the price of His own experience of suffering in exchange for a destination for humanity.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

International Day of Peace: Persecuted New Chinese Religion Does Its Part for Peace

A side event with the theme "Broadening the Impact of Peace" was organized on September 19, 2019 at the United Nations Office at Geneva to celebrate the 38th International Day of Peace. The event's main focus was religion, including emerging religions' hard work to Contribute to global harmony and justice. The event was hosted by Fundación Vida-Grupo Ecológico Verde and Foundation for the Improvement of Life, Culture and Society, and co-organized by the Center for Studies on New Religions (CESNUR), publisher of Bitter Winter , as well as over 10 other organizations and groups. The Church of Almighty God (CAG) was invited to participate.

Recommended for You: Must Watch Christian Movie | Chronicles of Religious Persecution in China “A Youth of Bloody Tears”

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

2019 Christian Music Video | Korean Worship Song "How Important God’s Love for Man Is"

2019 Christian Music Video | Korean Worship Song "How Important God’s Love for Man Is"
The picture of “God’s Command to Adam” in the scriptures
is a moving and heartwarming picture.
Though there is only God and man in it,
the intimacy between them is so worthy of envy.
God’s profuse love is gratuitously bestowed upon man;
man is naive and innocent, unencumbered and carefree,
blissfully living under God’s eye;
God shows concern for man, while man lives under God’s protection and blessing;
every single thing man does and says
is closely linked to and inseparable from God.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Short Christian Video | "A Warning From History" (English Skit)

Short Christian Video | "A Warning From History" (English Skit)

Two thousand years ago, when the Lord Jesus appeared and worked, the Pharisees clung to the laws and condemned His work, saying that His work went beyond the Scriptures. To protect their status and livelihood, they strove with all their might to stop people from seeking the Lord Jesus' work, and joined forces with the Roman government to nail Him to the cross. In the last days, as the Lord Jesus again appears in the flesh to do work, the leaders of the religious world repeat the historical tragedy of the Pharisees' resistance of Lord Jesus. How do they resist God's work of the last days? Through a pastor acting a Pharisee in a performance, this skit exposes how modern pastors and elders hold on to the Bible to resist God, and shows clearly that the path they walk is exactly the same as that of the Pharisees.
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