Thursday, October 26, 2017

The Hymn of God's Word "All Men Live in God’s Light"

All Men Live in God’s Light The joyous exaltation in men’s hearts (woo …) fills every place on the face of the earth (woo …), the air is brisk and fresh (woo …), dense fogs no longer blanket the ground (woo …), and the sun shines resplendent, the sun shines resplendent.
On this jubilant occasion, at this moment of exultation, God’s righteousness and His holiness (hoy), have gone abroad throughout the universe (woo …), and all mankind extols them without surcease, and all mankind extols them without surcease. (Ah … ha….) The cities of heaven are laughing with joy, and the kingdoms of earth are dancing with joy. Who at this moment is not rejoicing? And who at this moment is not weeping? (Yee yeah.) Earth in its primordial state belongs to heaven, and heaven is united with earth. (Hoy.) Man is the cord uniting heaven and earth (ha), and thanks to his sanctity, thanks to his renewal, heaven is no longer concealed from earth, and earth is no longer silent toward heaven. The faces of humanity are wreathed in smiles of gratification, wreathed in smiles of gratification, and secreted (secreted) in their hearts, is a sweetness that knows no bounds (sweetness that knows no bounds). Man does not quarrel with man, nor do men come to blows with one another. Are there any who, in God’s light, do not live peacefully with others? Are there any who, in His days, disgrace His name? (Yee ya.) Earth in its primordial state belongs to heaven, and heaven is united with earth. (Ha.) Man is the cord uniting heaven and earth (ha), and thanks to his sanctity, thanks to his renewal, heaven is no longer concealed from earth, and earth is no longer silent toward heaven. The faces of humanity are wreathed in smiles of gratification, wreathed in smiles of gratification. The joyous exaltation in men’s hearts (woo …) fills every place on the face of the earth (woo …), the air is brisk and fresh (woo …), dense fogs no longer blanket the ground (woo …), and the sun shines resplendent, the sun shines resplendent. The joyous exaltation in men’s hearts fills every place on the face of the earth, the air is brisk and fresh, dense fogs no longer blanket the ground, and the sun shines resplendent, the sun shines resplendent. And the sun shines resplendent, the sun shines resplendent.

Recommended: The origin of the Church of Almighty God

Eastern Lightning, The Church of Almighty God was created because of the appearance and work of Almighty God, the second coming of the Lord Jesus, Christ of the last days. It is made up of all those who accept Almighty God's work in the last days and are conquered and saved by His words. It was entirely founded by Almighty God personally and is led by Him as the Shepherd. It was definitely not created by a person. Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. God's sheep hear God's voice. As long as you read the words of Almighty God, you will see God has appeared.

Special statement: This video production was produced as a not-for-profit piece by the Church of Almighty God. This video may not be distributed for profit to any third party, and we hope that everyone will share it and distribute it openly. When you distribute it, please note the source. Without the consent of the Church of Almighty God, no organization, social group, or individual may tamper with or misrepresent the contents of this video.

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