Friday, December 21, 2018

The Hymn of God's Word Our God Reigns as King

  • God almighty, Father everlasting,
  • Prince of Peace,
  • our God reigns as King over all!
  • I
  • Almighty God, Almighty God,
  • Father everlasting, Prince of Peace,
  • our God reigns as King over all!
  • Almighty God's feet
  • on the Mount of Olives,
  • on the Mount of Olives.
  • How beautiful! Come and listen!
  • We the watchmen lift our voices up,
  • lift our voices up, sing together,
  • for to Zion God has returned.
  • We have seen with our own eyes
  • the desolation of Jerusalem!
  • Burst out together in songs of joy,
  • for God has comforted us,
  • He has redeemed Jerusalem.
  • In the sight of all nations,
  • God has bared His holy arm,
  • appeared as He truly is.
  • God's salvation is seen
  • at earth's far ends.
  • II
  • Almighty God! Almighty God!
  • From before Your throne,
  • the seven spirits
  • are sent out to churches everywhere,
  • are sent out to churches everywhere,
  • to make all Your mysteries revealed.
  • You sit upon Your glorious throne,
  • reign over Your Kingdom,
  • making it stand firm
  • with justice and righteousness,
  • making the nations
  • bow down before You,
  • bow down before You.
  • Almighty God! Almighty God!
  • You've loosed the girdle of the kings,
  • that before You
  • the gates of their cities
  • shall open and nevermore be shut.
  • For Your light has come, has come,
  • Your glorious light
  • has come shining forth.
  • III
  • Darkness shrouds the land,
  • people covered in gloom.
  • Ah …
  • But You appear, shine Your light
  • upon us.
  • God, You appear,
  • shine Your light upon us.
  • Your glory is in our persons manifest.
  • All nations come to Your light,
  • their kings approach the light
  • sent forth from You.
  • You raise Your eyes
  • to look about You,
  • Your sons are foregathered
  • around You.
  • Your sons all come from afar,
  • Your daughters come too,
  • borne in Your arms.
  • Almighty God! It is Your great love
  • that has held us fast.
  • It is You who lead us forward,
  • forward on the road to the Kingdom.
  • Hallowed is Your sacred word
  • that pierces us through and through.
  • Almighty God!
  • Thanks be to You, praise unto You.
  • Thanks and praise, praise unto You.
  • Let us, with one sincere, serene,
  • and faithful heart,
  • look up to You, bear witness to You,
  • raise You up, sing praise to You.
  • Let us construct ourselves
  • in united harmony,
  • that soon we may be made pleasing,
  • pleasing unto You.
  • We may be made pleasing unto You,
  • to be used by You.
  • May Your will, unhindered,
  • be carried out upon the earth.
  • from "The Twenty-fifth Utterance" of Utterances and Testimonies of Christ in the Beginning in The Word Appears in the Flesh

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