Thursday, September 20, 2018

Sermons and Fellowship About God’s Word “Only Christ of the Last Days Can Give Man the Way of Eternal Life”

God’s word says: “… and there are those whom He makes perfect and those whom He eliminates.” “And there are those whom He makes perfect,” who is this referring to? It is referring to those that seek the truth and those in God’s house who are comparatively more honest. They lie a lot less than most, they are a lot less cunning than most and they are more innocent and open than most. There are those in the church that ask these people, “What kind of sins have you committed?” These people will, without hesitation, say what kind of sins they are guilty of. Isn’t this an honest person? Some people have secrets that they will not talk about. No matter how you ask them, they will say, “I have none, none!” They have hidden these secrets deep inside! These kinds of people are so sly. These kinds of people think they are so smart, but they have fallen prey to their own crafty schemes. God does not live in their hearts. You say an honest person is silly but, God will live in their heart. You can see who is smart and who is silly. “And there are those whom He makes perfect,” what kind of person does God perfect? Those that live according to His intentions. What kind of person lives according to God’s intentions? Honest, upright people. People who love the truth and truly make an effort for God. This can be summarized in a single phrase: people that seek the truth. These people can be perfected by God. How does God perfect them? Through the work of the Holy Spirit. Those that love the truth, always encounter dealing and pruning and trials. When it comes to communicating God’s words, they are always enlightened and illuminated within. God enlightens them. God moves them. Once they finish listening, they feel they have been reproached. They try to know themselves and reflect upon themselves. The more they do this, the more they see the depth of their corruption. The more they see their corrupt dispositions, the more they see themselves as poor and pitiful and the more they see themselves as lacking human-likeness. They begin to have regrets. They begin to hate themselves. They begin to think, “I must seek the truth. Those who do not accept the truth will be destroyed. God loathes and hates these people. God curses these kinds of people. I must seek the truth!” As a result, these people strive for the truth. The more they strive for the truth, the more the Holy Spirit works in them. The more they strive for the truth, the more the Holy Spirit enlightens them to understand the truth and the more able they are to find a path to practice. They understand more and more of the truth. In the end, they are able to do things according to principles. Once they understand one aspect of the truth, they start to have a path to practice it. They can begin doing things according to principles and put the truth into practice. The result is they unconsciously understand and gain more and more of the truth. Their life disposition starts to change, they start to blossom and they start seeing results. God’s work starts to yield more and more results with these kinds of people. After a few years of experience, they can enter the reality of many truths, and obtain some real experience with witnessing. Now they are able to assist and supply others at church and take on more of the work responsibilities at church. Doesn’t this confirm that they have stepped onto the path of perfection?
Presently, there are many people who fulfill their duties and feel, “In fulfilling my duties, I can see that I do not have any reality of the truth. Before, I felt that I understood some of the truth, but now, I realize it is all letters and doctrines and spiritual theoretical knowledge. None of it is the reality of the truth.” As a result, as these people perform their duties, they feel they are quite lacking. The more they feel they are lacking inside, the more they feel empty. The more empty they feel, the more uneasy they feel. If they are uneasy, they start feeling that a crisis exists, “If I do not seek the truth, I will surely be eliminated!” They have a sense of crisis. Once they have a sense of crisis, they become more honest, calm and low key. “I must bury my head in work. I won’t foolishly draw attention to myself. I won’t foolishly make myself visible. I am nothing, I have nothing to show!” When God’s chosen people see this, they say, “Why is this person burying his head in work without any complaints? Why doesn’t he show off his abilities? This person has changed for the better. He is not the same as before.” Is this someone who seeks the truth? He focuses on reality. He does not focus on doing things this way or that way. He does not focus on drawing attention to himself. He sees clearly what unbelievers seek and like. He thoroughly rejects all the things that are empty and superficial. He stops chasing after reputation, status and pride. These things do not have any value. He seeks the truth and fulfills his duties to repay God’s love. He pursues to become an honest person. These are the most important and dependable things to him. This kind of person will become perfected by God. After I pruned and dealt with some workers and leaders, I saw some of them become silent. They started focusing on doing actual work. I thought it was very good. They gained some self-knowledge. Not bad. After a period of further inspection, I found that they started getting some results. Their work started bearing fruit and they resolved some practical problems. I thought these people were okay. They could receive the truth. Not bad! They started seeing results in their work. Once they understand the truth, have an accurate target, direction and principles in terms of serving God, they will carry out God’s will. At the very least, they are able to follow God’s will, follow God’s way. With this kind of quality, there shouldn’t be any problems. Those whom God makes perfect are seekers of the truth. If they spend a lot of time and effort striving for the truth, they can still improve their inner qualities. They can reach an understanding of the truth and enter into the reality. Besides, they can put the truth into practice and do things according to principles. This kind of person will be perfected by God. If God makes them perfect, then they have God within their heart. God lives inside this person’s heart. This does not mean that God is controlling this person to the point where he or she directly speaks God’s words and does God’s work. God living in someone’s heart means He does the work of perfection, He watches over them, leads them and even disciplines them. In the end, the truth of God’s words and the way of eternal life that Christ has brought will reside in this person’s heart.
There are also those that are unable to be perfected. Those who are unable to be perfected by God will be eliminated by God. There are a few kinds of situations when it comes to being eliminated by God. There are those who are bored of the truth or who hate the truth. They are the first to be eliminated. There are those who are muddleheaded. They have gone through many sessions of discipline, pruning and dealing, yet they still do not seek the truth. They will also be eliminated. There is also another type of person that will be eliminated. Their inner qualities are inadequate and they are unable to understand the truth. You must have a certain amount of inner preparation to understand the truth. Some people’s inner quality is insufficient and they are unable to understand the truth. If their inner quality is insufficient, then no matter how you communicate with them, they will not understand the truth. No matter how you communicate the truth to them, they are unable to find a path of practice. No matter how you communicate the truth to them, the only thing they can do is abide by the rules. They cannot do anything else. What kind of problem is this? Those whose inner qualities are too deficient, who can only abide by the rules, can they be perfected by God? They cannot be perfected by God. If their inner qualities are deficient, but they have a heart that truly believes in God, and they devoutly make an effort for God, then how will God treat this kind of person? Do you know the plans that are in place for this kind of person? This kind of person is a service-doer. Devoted service-doers will be saved. Those who are not devoted, those who are eliminated along the way or those who abandon the path themselves along the way will be eliminated and exterminated. Their fate is the same as that of unbelievers. Within the category of service-doers, there is a small portion that will be saved. This small portion encompasses the service-doers that have a comparatively good humanity and are devoted to the end. These people will be saved. These people will not die. When they encounter disasters, they will be protected by God. Understood? Right now, if you look at each and every person who cannot understand the spirit, there is a certain number of these people who will never be able to understand the spirit. There is also another portion that, if they repeatedly listen to sermons, will one day eventually be able to understand the spirit. If they listen long enough, if they hold fellowship over the truth and work hard to obtain the truth, eventually they will be able to understand the spirit. Those that can understand the spirit and practice and understand the truth can be perfected by God. They will become God’s people, citizens of the kingdom. They too can be perfected. So, for those who are unable to understand the spirit, will they be able to obtain life? There is no way they can obtain life. If you cannot understand the spirit, how can you obtain life? You can see that there are some people who have performed their duties for many years, yet they do not have any reverence for God in their hearts. These kinds of people do not understand the spirit. No matter how they believe, or how many years they believe, they do not have reverence for God within their hearts and thus, they cannot do things according to principles. This kind of person belongs to the group of people that cannot understand the spirit. People who cannot understand the spirit cannot be perfected.
Let’s continue and take a look at some of God’s words, “And so I say that God lives in but a few people’s hearts, and these people are undoubtedly those who truly believe in God, those of whom God approves, those who please Him, and those whom He makes perfect. They are the ones who are led by God.” “They are the ones who are led by God,” God directly leads these people. God’s Spirit lives in these people’s hearts. The Holy Spirit works in them, leads them, perfects them and guides them. This is absolutely correct! “Since they are led by God, so they are the people who have already heard and seen God’s way of eternal life.” Basically, they are people that are led by God, God works to lead these people. Colloquially, from the day they started believing in God, the Holy Spirit works on these people. These people are people that are led by God. God lives within these people’s hearts. The Holy Spirit lives within these people’s hearts. Starting from when they first believed in God, no matter how many years they believe, if the Holy Spirit does not work on them all along, would this kind of person have God living in their hearts? God does not live there. Each and every person whom the Holy Spirit works on, God lives in these people’s hearts. Those whom the Holy Spirit does not work on, will not have the Holy Spirit living inside their hearts. God does not live in such people’s hearts. This matter has now been clearly explained! Some religious people say, “God lives within our hearts.” Is this correct? Some people who do not seek the truth say, “God lives within my heart.” Is this correct? There are some evil-doers who say, “God lives within my heart.” Is this correct? Do not believe their words. We must follow God’s word. We must see clearly whose heart God inhabits. If you do not see through this matter, people will ask you, “Of the people who believe in God, whose heart does God live in?” You say, “Each and every one of the people in the Church of Almighty God has God living in their hearts. God lives in all our hearts.” That is wrong. There are some people who belong to the Church of Almighty God that do not seek the truth. Even more so in the religious world. You cannot carelessly say these things! That is why, no matter which passage of God’s word we read, or which phrase we understand, from now on, you must be able to differentiate those that violate the truth with their words. This can be compared to the following situation. There is a confused person that believes in God. He is so confused that it’s unbelievable! He has absolutely zero grasp of the reality of the truth. He only has a theoretical grasp of things. If he says that God lives in his heart, would you believe him? Would you accept it? Do not believe people who randomly and carelessly say things. It’s not right, it shows you don’t know how to differentiate. After you have listened to this sentence of God’s word, you understand, “Oh, God does not live in every believer’s heart. He lives in the hearts of those who truly believe in and follow Him. He lives in the hearts of those whom He praises and loves.” Once you understand this truth, you will know which people’s hearts God lives in and which people’s hearts God does not live in. You will also understand in which group you belong and whether or not your heart has God. After understanding this truth, you should also have self-knowledge about which group you belong to, is it right? Some people say, “According to what you say, this is very troublesome. All these years, I have not sought the truth. I am still a crafty person. Perhaps God does not live in my heart. Does that mean I will be eliminated?” This person starts getting negative, “Fine, then I’ll just go home!” What kind of problem is this? He has been revealed as a non-believer. If this person returns home, then it is certain that God does not live in his heart. It is confirmed that this person is a non-believer. Would you want this person to remain? Should you try and assist him out of love? Some people think you should not. Why should you not? He has been revealed. What use is it if you help him out? If you allow him to remain, you allow a demon to remain. He is not a true believer. Some people specialize in doing this type of work. Once they see a demon that is potentially going to leave the church, they quickly try to comfort and assist him. Is this right? Is this a good deed? I see this as a little bit evil. Even though it is not something that is clearly evil, this person is a little confused, without principle and blindly doing things! If the person in question is a new believer who does not understand, helping them out is acceptable. However, if they have believed for a certain number of years, and it has been revealed that they are demons and you still assist them, then you are assisting demons. Do you want to allow demons to take root in God’s house and disturb God’s chosen people? Would you be happy then? Can demons do any service? Demons will never render any service. All they do is disturb others.
The words of God are as follows: “Those whose belief in God is false, those who are not approved by God, those who are despised by God, those who are eliminated by God—they are bound to be rejected by God, are bound to remain without the way of life, and are bound to remain ignorant of where God is.” These stipulations are quite severe but they reveal the truth of the matter. “In contrast, those in whose hearts God lives know where He is,” the people who have God in their hearts know where God is. Now, where would you say God is? You say, “God is in my heart!” Do not even dare to say this! Where exactly is God? If you actually do not know, what kind of problem is this? Those who do not know are the people who God has eliminated. Those who truly have God living in their hearts know where God is. Do you now understand? “In contrast, those in whose hearts God lives know where He is. They are the people unto whom God bestows the way of eternal life, and they are the ones who follow God.” From this, we can understand another aspect of the truth. “Those in whose hearts God lives know where He is.” These people have an understanding of God because God lives in their hearts and has done His work through them for many years. As such, they know where God is, they understand the way of eternal life. They know what eternal life is and the way of eternal life. These people, objectively speaking, are followers of God. These people follow God. Each and every person whose heart God lives in, is a person who truly follows God. Each and every person whose heart God lives in, when God’s work is finished, these people will truly understand God. They will be perfected by God. They will be obtained by God. Those who do not have God in their hearts do not know where God is. Also, when they are asked what Christ brings in God’s work of the last days, they say, “I do not know.” When they are asked what the way of eternal life is, they say, “I do not know.” This kind of person does not understand God in the slightest. This is a person who has been eliminated by God.
Do you know, now, where God is?” Do you know where God is? Some people would say that God is in the hearts of those who truly believe in God. Is that it? If you only understand this statement, it is not enough! “God is both in the heart of man and at man’s side. He is not only in the spiritual world, and above all things, but even more on the earth upon which man exists.” You must have a clear understanding of these statements! Presently, how much of this do you understand? First, “God is both in the heart of man and at man’s side.” Would you say that God is only in man’s heart? This is not entirely correct. He is also “at man’s side.” “He is not only in the spiritual world, and above all things, but even more on the earth upon which man exists.” This is a more complete and accurate understanding. In more colloquial language, God is not only in the heavens, but in the world as well. He is above all things. He lives in man’s heart and is at man’s side. This is also an accurate account of this concept. Here it is said: “He is not only in the spiritual world, and above all things.” What does “above all things” mean? He is above all the things that He created. Now, what does “not only in the spiritual world” mean? God is a Spirit and He controls the entire universe. The entire universe includes the spiritual realm as well as the physical world. Colloquially it means, He is both in the mortal and the immortal world. “But even more on the earth upon which man exists.” Why is God on the earth upon which man exists? Why is He not on some distant planet? Why is He not where animals are living? What is the reason for this? This is because mankind was created by God. Most importantly, He has His work to do on mankind. He wants to perfect man to be the master of all things! However, man has been corrupted by Satan. If man does not experience God’s salvation, then he cannot be perfected. This is why God works through mankind. This is why He is on the earth upon which man exists.
And so, the arrival of the last days has taken the steps of God’s work into new territory. God holds sovereignty over all things in the universe, and He is the mainstay of man in his heart, and moreover, He exists among man. Only in this way can He bring the way of life to mankind, and bring man into the way of life.” These words clearly describe God’s intentions. “God holds sovereignty over all things in the universe, and He is the mainstay of man in his heart, and moreover, He exists among man. Only in this way can He bring the way of life to mankind, and bring man into the way of life.” God does all this in order to bestow the way of eternal life upon mankind and to allow mankind to obtain the way of truth. This is the purpose of God living among man. “God has come to earth, and lives among man, so that man may gain the way of life, and so that man may exist. At the same time, God also commands all things in the universe, so that they might cooperate with His management among man.” These words are also quite clear. Only through obtaining the way of life can man live better. God does His work among man so that man can obtain the way of life. What is the purpose of this? The purpose is for the survival of man. Someone said, “If God did not do the work of the last days, could mankind still survive?” Mankind would be exterminated. This is determined by God’s disposition. Mankind is evil and extremely corrupted, they are like satanic demons. God must destroy mankind. God’s righteous disposition cannot allow this type of satanic brood to exist. This is why before God extinguishes the world, He performs His salvation work. His work in the last days is to allow man to obtain the way of life. Let’s say you receive God’s work in the last days, if you do not seek the truth and cannot obtain the way of life, what is the result? The result is that you will be destroyed in the disasters! This disaster of the last days is getting bigger and bigger. Once God’s work is finished, the great disaster will commence. Once the great disaster begins, mankind will be destroyed gradually. They will be destroyed in steps. Each of these steps has a number. A certain number of people will be killed in each disaster. Each disaster will carry away a certain number of people. Each step has a number. It is impossible for the doomed to escape! Earthquakes will kill a certain number of people. Great fires will exterminate a certain number of people. Epidemics will kill a certain number of people. Wars will kill a certain number of people. Each of these disasters will have a mission because these disasters have been preordained by God. If you receive Christ in the last days and if you are unable to obtain the way of life, what is the result? The result is death. You will be exterminated. If you accept God’s work in the last days and obtain the way of life, then you will not die. You will be protected by God in all these disasters.
Let us now look again at how God works. “God also commands all things in the universe.” One aspect is God expressing the truth and the word in Christ and doing the work of judgment through Christ. Another aspect of God’s work is His command of all things. These two aspects do not interfere with each other. In the past, there were some people who had their own notions, “God’s Spirit is materialized in the flesh. That means He is unable to command all things. Perhaps, at this time, it is not known who can replace God as the Master of all things. God can only do His own work through the flesh.” Are these thoughts correct? He has forgotten that God is almighty. God is omnipresent. He is present throughout the entire universe. Why do I say that He is omnipresent? God’s Spirit has permeated everything in the heavens and the earth. Wherever you are, whatever you are thinking, whatever you are doing, God can see it. He knows you like the palm of His hand. This is why God is omnipresent. “God also commands all things in the universe, so that they might cooperate with His management among man.” Here, it says that God commands all things. How does He command all things? What connection does this have to the work of God in the last days? The following sentence explains this, “so that they might cooperate with His management among man.” How should we interpret this point? Well, as God is performing each step of His work, what kind of work is He also performing amongst all things? They cooperate with each step of God’s work. What does “cooperate” mean? It means to do service for God in each age. In the last days, He commands all things so that they cooperate to serve His work of the last days. During the Age of Grace, God performed redemption work. He commanded all things so that they would cooperate with Him to serve His redemption work. What does “cooperate and serve” mean? Here is an example. As God is doing His work in the last days, the great red dragon surfaces and is mobilized. It captures and suppresses people and disseminates propaganda through its media. Through various campaigns, it obstructs people from examining the true way. It discredits the Church of Almighty God in China and in the world and causes people to abandon us. This is what it has done. The great red dragon and all things were mobilized to serve this work. This is called well-coordinated cooperation. Someone prayed, “God, hinder the great red dragon, do not let it oppress and persecute God’s chosen people. Do not allow it to beat down and convict the Church of Almighty God.” Is this prayer appropriate? This prayer goes against God’s intentions. God has done this work and has mobilized all things to carry out God’s management plan. The existence and mission of the great red dragon is to do service. Once its effectiveness is used up, it will be exterminated. God will then discard it.
God’s words are as follows, “And so, if you only acknowledge the doctrine that God is in heaven and in the heart of man, yet do not acknowledge the truth of God’s existence among man, then you shall never gain life, and shall never gain the way of truth.” So, where exactly is God? Why does God exist among man? God’s words have explained these matters very clearly. If you are a person who sincerely seeks the truth, after you have read God’s words, you should understand God’s intentions and why God does this. You will understand how God works and how He lives within man’s heart. You will know why He exists among man, what He wants man to obtain and, in the end, what results will be achieved. Once you understand these things, you will have a clear understanding of God’s work. Once you experience God’s work, you will have principles and you will know how you should experience it. Some people do not comprehend when they encounter the government’s coercion and persecution, “God, why do You allow them to persecute me?” They complain to God. Some people experience a death in their family. Perhaps their father or mother died, their wife died, or their son or daughter died. They complain to God and say, “Why did You allow them to die?” They do not know the answer. Do you now understand? Are you able to see through these matters? These are things that are used to perfect us. They help us understand the truth, understand God, understand God’s work and understand the way of the truth. After you have understood this, when you encounter trials, you will know how to pray. You will know what is complaining and what is bearing witness. You will know how to act in accordance with God’s intentions. You will know how to humiliate Satan the devil. You will be certain about the principles of practice. That is why these words are very important. Do not assume that a surface-level understanding of these concepts is sufficient. Do you think this means that you understand the truth? These concepts are the vision of God’s work. If you do not understand this, when you encounter trials and frustrations, you will not know how to deal with them. You will not know what God’s intentions are. If you do not know God’s intentions, then how are you to bear witness? You cannot bear witness. If you cannot bear witness, then all you can do is complain to God, resist God or betray God. This is a big problem. Do you understand?
God become flesh is called Christ,” what does “Christ” mean? Christ is the Savior. The Savior is Christ. “Christ” in Hebrew is Messiah. The Messiah is also the Savior. Why can’t we call God’s Spirit the Savior? Why is it that God incarnate can be called the Savior? The key is to understand that He can do this kind of work. When God is in heaven, you can call Him any number of names. You can call Him God, Lord, the Creator or the Savior. If you call Him the Savior, it is not practical. When God is in heaven, He cannot do the work of the Savior. If God were to do this work, how would He do it? God has to become flesh in order to do it. Once He is clothed in flesh He can express the truth and save mankind. He can save mankind from Satan’s influence, that is why only Christ can be the Savior. When God is incarnate, He is the Savior. He is the Lord that saves mankind. This is absolutely correct! However, God’s incarnation is the most difficult to accept. It is the most incompatible with people’s notions. For example, once people see God incarnate, the first thing they notice is that He looks very ordinary. The words that He speaks are those of a human language. His habits and customs are also those of a human. “How can this person be called God? He can’t, He can’t!” It is difficult for people to accept this. However, if this person can finish God’s work, save mankind from the domain of Satan and obtain mankind, then is this person not the Savior? This person is the Savior. He has completed God’s work and saved mankind from Satan’s domain. Those who have been saved are Christ’s witnesses. Christ is the Savior, Christ is God incarnate. He is the Savior revealed. His true identity is the Savior. He is God. This is absolutely correct! Someone said, “I have some notions regarding Christ. He is just a normal person. His external appearance, His emotions are all those of a human. He is exactly the same as a human. This is why I do not call Him God.” Is this correct? This is incorrect. You do not call Him God, yet He has completed all of God’s work. You do not call Him God, yet He has expressed the way of truth. You do not call Him God, yet He has perfected a group of people and obtained them. Whether or not you call Him God is not important. He has done all these things, and therefore, He is Christ. Does it matter what people’s notions are about this? It does not. Now, what kind of people do not have any notions of Christ? Those who truly understand the essence of Christ. Those who truly see that Christ expresses the way of truth, that what He does is saving mankind, and, in the end, He will get mankind cleansed and saved. These people no longer have any notions of Christ. Someone said, “Why did God let Christ have His humanity and appearance like that?” This shows God’s wisdom and disposition. Why do I say that this indicates God’s wisdom? If Christ were very lofty, too special, who would not believe? Everyone would believe! By making Christ look very normal, very average, so much so that most people would not even look at Him twice, God has concealed His great wisdom! What kind of wisdom did He conceal? The kind that only those who love the truth and have been enlightened by the Holy Spirit can accept Him. God does not let those that belong to Satan the devil easily accept Him. This “door” is under close guard! Is this not God’s wisdom? Christ’s external appearance, and characteristics are incompatible with people’s preconceived notions. This “door” is closely guarded. People allowed to enter are mostly those who truly believe in God and acknowledge that Christ’s word is the voice of God and the truth. No one who would believe based solely on external appearances will come into His church. This result can be achieved, right? This is God’s wisdom and it represents His disposition. God’s disposition is that no matter how much of the truth He expresses, He still will not show off Himself. God does not have an arrogant or conceited nature. Instead, He is quite low-key. This kind of disposition cannot be replicated by corrupt people!
Why is it said that Christ is the particular flesh that carries out God’s work in the last days? “Particular flesh” means that Christ was predestined to embody God. Could a corrupt person be chosen to undertake the work? Why is this not possible? Once he expressed God’s words, he would show off himself, saying, “I am God!” Once he did so, wouldn’t this bring dishonor to God? This would allow Satan to take advantage of the situation, would it not? The consequences would be severe. This is why the incarnate Christ is the particular flesh that carries out God’s work. There can be no other way. Nobody else could replace Christ. Therefore, though the image of Christ, God incarnate, does not fit into people’s notions, inside this there is God’s wisdom. This was all preordained and the most appropriate way to carry this out. Once you understand a little bit of the truth, and have some knowledge of Christ, you will feel that people’s notions and imaginations are extremely childish, laughable, silly and not worth mentioning. Look at how God works. He just takes on this flesh, it does not matter if all of humanity has grievous notions about this. Those who were preordained by God will return to God. Nobody can obstruct this. This is called God’s almightiness and wisdom. Look at those who are arrogant and conceited, who do not love the truth. Because God’s flesh is very plain, they say, “I will take a look at His flesh before I decide to believe. If I do not see Him, then I will not believe.” Aren’t these kind of people confined to being outside the door? They have been confined outside the door. Other people study God’s flesh. “If God’s flesh does not match my notions, then I will not accept Him.” That’s fine that you do not accept Him. You do not accept Him, then you will die. If you do not fear death, then you are done. It’s over. You’re just a hopeless person. Some people are opposed to this, “I will not obey. I do not believe He is Christ.” If you do not believe, then you will die. You will not die right away. You will see that Christ is the appearance of God, then you will die. Is God’s wisdom in this? God’s wisdom represents His administrative decrees. His administrative decrees are closely related to His wisdom. A good example of this is the man used by God. Externally, he is not very tall, he looks quite average. Someone said, “I will not obey!” Is there any point to not obeying? God said, “You do not obey. But I will not find another just because you will not obey. I will not replace him with another. It has already been determined earlier and it will never change!” What God preordains is heaven’s edict. Nobody can break this. Nobody can change what God has preordained. Those antichrists do not obey. In the end, it doesn’t work no matter what we say or how we try to communicate. They will be expelled or purged. That is the end of that. Ask them, “Can you obey?” “I cannot.” Then they will be expelled! Ask them, “Are you willing to repent?” “I do not want to repent.” Then they will be expelled! Isn’t this how they will be dealt with? It’s this simple. Someone said, “So I am expelled? Even if I get expelled I will not obey.” Being expelled from the church is basically a death sentence. Their body will perish when they encounter the great disaster. After they die, they will be sent to hell and there, they will pay the price. When they are in hell, is there anyone who can save them? There is no escaping hell. Nobody can escape God’s punishment. Once they go to hell, it’s over. Each day they are in hell, they will scream, “Save me, save me!” No one will respond. For those who do not obey anyone, what happens to them in the end? They will receive punishment. It does not matter what kind of person you are, whether you are a president, prime minister, chancellor or a hero. If you do not obey, you will die. This has been preordained by God. This is heaven’s edict. No one can break this. Therefore, when Christ comes in the last days, if you do not believe, if you resist, then you will surely die! Is this not God’s administrative decree? This is God’s public administrative decree to the entire universe. From the day God announced this, it is His public administrative decree. One of God’s statements reads as follows, “that is, except for those now within the stream, the rest will be turned to ashes.” What does this translate into? It means that it does not matter if it happens now or later, all who do not accept Almighty God will die in the end. They will be destroyed. This means that they will be set on fire and turned into ashes. When God destroyed Sodom, the people in the city were burned to ashes. Not even their souls remained. Everything was turned into ashes. This is God’s public administrative decree. So, when Christ comes in the last days, do you have your own notions? Do you dare resist? This was preordained. Even though He is just one person, with this appearance, He is Christ of the last days. After He expresses the way of truth, if you do not accept it, then you will die. If you do not acknowledge Christ, you will surely die. If you condemn or resist Christ, then it is over, you will surely die. What can we learn from this? God’s righteous disposition has been publicly revealed to all of humanity.
Now, the most important thing about experiencing God’s work is obtaining the truth. Once you obtain the truth, then you will obtain life. If you do not obtain the truth, then you will not have life. Without life, you will die. In the beginning, when I saw that God had appeared and started to work, I said that this was great. Now, those who accepted Almighty God would not die. They would be saved and enter into the kingdom of heaven. After going through many experiences, I found out that this was not the case. I discovered that there were quite a few people who had accepted Almighty God but did not love the truth. There were also quite a few people who only wanted to enter the kingdom but did not accept the truth. I said, “These people are finished, they will still die.” Afterward, I saw it happen. There really were some people who believed in Almighty God, who accepted Almighty God but did not seek the truth in the slightest. These muddled people died. Some died in car accidents. Others died from diseases. What does this say? Even if you accept Almighty God’s name, if you do not experience God’s work, if you do not seek the truth, you will die all the same. Right now, if you do not want to die, there is only one path for you. Which path is the way of life? Let’s read a passage of God’s words, “Christ of the last days brings life, and brings the enduring and everlasting way of truth. This truth is the path through which man shall gain life, and the only path by which man shall know God and be approved by God.” These words explain everything very clearly. What does God mention first? “Christ of the last days brings life….” Someone said, “Brings life? Where is this life that Christ is supposed to bring? Why do I not see it?” The next point is, “and brings the enduring and everlasting way of truth.” Some people say, “Way of truth, I can acknowledge this. God has expressed so much truth. So it is the everlasting way of truth.” After talking about this, they acknowledge that Christ of the last days brings life. What does “brings life” refer to? “And brings the enduring and everlasting way of truth.” “Enduring and everlasting way of truth,” here it says that the way of truth is enduring and everlasting, what does this mean? It means that whoever can obtain this way of truth will live forever. This is what it means. This way of truth does not mean you can just live for a hundred years or a few decades. Some people who hear this say, “This is not right. Man’s body has a time limit. If you live to 70 or 80, then you have lived a long life. If you live to 100 or more, well that is the limit. That is the longest of lives. If our bodies can survive to more than 100 years of age, that is already very good. It cannot endure much longer than that. Even if we obtain this everlasting way of truth, our bodies will not last forever. Maybe our spirit is able to.” Is this explanation correct? This explanation is incorrect.

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