Friday, September 21, 2018

Sermons and Fellowship About God’s Word “Only Christ of the Last Days Can Give Man the Way of Eternal Life”

Someone asked, “What is the longest our bodies can live?” Tell me how many years we can live, what is the longest lifespan. Can we live for three or five hundred years? Some people say that’s impossible. Wrong, the longest the body can live for is nine hundred years, as it is recorded in the Bible. Some people say: “I’ve never seen that, it’s impossible, seeing is believing, mere words are nothing but wind!” Is this correct? Is there anyone who gets younger as they get older in age? Have you seen this? Is this the truth in plain sight? The longer they live the younger they become; some people who are more than 80 years old appear to be only a bit over 20. Some people take one look at them and say, “Isn’t this person so young?” There are many both religious people and common folk who are more than 80 years old but appear to only be a bit over 40, there are quite a few of these people in Taiwan. Some people when they reach the age of 70 or 80, they will grow new teeth, their hair will grow black and their skin will become more tender. So on the basis of these facts, does the human flesh have an age limit? There isn’t a limit, right? This is a fact in plain sight! People can become young again. This is clear, so is there such a thing as immortality? Yes, there is. To live for 900 years is also a fact; everything that is recorded in the Bible is a fact. So for God all this is a very simple matter, for He speaks and it is done; He commands, and it stands fast. As soon as you have God’s blessing, your body can easily live for one or two thousand years; if you are without God’s blessing you will die somewhere between fifty and eighty years old from old age, so old that you are riddled with disease and are unable to move. Isn’t that all decided by God? This is surely obvious now! Can this prove that God is almighty?
Some people say: “Men are iron, but food is steel; if you don’t eat you will be mad with hunger.” Is this the truth? No, this is not the truth. If God allows it, one day you will not feel hungry if you don’t eat, even for a hundred years, isn’t this a fact? With God, He can make things become fact that don’t correspond with people’s imaginations and ideas. He speaks, and it is done; He commands, and it stands fast because God is almighty. So if one obtains all of the truths expressed by God and really finds the way of truth, will their physical flesh change? If it is God’s will, it will change instantly. For God this is an incredibly simple matter, therefore one day you will see a fact, the fact that some people can change into a spiritual body. Nowadays, people use all sorts of transport, ride bicycles, ride motor cycles, drive cars and take airplanes. “How did you come here today?” “By air!” The feeling of taking an airplane is so great. But the airplane is not a good instrument; they are instruments of pollution that do tremendous damage. In the eyes of God they are all not good things. With the spiritual body, as soon as you’ve thought of where to go you’re there. How great that is! Just see how after the Lord Jesus was resurrected He could walk through walls, appear and disappear wherever and whenever He wanted at a phenomenal speed. Does He really have a need to take public transport? What’s the point of saying all this? The point is we must believe in the words of God. God is omnipotent; the words of God can accomplish anything. As He speaks, it is done; He commands, it stands fast. Don’t always see and judge things according to the ideas and imaginations of humans. What are the ideas and imaginations of humans? As far as God’s concerned they are all hogwash. It says Christ “brings the enduring and everlasting way of truth.” If you gain the way of truth expressed by God, you will gain real life. It also says, “This truth is the path through which man shall gain life.” This way of truth is the path through which man shall gain life. All of the truths God expresses in the last days are the path to gaining life. If you want to obtain true life, obtain real life and eternal life you must pursue, accept and enter into the truths God expresses in the last days. The road to eternal life is found within all the truths expressed by God. If someone has believed in God for many years and never gained the truth, not in the slightest, then have these people gained life? No. If they haven’t then they will ultimately perish, their flesh only needs to fail and they shall die. Do you believe that true and eternal life exists? Do you believe that one can obtain the way of eternal life within the truths expressed by God in the last days? If you really believe, then can you still be relying on human imagination to judge things? You can set it aside, for in the eyes of God the notions and imaginations of men don’t hold water. They are not laws, still less the truth. Some physical laws are only temporary and some can change, if God wants them to change or break them He merely needs to say the word. In the material world some laws have already formed and have come into being, but with God none of them exist. For example, if someone wants to enter a room he must go through the door, he can’t walk through the wall. In the spiritual world does this sort of thing exist? God just needs to say a single word and any material thing will disappear into thin air, so some of the laws of the material world don’t exist in the spiritual world, they are not the truth. In the eyes of men all things that are born of flesh must die, but does this exist with God? In the eyes of God this is nonsense and is not the truth. So how long have the huge mountains existed? Are they dead? How long has the world existed? How long has the earth existed? They are not dead, anything that lives and dies is predetermined by God, some things will never perish. The life of God is everlasting. So would you say that an angel can die? How can you explain? So the laws of the human and material world are not the truth. With God all of them are false and He can change them however He likes, do you understand this? If you really understand this, then you really understand the truth. Some people don’t even understand this. You’ve been believing in vain! Sometimes I ask you, how long have you believed in God? Some will say, “Ten years or so.” You’ve believed in God for ten years but if you don’t understand this truth and haven’t seen this matter clearly, then you are truly ignorant. If you take the laws of the world of men, the material world as the truth, then you are idiotic and foolish. They are not the truth. Laws are simply laws; God never said that laws are the truth, right? God is the truth, therefore only when you pursue God can you understand many truths, and only when you know many truths are you a person who gains the way to eternal life.
Let’s take an example; some people say “I have some notions about Christ, why is Christ so normal? That sort of normality isn’t the truth and is not divine.” Is this correct? Are those ideas and concepts of yours the truth? They are not the truth; God is the truth. God has destined it that in the last days He puts on such a flesh, a flesh that is unique to God’s work in the last days. Can you change this? You have no way to change it. Every time God comes in the flesh, He comes as an ordinary man. The Lord Jesus was also an ordinary person, He wasn’t a high or noble person, nor did people look at Him as a God. He was just an ordinary person. If He said He was Christ or God, people would have their own ideas and concepts and wouldn’t have accepted Him. However, if He said He was just an ordinary person, a carpenter’s son people would accept that. Do people say and do things based only on what they see? Does the truth lie within people’s eyes? There is no truth within people’s eyes, people are blind to almost everything, they can’t break into the spiritual world, and they can’t even comprehend the laws of the physical world. So people rely solely on what they see with their eyes. This is absurd, foolish, and preposterous. People don’t seek the truth in many things; they merely rely on their own two eyes, is this right? What’s wrong with this? The problem is they don’t believe in the truth, they only believe in themselves. Why don’t people accept and practice the truth? Because they believe in themselves too much, they believe they know everything and all that they do is correct: Following the truth is not correct, I can’t practice the truth, I can’t do things based on principles, I must do everything only based on my own ideas, I will only handle things that are in line with my own ideas and imaginations. So these people believe in God for years but can’t ever practice the truth. What’s wrong with this? People who don’t practice the truth don’t believe in the truth, they deny the truth and only believe in themselves, they only think that their own philosophy of life is the truth.
Many people have believed in God for many years and heard a lot of God’s words and actually have understood some truths. They haven’t completely understood, but they have understood some truths, so why don’t they go ahead and practice the truth? What is the problem here? They just don’t believe and acknowledge the truth. They say, “The truth is just an idea, it’s just a notion, and it’s not really the truth.” They believe that their satanic philosophy and their own ideas and imaginations are the truth. So have these people gained the way of truth? No, they haven’t gained the way of truth. So, do these types of people have life? So now let’s understand a fact: What is the origin of the problem of all those who have believed in God for many years but don’t practice the truth in the slightest? The problem is they don’t believe in the truth, they don’t acknowledge the truth and they only believe their own satanic philosophy, their own ideas and imaginations are the truth, so whenever they do anything they rely solely on their own ideas and imaginations and their satanic philosophy. These sorts of people are those who have not gained the truth and are without life, and ultimately must perish. Do you understand? So why are those who are able to accept and practice the truth able to accept the truth? Why is it that once they understand the truth they are able to practice the truth? They are simple and pure, because they have real belief within them, “The words of God are the truth, and so act according to God’s words, or practice the truth after understanding them, and I am sure that God will be pleased and I can win His approval.” They believe in such a fact. So, do such people understand the truth deeply? Not necessarily. So, who can know the truth clearly without having years of experience? Anyway my knowledge is rather limited, I don’t fully understand, on a scale of 100 I understand around 1 or 2 points. So if one doesn’t fully understand, then why does one still practice the truth and put into practice what truths one does know? Why is this? Let’s consider this. Can you say that all who are able to practice the truth, however shallow or deep that practice may be, are fools? No. Why can those people practice the truth? They feel that truth is indeed a positive thing, that it is God’s words. This is certain, they understand it, that it is what God has said. Through the three stages in the work of the Age of Law, the Age of Grace, and the Age of Kingdom, there are some truths that are similar, only more profound with each stage, more obvious and distinct with each stage.
What does it actually mean to practice the truth? A capable man will recognize the positive aspects of practicing the truth. For example, when it comes to becoming an honest person, they will say: “An honest person is a genuine person with a genuine demeanor that pleases God!” When it comes to submission to God, they say: “It’s absolutely necessary. Obeying God is a positive thing. We should do it. It’s a basic principle. Everything that God says is the truth. Moreover, God is the Lord of all creation, and who among all His creations would dare to disobey their Creator?” And when it comes to submission to God’s work—His judgment and chastisement, trials and refinement, they say: “Humans are corrupt, and therefore they must accept God’s judgment and chastisement. This is the most basic principle there is. Humans are corrupt, so if they don’t face trials while undergoing God’s work, then how will they come to understand themselves? How will they be able to prove that they’ve attained the truth? How will God examine them to see if they have attained the truth or not? Humans must face revelation through trials!” They believe that in order to undergo God’s work, one must obey God and practice the truth. These are all considered positive things; they are what men should do, and what men can do. What about those who give offerings to God, people who strive to do their duty and receive God’s chosen people? What do they think about the truth? They don’t necessarily understand the depths of the truth. They just think, “I must receive God’s chosen people, I must do my best to do my duty. Receiving God’s chosen people is a positive thing that God praises, and I must follow God’s words. I don’t care how many hardships I’ll suffer receiving God’s chosen people. Regardless of how troublesome it could be in the future, regardless of what will come, the only thing I care about right now is practicing the truth. I seek to make God happy, so I will work to fulfill God’s requests.” This is how simple this kind of person is. It is his simple faith that allows him to practice the truth. What is this person like? He is a person who believes in the truth and recognizes the truth. He will not deny the truth. He says, “Whatsoever is truth, people must practice it. People must enact and fulfill the truth. People who do not practice the truth don’t deserve to be called human.” It’s that simple. Does this kind of person have an extremely in-depth knowledge of the truth, or of its meaning and value? No, they do not. None of them possesses this knowledge. If there are others who don’t have genuine knowledge of the truth, then why is it that some people can practice the truth while others cannot? What is the reason for this? God’s words fulfill themselves here. For one thing, there is a difference between true faith and false faith. There are people who God loves and there are people God hates. In addition, God will perfect some people, whereas others He will eliminate. This is the difference: Each person is different from the other. When some leaders and workers are pruned and dealt with, they can subsequently reflect upon their own souls. Through this reflection, they will come to understand themselves, and then they can feel genuine regret and truly repent. Other leaders and workers are disobedient in their hearts, no matter how you prune and deal with them. They do not carry out the truth and reject it like they always do. They bear no indication of this on the outside, but in their hearts they follow their own way; they reject what you say. “I don’t resist at all! What can you do with me?” What kind of question is this? This question bears a certain attitude toward the truth; your attitude toward the truth decides everything! Those who love and obey the truth will accept it when you prune and deal with them. But those who don’t love or accept the truth, no matter how you prune and deal with them in accordance with the truth, they’ll completely reject it. You have to coax them, and if you don’t, getting them to practice the truth is inconceivable. This is the difference between people. When you look at people from the outside, they don’t seem to be very different at all, but when you look at the essence of their nature and the quality of their humanity, the difference is enormous.
What is the significance behind seeking and practicing the truth? The value and meaning of the truth is extremely profound. Though we may recognize that the truth is a positive thing, absolutely, this understanding is too simplistic; this is the lowest form of understanding. Truth’s inherent value and significance is far too profound: It is the essence of life itself! Truth is not merely a positive thing; it can be a person’s life. Truth is a treasure; it is what God has and is! God bestows the being of His life upon mankind. God’s love for mankind is so vast, how could mankind even begin to fathom His love? God bestows His life upon mankind. He doesn’t give it to any other creature He created, He only gives it to mankind. This shows the depths of God’s love for humanity, a love that is beyond words, a love that defies description. If you look at the love between parents and their children, this is merely one love. “I’ve raised you, I’ve given everything I have to you.” Is this one little love bigger than God’s love for humanity? No. There is a huge difference! God has given His life to mankind, He keeps humanity as the apple of His eye, treating them as His own flesh and blood. God’s love is truly enormous! God made eternal plans for mankind so that man may live forever, so that man may live with God forever at God’s side and in God’s presence. That God made man is a subject of a profound significance. When God made mankind, His plan for man was completely different from His plans for all the other living things He created. This is why God came down to live, walk, and work among men. This is why God has never left man’s side since the beginning. These things are all part of God’s plan for mankind. God speaks truth so that mankind will accept it, experience it, obey it and obtain the truth themselves. This is how God perfects mankind. What fruit does God obtain in perfecting humanity? What is His goal? God’s goal is of profound significance. His goal is to allow man to accompany Him at His side, listen to His words, communicate with Him, obey His plans, and manage all the living things. This is God’s will for mankind. After God created man, He allowed Satan to corrupt mankind so that He could save mankind and attain this goal. At the time of man’s salvation, God will perfect mankind. God planned this all out step by step; all goes according to His management plan. God will successfully complete His work on His own appointed time. Nothing His creations could muster would be able to disrupt His plan, no matter what forces are at play. This is because God is the almighty Master of all things. In our experience of God’s work, we’ve seen the great red dragon’s fierce attacks in attempt to destroy God’s work. But what about right now? Isn’t the great red dragon ashamed? The great red dragon is ashamed, for it has no way to win. God’s work moves forward step by step. In the future, His work will flow even more freely than before. When the witnessing of God reaches its peak, His work will be finished, and the great disaster will come. This is how it will be. Before the great disaster arrives, humanity will be able to witness many acts of God. They will witness the fulfillment of all of God’s prophecies, and then they will witness and acknowledge the sovereignty of God. After humanity witnesses the fulfillment of God’s prophecies, they will witness God’s accomplishments. Once humanity recognizes God as the Master of all things, the great disaster will come.
Right now, practicing the truth is of the greatest urgency. Why do we say it is of the greatest urgency? Because those who don’t practice the truth have no work of the Holy Spirit. The more man practices the truth, the more the Holy Spirit will enlighten and illuminate them. Whereas those who do not practice the truth will be eliminated. Do you understand? Some people ask, “So if I practice the truth, will I have the work of the Holy Spirit? How does the Holy Spirit work?” Don’t you know how the Holy Spirit works by now? When you practice the truth truly and sincerely, your heart and mind will be facing God, thirsting for God’s word. After you read God’s word, you will be enlightened, and you will learn the path to practicing the truth. You will understand why God says what He says. This is the Holy Spirit’s enlightenment. Is this not God’s blessing? It is also true that when you sincerely practice the truth, you will have the presence of the Holy Spirit. When you genuinely practice the truth, you will receive God’s protection, and as a result you will not encounter many fiends or temptations. Thanks to the Holy Spirit’s enlightenment, you will know the way to practice the truth. When you encounter problems, you will be able to perceive them clearly, and they won’t seem as hard; you will not be bound or chained to your problems. Is this not God’s blessing? This is God’s blessing. When some people come to understand some of the truth, they’ll say, “Whenever I encounter a problem, my mind sees clearly, and I pray to God from my heart. Then I take some time to think things over. An ordinary problem will take 2-3 days for me to process, and a big problem takes 3-5 days to a week. But after taking some time to think about it, I can understand the problem clearly. I know exactly what to do and how to practice the truth.” Is this not the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit? Yes, it is. They say, “Whenever I encountered a problem before, even if I took several months to think things over, I’d still be confused, without a path. But now whenever I have a problem, if I think things over for just a few days, I am always able to find a path. I can see so much more clearly now, I am no longer bound and chained.” Such a person has God’s blessing and has received the work of the Holy Spirit. As a result, he will always have a path to follow. On the inside, he will be full of light, and the little darkness that remains will be much easier to resolve than before. In 3-5 days, he will be able to walk out of this darkness, things will be much clearer, and he will have a clear path to follow. This is God’s blessing. If you consistently practice the truth, you will understand more and more about the truth. You encounter many problems while going about your daily lives, but only a limited number of them can confuse you and trouble you. These problems can still confine and control you, and force you to fall in darkness. If you understand the truth and practice the way of truth, these problems won’t be able to trap or confine you for long. After a short while, you’ll be able to free yourself from these problems. If you practice the truth and know how to face the matters that weaken you and give you the most trouble, then what on earth could possibly trouble you anymore? Then you can say that you’ve attained freedom and liberated yourself from many kinds of problems.
Some people feel constrained by the prospect of marriage. By the time they reach 40 years old, they’ve yet to find a suitable partner. “If I don’t find one now, it’ll be too late. At 50 years old there’s no use having children because they won’t be able to take care of you in old age. Don’t I need to find a partner?” This person is stuck. After being stuck like this for 10 years, one day he’ll finally get it, and the truth will become clear. “Isn’t what happens to me when I get old all in God’s hands anyway? What’s the point of living in the flesh? What’s the point of worrying about those things? We’ve dedicated our whole selves to God. We believe in God, and we rely on God, and that’s all there is to it.” This person is no longer ruled by his problems, he sees right through them, and he can walk free. Some people are ruled by matters of life and existence, by marital affairs, by children, and they can’t escape these constraints. Some people are ruled by something in doing their duty and serving God, and can’t walk away from this. In fact, aren’t there just a few things that can constrain people and trap them in darkness? There are many things that people must bear, but not all of them can trap them in darkness. If you seek the truth amongst these constraints, you will be able to walk free. Some people say, “After many years, I still haven’t been able to walk free.” You’ve yet to free yourself and you know others who’ve yet to walk free. But do you deny that there are some people, a minority of people, who are able to free themselves from these constraints? Is this not true? Why don’t you seek the truth from these people, the people who have freed themselves? “How did you free yourself? Will you bear witness for us and tell us about your experience of the truth? We’re trapped here!” If this is how you seek the truth, will you be able to arrive at a solution to this kind of question? If you sincerely seek and practice the truth and genuinely have faith in God, you will be able to free yourself. Am I wrong? Other people can free themselves. They are human, and you are human too, so doesn’t that mean you are also capable of freeing yourself? That is, unless you don’t believe in God. It all boils down to a question of belief, doesn’t it? Some people become leaders and don’t think about themselves at all. They believe in God’s word, and they live their lives in order to bear witness for God. They do not think of themselves and they do not strive for fame or status. Is this not a true testimony? If this person can practice the truth like this, then why can’t you? If you really can’t practice the truth, if you are instead ruled by status and fame, then you must seek the truth from people who do not seek fame and status, and you must listen to their testimonies. If this person is able to free himself by walking the path, doesn’t it make sense that you will be able to free yourself by walking the same path? That being said, will pursuing the truth be easy regardless of what hardships a person may encounter? Are there many paths that lead to the truth? Surely there are many paths; there is not merely a single path to the truth. Within God’s word, you can also find a path. Through God’s word, you can come to understand the truth, attain the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit, and find your own path to practice the truth. You can also seek the truth from the experiences of your fellow brothers and sisters and find your own path to practice the truth. If you listen diligently to the sermons and fellowships of God’s family, you will be able to learn about ways of practice that suit you. There are three ways to the truth, at the very least. In addition to these, you can also find your own path. When you encounter hardships, pray to God and seek the truth, contemplate God’s word, and you will slowly be enlightened by the Holy Spirit, feel His light inside you, and you will be able to see your own path of practice. It simply takes a little bit longer to do it this way. Many people get confused and annoyed during this process. We all have our own, individual difficulties and hardships. The difficulties we face are not the same. But if you really are a person who genuinely pursues the truth, you will be able to walk free from those confusions. Do I not speak the truth? What I say is absolutely true, it’s not false in the least bit. Those who walked free from those confusions can all testify to how they triumphed over their adversities. I am not speaking blindly; I am speaking with their testimonies as my foundation.
Now are you willing to practice the truth? If you practice the truth and worry about troubles that may arise, or not getting anything good in return, what’s wrong with this? Because you lack the faith and the courage needed to practice the truth, you will not be able to suffer hardships you will encounter while doing so. I’ll give you an example. If you are persecuted by the powers at be, they’ll ask you, “Why do you believe in Almighty God?” Some people won’t dare to tell them why. This kind of person will deny that he believes in God and seek a way to evade the question. Satan knows how you think, and it will ask you directly, “Why do you believe in God? Will you deny Him? Answer me!” Some people don’t fear Satan at all, and they will tell it exactly why they believe in Almighty God. When they finish doing so, they will restate their position once more, “Not only do I believe in God right now at this moment, I will believe in God for eternity. I will believe in God even in death!” Satan will look at this person, knowing that it can’t trick him, and it will hate him. It’ll beat him up and say, “There’s nothing to be done about this one, there’s no use trying him.” Look, this person has already surpassed this obstacle. If you don’t fear suffering, you won’t suffer any additional hardships after making such a statement. But if you wish to evade suffering, if you wish to act like humans act, you’ll encounter even more trouble. On the other hand, if you do not fear death, these obstacles will be nothing to you, and you will walk free. Is this not the case? It’s that simple. People who serve God should not walk the path of the Pharisees or the path of the antichrists. Rather, we should walk the path of honest people, and do practical things in order to carry out God’s will. How can this be so difficult? If you just act without seeking fame and profit for yourself, won’t this suffice? Will you be able to attain it? Some people never do, and say, “This doesn’t work. I can’t act without seeking fame and status for myself, it’s not possible at all! If I serve as a leader, I have no choice but to do so.” Do these kinds of people really exist? Yes, and there are far too many of them. We imagine that these people only make up 10% or 1% of the leaders, but in reality, they make up 10% to 20% of the leaders at the very least. They are not few in number! This person acts for the sake of his own fame and status. If you ask him to act not on behalf of his own fame and status but to instead do some practical things to carry out God’s will, he won’t be able to do it. He won’t be able to let go of his fame and status. Is this not evil? Yes, this is what we call evil. If you ask certain people to walk the path of an honest person, they’ll feel like it’s harder than climbing straight up to heaven. It’ll feel as if you’re asking them to go to their deaths! Some people say, “Well, this doesn’t make sense at all, who wouldn’t want to become an honest person?” I’ll give you an example here. When something happens, you’ll say to him, “Tell me the truth about this matter, don’t lie. How do you really see it?” He won’t be able to say anything. Here, you designate a matter specifically to get him to clarify his perspective and speak honestly. It is like asking him to die. He won’t say anything by any means, will he? Aren’t there people like this? When you ask him about a crucial matter, “You tell me, that person is an antichrist, why did you take his side and cover up for him? Why did you defend him? Tell me! What did he say to you in private?” This is not a private matter and he still says nothing, won’t this kind of person find it difficult to practice the truth? It’s very difficult for him to speak the truth. Will this kind of person still be able to obtain God’s salvation? No, he’s totally finished. He does not uphold the work of God’s family, nor does he speak the truth. What people ask about is not his private affair, and he doesn’t dare to speak the truth or clarify his perspective. This kind of person lacks courage. Even worse, he is faithless, he is like worthless mud that can’t support a foundation, a completely useless piece of rubbish! You might meet people who appear to be extraordinary on the outside, they dress classy, their eyes twinkle, and are extremely spirited. But as soon as you try to make a person like this do his duty or do some form of concrete work, he can’t do it. If you try to get him to write an article, he’ll say, “I don’t know how to write a testimony.” What kind of person is he? Does he possess the truth? He doesn’t understand anything or see anything clearly. What kind of duty is this person able to perform? When all aspects of the principles have already been clearly communicated, how can he still not understand? How has he not found the path yet? What’s his problem? Lacking the truth is worse than being blind, and those without truth are unable to take a single step forward. This person has no way to do his duty effectively even if he wants to. It doesn’t matter what he does, because without the truth, he won’t be able to do it well. He won’t be able to do anything!
Now, some people are sincerely convinced. I said to someone once before that without truth, one is unable to take a single step forward. But he responded, “You say that without truth one is unable to take a single step forward, but I’ve been to many countries.” This person has no way to do his duties according to principle. “Oh, so the truth is like this. Since every duty is related to the truth, how am I not carrying out the truth by doing my duty?” Some people say, “I’m an old peasant, I can do all the work that old peasants do. I can even do the works of laborers. How could I not be able to do my duty well once I enter God’s family? How strange. It seems to me that the duties of God’s family are indeed connected to the truth. Writing an article is connected to the truth, attending a gathering and speaking during fellowship is connected to the truth, every work is connected to the truth. Now I feel that those without the truth are truly in a bad predicament, whatever they do they can’t do it well.” Many people say, “Before I was very smart, a very skilled person. How could I be a useless waste in God’s family? I won’t accept this.” But you must accept this. On the outside you might be very skilled, but when it comes to the spiritual matters in life, you have no experience, so you can’t do the work. Most people have experienced these things. Are you aware of how valuable the truth is? Having the truth as your life is an extraordinary and wonderful thing! If a person has the truth as his life, he will be a useful person, and a person with true humanity. Only a person who has the truth as his life can bear witness for God, fulfill his duty, be in accord with God’s heart, and carry out God’s will. But a person without the truth as his life can’t accomplish anything. He’s useless. Do you understand this by now? How is it that the antichrists will fall from power, suffer failure, be exposed and eliminated? It is because the antichrists do not have the truth as their life. They merely exploit their petty tricks and rely on their gifts. In the end they will fail absolutely and will suffer a crushing defeat. They will be exposed and eliminated. Why will false leaders be exposed and eliminated? They do not possess the reality of the truth, and speak letters and doctrines. They cheat and deceive God’s chosen people, and they will eventually be exposed. We are able to see them clearly for who they really are. So, if you lack the truth, you won’t be able to accomplish anything, even if you are elected as a leader you will be useless. Sooner or later you will be exposed and eliminated, unless you pursue the truth properly.
The most important aspect to attaining the truth is practicing the truth. How many truths are you able to practice right now? This is of crucial importance. Please speak about your experience. God’s family has a 20 Question Assessment About the Truth, and everyone has to answer those questions with their real experiences and testimony. When this test was first issued, many people were shocked. When they first looked at it, they said, “Good enough, I can answer some of the questions,” but once they put pen to paper and started to really answer the questions, no words came. They didn’t know how to write about it at all. In the end, they wrote for several days without success. These people are far too naive. This exam reveals whether or not a person has the reality of the truth. Now, are these 20 questions hard to answer? Is it complex? It’s hard to say. You may say it’s complicated, but in actuality, it isn’t that complicated at all. You say it’s superficial, but how come you can’t come up with all the answers? In actuality, those who have experience all say that this test is the bare minimum of the reality we need to have and what we need to practice in our daily life. If you genuinely practice the truth, if you really have experiences of the truth, then these questions will be very easy to answer. But if you don’t practice the truth from start to finish, and only occasionally follow the rules, then you’ll have no way to answer these questions, and this test will become an obstacle for you, an obstacle you will never be able to overcome. When you walk free from this obstacle you will be liberated and attain freedom, the reality of the truth. Can you walk free from this obstacle? Do you have faith or not? Most of you believe you can do so, this is excellent! If you are faithful, then you will be able to walk free from this obstacle, and you will surely be able to continue forward in your experience of the truth, and able to attain the truth and enter into the reality. A person who can do this will attain the life by undergoing God’s work in the last days. God will live in his heart and be with him! This person believes in God and places God in his heart, he has God inside of him, God dwells within him. This is a person who has perfect faith in God, a person who has attained God, and a person who has been attained by God.

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